"Bhai... please, only you or ma stay with me here... or Dr. Sangeeta is fine too...", she said and Ranveer nodded, throwing a dirty glance at Abhyansh's way, who understood his wife's meaning behind her words, she made it clear, that she doesn't want to see his face, and if that's what she wants, he would give her that for now...

"I won't show you my face if that's what you want... just take care of yourself...", Abhyansh leaned whispering into her ear, before kissing her forehead, she closed her eyes avoiding looking at him... everything is too much for her and she doesn't want to think about all these things and make it life threatening for her... she needs to think thoroughly before deciding on anything and for that, she needs a break from her husband... she didn't know his reasons for his words, but she needs time until she finds out all the truth.

Abhyansh walked away, and Amruta walked in with lite food, Abhyansh who spotted his mother at the entrance of his chamber, stopped her, took a spoon, and tasted it to see if it was according to his wife's taste or not... on seeing it was not, he glared at his mother, before taking the bowl of porridge to the kitchen, stunning his mother, she stood at the entrance only, no one is allowed to see him cooking except for his wife... well, he isn't ashamed, but he would like that fact to himself and his wife. That's his private thing... he adjusted the taste then gave it to his mother and walked away before she could ask him to eat something...

Amruta made Isha eat and then Ranveer ruffled her hair and she slowly drifted to sleep. This continued for a couple of days and Isha kept recovering slowly. She completely avoided Abhyansh, she didn't even talk about him to anyone, Ranveerdidn't understand what is going on his sister's head... he kept bashing Abhyansh in front of her but she didn't respond, neither positively nor negatively, she just listened, didn't even ask him to shut up which surprised him a lot. He understood that she is too hurt to even respond now...

Ranveer called Sangeeta to the BEAST's study to ask about Isha's condition...

"Sangeeta... how is she now??", Ranveer asked anxiously

"I'm sorry Ranveer, I tried a lot, but she doesn't want to talk about it, she is even hesitant to utter her father's name... I never saw her like this in the previous sessions, even though she refused to say anything about the issue, she did say a lot about how she felt, but now... she is completely closed off, and let me tell you, this is not a good sign...", Sangeeta said sighing, Ranveer nodded, she bowed in front of the king and left from there...

Her words pushed Abhyansh into deep agony and every second was like a year, he felt like hurting himself badly but that would only worry his wife, who is currently avoiding him like a plague. He didn't want to lessen his ache even a bit by hurting himself physically, he deserved every bit of pain and distress he is facing, but his wife didn't deserve even an ounce of hurt and pain she had suffered. Only if he could take her pain away, he would bear a thousand deaths to do that but unfortunately, he couldn't and his helplessness pricked his heart every second.

Ranveer is now determined to take his sister away from Abhyansh. He stormed off the study leaving the beast to face his own demons. Ranveer picked the documents he got made on his way. Abhyansh too walked to their bedroom to checkon his wife... it's been a habit, he stares at her for a long time standing just outside the door to make sure she is doing fine... he remembered the earlier days of their marriage when he used to stare at her like that when she is asleep as he didn't want to show that he cared for her... they have come far from there but he had to destroy everything again... he never hated himself as much as he did that moment...

"Ishu... bacha, listen to me... come with me to Rajput palace, divorce him", Ranveer said but there is no response from her like always... Ranveer's words generated unexplainable fury in Abhyansh but he could do nothing. His wife didn't want to look at his face and as much as that fact pained him, he understood where she is coming from, and he decided to give her anything she wanted... he just hoped she wouldn't go away from him... that's all he could ask for... even the thought of living a life without his wife scared him...

"What the hell is wrong with you Ishu... why won't you divorce him??", Ranveer asked his sister holding her chin, but she turned her head avoiding looking at her brother... "this man almost killed you, you still want to stay with him??", Ranveer questioned his sister seriously, who sat there like a stone without answering him... "Ishu... please divorce him...", he said, BEAST's eyes reddened with fury but he was waiting for his wife's reaction... one word was all he wanted to hear but it never came, it's been days but she didn't utter a single word to him, didn't even show any interest in seeing him or knowing about him. She was never this distant to him, not even when he used to torture her, then he saw her every day, she used to serve him breakfast and dinner religiously, she used to make sure that he ate to his heart's content, and reminiscing those moments felt heavenly to Abhyansh now... "Ishu... these are the papers to file the petitionfor divorce, sign them", Ranveer said handing the pen to his sister, but she threw the pen with the same calm expression but it made Ranveer burst into fury...

"I seriously don't understand why you both are so adamant in being with the people whom I strongly disapprove of, you wouldn't divorce this b**t**d for anything in this world and Vik would leave anything for that bi**h. Why are you both torturing me like this??", Ranveer shouted without noticing the BEAST standing just outside the room...

"Get Out Bhai...", she said calmly but Ranveer knew she meant it, he too needed to calm down before talking to her again, so he rushed out and she shut the door on his face following him...

As soon as the door was shut, a punch landed on Ranveer's chin...

"I told you... never try to separate my wife from me....", Abhyansh said trying hard not to shout so that his wife wouldn't find out... though their room is soundproof, his roar could break any noise-cancellation technology... he is aware of it...

"You don't deserve her... I won't let her live with you...", Ranveer said throwing a punch, both the men fought like dogs and Ranveer is the most injured but his fury didn't let him cool down despite the injuries...

Avyan who came to check on his Bhabhi sa is stunned to see these alpha men fighting like animals...

"Bhai sa... Ranveer... please stop... if Bhabhi sa gets to know, she wouldn't....", Avyan's words are in the air when he saw Isha standing there with a calm face but her tears gave away her pain... "Bhabhi sa...", Avyan whispered, hearing him, Abhyansh and Ranveer pulled away from each other instantly...

Isha walked to her husband first, looked at his injuries holding his face and hands... Abhyansh looked shocked, happy, hurt, pained, and many other emotions, she looked at him, and touched him after more than a week... he couldn't contain his happiness... she turned to her brother and observed his injuries without giving away her expressions...

"Avyan... can you please do first-aid to my brother??", she asked calmly...

"Yes, Bhabhi sa...", Avyan said collecting the first-aid kit that was present in the hall...

"Ishu... listen to me bacha, don't get angry...", Ranveer started but Isha shook her head...

"I don't want to talk to you now bhai, go with Avyan and get them treated first", she said in a tired tone...

"Rana sa... I need to talk to you, please come in...", she said turning to her husband, Ranveer is hurt that even after all this, his sister gave preference to her husband, but he kind of expected this, he just sighed and left with Avyan...

Abhyansh knew something is off with his wife... why is she suddenly talking to him ?? Definitely not because of forgiveness or something of that sort... he walked behind her with a bad feeling that was running inside him...

She asked him to shut the door after he walked in and he did as asked...

"I'll ask you a few questions, can you please answer them ??", she asked him leaning her head on the bed not looking at him, she didn't want to see her husband after what had happened...

"Yes, but firstly, let me apologize... I'm so...", he started but she cut him off...

"Your sorry won't fix anything Rana sa... just answer my questions please", she said in the same calm tone and he nodded...

"You hate my father ??", she asked and he sighed closing his eyes... he didn't want to say anything that could trigger her pain...