Page 169 of Finding Delaware


Huckslee has a boyfriend? Has he had one this whole time? Did he cheat on me? Am I the side piece?

Was this the reason he wantedto end things?

“Do you happen to have the address?” I croak, my throat feeling like gravel, and my lungs seize when Shawn shakes his head again.

“I don’t. Sorry, man, wish I could help.”

I’m full-on freaking out now, hyperventilating, fingers shaking as I lift my snapback and tug on my hair. I knew this was a mistake. I shouldn’t have come here. And now I just wasted fifteen hours of my life driving out to a state and city I’ve never been to before, completely alone and nearly broke, if I’m being honest.

God, I’m a fucking idiot.

Shawn eyes me with concern the longer I stand at his door, and he places a hand on my shoulder when small choked noises start to claw from my throat.

“You okay? Do you need me to call him for you?”

“No!” Jerking out of his touch, I shake my head quickly, turning toward the stairs to run back to my truck. “I-I’m fine. Sorry to bother you, forget I was here.”

He calls after me, but I run faster, reaching the cab and collapsing against the steering wheel, trying not to throw up all the junk food I’ve eaten. Jesus, I haven’t felt this way in years—not since Huckslee first left to come here. It feels like I’m splitting in half. My head is throbbing, blood roaring in my ears, and my chest is so heavy it feels like I’m being crushed. Without thinking, I pull out my phone and dial Logan’s number. He answers on the first ring.

“Hey, what’s up? Did you make it?”

“I fucked up.” It comes out as a strangled whisper, my throat too tight to speak louder, and Logan pauses momentarily.

“What do you mean? What happened?”

I lick my chapped lips, mouth dry. “He’s not here. I showed up, but he isn’t here.”

“Well, where is he?”

“I don’t know.” I’m so stupid. “I don’t know where he is, Logan, and I’m by myself and freaking out. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”

Fuck, look at me. I’m twenty-two, and I’m having a meltdown like a child, but I’m powerless to stop it. Can’t even remember the last time I did anything alone like this before. Don’t think I ever have.

“Do you want me to call him and find out for you?”

“Please, don’t. I don’t want him to know I’m here.”

More silence greets my ears, his steady breaths calming me a fraction. “Okay. Okay, I think I have an idea. This app lets us track each other’s phones in emergencies. I can get his location and send it to you. Would that help?”

That’s actually super smart. Should look into something like that for Salem, Arya, and the guys.

“Yeah, man, that’d help a lot.”

Part of me doesn’t believe what pretty boy Shawn said; I want to see what Huck is up to.

Could just call him and ask, says a voice in the back of my head that I should probably listen to, but I ignore it, misinterpreting the alarm bells ringing in my gut.

My phone pings a second later as Logan speaks once again. “I just sent it, but I really think one of us should call him. You’ve got me worried.”

“No, no, I’m fine. I’ll be fine. Promise. Thanks, Loge. I appreciate it. I’ll text when I find him.”

He says something else, but I miss it as I hang up and check my texts for Huck’s whereabouts. Entering the coordinates he sent me into the GPS, I’m relieved to find he’s only a few blocks away as I throw the truck into gear and peel out of the parking lot, speeding back the way I came. Pulling up to the address, I gape out the window at a large two-story brick frat house. A giant, hand-painted banner hangs from the balcony readingCONGRATS GRADS, and vehicles are parked all up and down the street.

What the hell is he doing here?

Luckily, there’s a spot nearby, so I parallel park the truck before making my way up the sidewalk toward the house. Music is bumping so loud that I hear it from down the street, empty cups and trash littering the front yard. A wide porch leads to two double wooden doors thrown open, and groups of people enter and exit. Some are smoking outside, others already passed out in the bushes. This is obviously a graduation party, judging by the homemade graduation caps people are wearing. As I step onto the porch, I scan faces for Huck but come up empty.