Page 119 of Finding Delaware

Well, that’s sad as hell.

Me: What are your life plans Taylor?

A moment passes before I see the bubbles appear while he types.

Taylor: Become a muthafuckin freestyle legend.

Buy a house next to Christian and build a track in our backyard.

Maybe get a goat.

Me: A goat?

That makes me snort. Logan gives me a funny look, but I wave him off.

Taylor: Yeah one of those fainting ones.

Me: Most people want the house with the wife, kids and a dog.

Taylor: Dogs are cool. I’d rather have a ferret or something. I’m too lazy for walks.

Me: And the wife and kids?

I don’t even know why I’m asking or what possessed me to bring it up, but my palms are damp, and my heart is beating a little hard. He reads the text but doesn’t respond. Not for a while. I try to interject myself into the surrounding conversations, to focus on whatever my little cousins try to show me, but I can’t concentrate.

Finally, the phone buzzes, and I feel slightly dizzy.

Taylor: I’m with Salem on the whole marriage thing. Don’t really see the point in it, to be honest.

And I think I’d make a shitty dad, so kids are definitely not on the list.

Me: I don’t think so. You doted on Lasagna, and I could tell your rabbit is happy.

Taylor: Don’t know if you know this, Huckslee, but children and animals are entirely different.

Me: No shit, Sherlock. I’m just saying you have like, fatherly instincts.

Taylor: Fatherly, huh?

Me: Fuck off. I’m trying to compliment you.

Taylor: Why bother?

Sighing heavily, I rub my eyes before sending a gif of a cat waving a white flag.

Me: Let’s not fight, okay? That’s not why I texted. Truce?

He leaves me on read for ten minutes. Twenty. I help clear the table, chat with Logan and his dad, and even play tag in the backyard with my cousins. Two hours later, still no response, so I pull up my phone and create a group chat titled'Delaware'before adding Taylor’s number to it. Not even a minute passes before he sends a messagein the thread.

Taylor: Really, a group chat with just the two of us?

Me: This chat is Delaware. Fighting is off-limits.

Taylor: What do you want, Huck? I’m busy.

Me: With your puzzles?

Taylor: No, I’m about to get on my bike.