Page 118 of Finding Delaware

My brows pinch together.

Me: No you’re not

Taylor: Yes huh

A picture comes through, his hand flipping the middle finger with his room at his apartment in the background.

Ah, that room. I don’t know why I thought he meant his room here, at this house.

Me: Why aren’t you here?

Taylor: Where’s here?

Me: Our parents house. Easter Sunday dinner.

Taylor: Wasn’t invited.


Glancing up, I look around at all the members of Maisie’s side of the family.Hisside of the family. Why the fuck didn’t his own mother invite him? Why didn’t my dad? He should be here.

“Is Taylor coming today?” I ask Maisie, and she blinks as the room goes quiet.

“I don’t think so, dear,” she replies vaguely, slicing into the ham in the middle of the table, not meeting my gaze.

A frown pulls at my mouth. “Why not?”

She exchanges a look with Dad before shrugging, a tight smile on her face. “Oh, we figured he’d be busy with his biking thing. No big deal.”


Seriously, it sounds like the biggest crock of shit I’ve ever heard, and the words nearly spill from my mouth until I grind my molars to keep them in. I can feel Dad’s eyes on me, so I meet them, not bothering to hide the disappointment in him that I’m feeling for the first time in my life.

Logan bumps my shoulder. “What’s going on?”

“Taylor should be here,” I mutter, looking away from my dad. “This is his family too.”

He sweeps his gaze around the room before slowly nodding. “I agree.”

Turning back to my phone, I send Taylor another message.

Me: You shouldn’t have to be invited. It’s family.

Taylor: Oh? You missing me, big bro? ;P

I cringe so hard at that, it’s not even funny, but I ignore his Taylorisms and ask what he’s up to because I’d rather talk to him than anyone else.

Taylor: Puzzles

Me: Haha, funny

Taylor: You?

Me: Trying to get through this awkward dinner without discussing football or my life plans.

Taylor: Yeah, good luck with that.

Being the family pariah has its benefits. Nobody asks me shit.