Page 150 of Finding Delaware

Huckleberry: Maybe on the outside. Tell me what’s going through your head.

Me: ...are you saying my insides are nice and soft? ;)

Huckleberry: You’re impossible.

And yes, they are.

And tight.

And warm.

Shifting in my seat, I lift my knee onto the dash to hide the chubby he just gave me. Every time we’ve been together, he’s had his fingers inside me, slowly stretching, hitting that spot that has me coming like a geyser in under two-point-five seconds flat. In anticipation for tonight, I purchased a butt plug online which I may or may not be wearing right now, as a surprise for him. We both got tested last weekend, and I’m excited to take him bare.

Me: I bet they’d feel great around your cock.

Huckleberry: Do NOT give me a boner back here, it’s impossible to hide.

Me: Your fault for mentioning my insides.

Huckleberry: Can we tone down the screaming music a little? I have a headache.

Me: You are a headache.

But I switch it to Post Malone because I know how much Huck likes him even though he pretends he doesn’t.

Me: Better?

Huckleberry: I guess. Now tell me what’s wrong.

Me: Why do you think something’s wrong?

Huckleberry: Because you haven’t smoked in over two weeks, and you only do that when you’re upset.

Fuck, he’s got me there.

Me: Just something Xed said.

It’s fine. I’ll get over it.

Just let me be a dramatic bitch for a bit.

Huckleberry: Okay, princess.

Me: Fuck off.

Really, though, I am bothered by Xed’s words. What the fuck was he trying to say? My life is far from miserable. Maybe it was at one point...but things got better, evenbefore Huckslee returned. Am I where I want to be in life? Not particularly, but I’m no longer where I was either, and that’s what matters. And what’s so wrong with me wanting to help my friends figure out their bullshit? Isn’t that what you do for the people you love? It’s what they would have done for me, I’m sure, if they’d known about my dad. It’s what I wish someone had done for me. What I should have done for Huck.

So Xed can fuck off outta here because I’ll never stop caring about the shit he’s going through or any of them. I just wish he’d talk about it. Xed’s home life was almost as bad as mine when Matty’s parents took him in. Like Christian and I, the two have spent nearly every minute together since elementary school, and I know their bond only grew stronger when Hannah was born. Hell, Xed’s helped raise that little girl so far. It must be eating him alive that he’s losing them, but the asshole won’t speak up about it. He’s as stubborn as I used to be before Doctor Hart got me all up in my feels and cracked me wide open.

Shit, maybe that’s what he needs. A good crack on the fucking head to knock all that shit inside his mind loose.

Metaphorically, obviously.

...or is it?

My phone vibrates again, distracting me.

Huckleberry: You’re thinking so hard I can smell the gears turning from back here. Please tell me?