“Well, in the meantime, we’ll get plenty of practice.”

After we got home, we sat the girls down and informed them of our romantic relationship.

“So are you two gonna get married?” Mackenzie asked, clapping her hands. “You have to get married soon!”

Gavin and I glanced at one another with a grin.

“One step at a time. For now, Grace is my girlfriend, and she’ll be living here with us.”

Their faces lit up.

“Really?” Mackenzie exclaimed. “You’re gonna live here?”

I nodded. “Yes, really.”

Mackenzie continued to cheer while Charlotte came up to us with a calm smile.

“I’m really happy for you two,” she said, whispering in my ear. “Told you.Meant to be.”


My heart drummed with excitement on Monday morning. It’d be our first day working together after our break. While only about three months, it had felt like I’d been away from the office for an eternity.

After I put on some mascara, my phone beeped.

Gavin:The disco bus leaves in five :)

I laughed, then walked around the house to look for him.

I texted him back.

Me:Hehe. Where are you?

Gavin:Garden. These thirsty plants needed a drink.

Before we left his driveway, he held his fist out, and I pushed against him three times with a steady final grind.

“G?” he said with a nod.

I smiled. “Force.”

“For life,” he said.

“For life,” I repeated, my heart fluttering. “I like that.”

“Figured it was time for a new addition.”

Gavin had ordered Portuguese chicken and picked up dessert for the office to celebrate my return. After lunch, he stood and announced our relationship while everyone enjoyed the chocolate cake and macaroons. There were some surprised faces, but overall, it was well received. He assured everyone that nothing about our dynamic would change—I would remain his assistant. In private, he had briefly mentioned the possibility of a partnership in the future, but for now, we agreed to take things one step at a time.

“By the way, I have something extra special for you. In my office,” he whispered. I rolled my eyes. The man had no shame. “Really? I know we’re out, but—”

He laughed. “Notthat.”

On his desk sat a small box. Inside was a white cupcake with a peach made of frosting on top.

“It’s peaches and cream. When I saw it, I knew I had to get it for you.”

I smiled, placing a small kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.”