After work, Tina came up to me in the break room, a look of concern on her face.
“Hey, Grace. Can I talk to you. In private?”
I nodded. “Sure.”
We went outside in the back.
“I’m not really surprised at the news of you and Gavin. You two are so close.” She blinked, tilting her head as if uncomfortable. “But I just wanted to make sure you know what you’re doing. He is your boss and all. And he’s much older than you. And I know he’s always been in your life. Maybe it’s the mother hen in me, but I just want to make sure you weren’t…” She waved her hand. “You know, pushed into this in any way. I love Gavin dearly and trust him, but with you being so young and the circumstances. Being a mom myself, I always have that little nagging voice in the back of my head.”
I knew her intentions were in the right place. From an outside perspective, and in her shoes, I’d have concerns too.
“Yes, Tina. I understand. Our relationship is fully consensual if that’s what you’re asking. I wasn’t pushed into it or anything. And it started just recently. We fell deeply in love. He makes me so happy. But I can assure you, nothing ever happened before when I was younger. Growing up, I was actually closer to his late wife, Judy, to be honest. He was always busy working.”
“Good. Very good.” She put a relieved hand to her chest. “That’s exactly what I thought. I just wanted to be sure. I hope I didn’t offend you or anything.”
I shook my head with a smile. “No. Not at all. I appreciate your concern.”
“All that being said, I’m really happy for you two. You’re a trueG-Forcenow!”
I pressed my lips together. “You know about that?”
“Oh yeah,” she said, nodding. “We all do.”
I laughed with a blush.
In the following days, I packed most of my things out of Dorina and Vanessa’s condo.
“Thank you so much,” I said to them on my way out. “For everything.”
“It was our pleasure. I’m going to miss you and your amazing cooking though,” Dorina said as she hugged me. “But I’m really happy you’re with Gavin again. And that you’re moving in there. I need my bed back. You kick in your sleep.”
“I do not!”
“Want to see my bruises?”
My brows shot up with worry. “What? Really?”
“Oh my God. I’m kidding! You kick but not that hard.”
Vanessa hugged me next.
“I’d better see you and your man at the club soon,” she said, pointing a finger at me. “Did he fill out the paperwork yet?”
I tilted my head with a smile. I’d briefly brought it up with him, and while he seemed more interested than before, he was still hesitant. “I’m working on it.”
I glanced at Gavinin his white suit, complete with a vest and black collar. It was so low cut that his entire chest was nearly on display. I licked my lips, my body buzzing. I was tempted to have him pull over so I could devour him. He edged me the entire day. Teasing me, holding back my release. It drove me crazy, but I knew it’d be worth it when I finally came undone.
“I can’t believe we’re actually doing this,” I said with excitement.
“I know. And that I found this costume.”
“You look just like Travolta. The perfect Gony…” I giggled with a snort. “I meanTony.”
He laughed as we pulled into the parking lot of X-PLORE.