I explained the bad press, then the increase in security. “And it’s not all twenty-four seven orgies. It’s so much more. It’s about sexual exploration, kink discovery, self-expression, building bonds, and finding community. Honestly, it’s kinda like family there.”
“Family, really?” She shook her head in disbelief.
I nodded. “Believe me. I wouldn’t be there if it was unsafe or over the top.”
“All right. If you say so. But I’m still mad at you.”
“Too mad to enjoy the tres leches cake I made especially for you, Birthday Princess? Fresh whipped cream and cinnamon on top.” I licked my lips with exaggeration.
She rolled her eyes with a sigh. “God. No, dammit. I’m definitely not that mad...Come here,pollita.”
She wrapped her arms around me, and I squeezed her tight.
After I sang “Happy Birthday” and Dorina blew out a candle, I cut us each a huge slice.
“Grace. This isso good.What did you put in it? I taste a hint of citrus or something.”
“I added vanilla and orange peel to the milk mix.”
“Damn. That’s it. I think I’m in love with you. Or the cake. Or both.”
I laughed.
“Too bad you can’t get another job as a baker,” she said.
“Yeah, right. Nowthat’sstressful.”
She took a bite of cake. “By the way, does Gavin know about your job at X-PLORE?”
I put my plate of cake on the coffee table, then put my hands over my face as the memory of our kiss flooded my brain.
“I have to tell you something.” I looked up at her, wrapping my hands over my neck. “I think I might be developing feelings for him.”
“For Gavin?” she said, surprised.
“Yes.” I sighed. “We kissed.”
Her eyes turned into saucers. “You kissed Gavin?Whoa. When did this happen?”
“Yesterday. He came by unexpectedly. He wanted me to fix his daughter’s iPad. And I was upset because I broke one of my mom’s collectibles.”
“Oh no!” she exclaimed with a wince.
“Yeah. As you can imagine, I was a mess. Crying and everything. He comforted me, holding me in his arms, and then before I knew it, he put his lips on mine, and we were kissing.”
“Damn.” Dorina nodded, taking it in. “But I have to admit, I’m not that surprised. You guys spend so much time together. Plus, I must say, he looksreally goodlately. Especially when he came over that day with the bagels. He’s stepped it up.”
“I know,” I grumbled. As if I needed a reminder.
“I definitely picked up a vibe that day. I was going to say something to you, but I didn’t want to put the idea in your head or make you uncomfortable.” She paused as she took another bite of cake. “How was it?”
“The kiss?”
“Yes. Was it weird? Was itgood?”
I sighed. “It was the best kiss of my entire life. I felt things I never have before. I don’t know what’s going on, but lately, I want more for the first time in my life.”