"Let's not talk about it, you are not yet recovered...", he said
"I'm completely fine, I need to know these things... please answer", she asked sternly, enough is enough, she gave enough time for her husband to tell her the truth... not anymore...
"Yes...", he said and she closed her eyes to cope up with the truths that are going to be revealed today...
"Why ??", she asked again...
"I can't tell you", he said and she sighed
"Why ??", she asked again...
"PleaseIsha...not now... I'll tell you one day, but that can't be today", he said, if he started uttering that past, he wouldn't be able to control his fury and he didn't know how would his wife handle the truth... she is just recovering from her mental traumaand the past is too ugly for her to bear, her father's truth would shake her from within, at least that's what he thought...
Hearing his tone, she understood he is determined not to say anything about past so she let it go, she didn't have any energy to handle it now...
"One last question... is this the reason why you tortured me ??", she asked and the fear and dread in his eyes gave away the answer but she wanted to hear it from him... she knew his answer would break her but still she wanted to hear it... "let me rephrase my question, is your hatred towards my father the reason why you treated me that way in the initial days of our marriage ??", she asked
"Y...Yes", the man who hated when people fumble, stammered for the first time... Isha closed her eyes and a small tear escaped her left eye followed by a series of sobs, Abhyansh moved towards her to console but she moved back...
"Please stay away from me...", she said wiping her tears...
"You know, once ma asked me, if I would ever give our marriage a chance... then I told her, I would when you give me a reason to do so, I also told her, I wouldn't break it either until you give me a reason to do so...", she said and he looked at her wide-eyed, why is his wife talking as such ??
"Rani sa...", he started but she cut him off...
"My bhai... Rana sa... you had hurt me, my dignity by making me your slave, you did unforgivable things to me, courtesy, your hatred for my father, reasons unknown to me... even those cruel things of yours didn't break me as much as witnessingmy prideful brother on his knees begging you not to hurt his sister did", she said her eyes red with fury... she always thought he had some good reason to hurt her, maybe she might have caused great damage to him, every time she recollected how her husband made her brother go on his knees, she hated that sight and memory but always thought there was some good reason behind it but the reason shattered her today. "You stripped him of his dignity... I would never forgive you for this... I don't know what are your reasons for hating my father, and neither you are ready to tell me those... I'll find them soon, but even if you have valid reasons for hating my father, you weren't right in torturing me or hurting my brother... why did you hurt him now ??", she asked, though she didn't witness the fight right from the start, she guessed her husband might be the one who started the fight...
"Because he asked you to divorce me...", Abhyansh said, rage filling his eyes even thinking about it...
"You do not have the right to lay even a finger on MY Brother... Rana sa...he is my brother, you cannot hurt him... he was just looking after his sister...", she said furiously... her words sliced his heart... the way she said 'My Brother' owning it, she never talked about him that way... the importance she gave Ranveer is something he always craved from her, but never got, yes, she loved him a lot, but she never owned him, there are always boundaries between them and he was to be blamed for it solely... he gave her some unforgettable scars...
Looking at the hurt in her husband's eyes made her tear up but this was necessary, she had had enough of it. She needs to get away for some time to think straight.
"I need a break, I'm going to Rajput palace...", she announced after a 5-minute pause shocking him...
"No, you are not, if you need a break, I can stay away like I have been for the past few days...", he said
"I said I need a break... either this or maybe we can file a divorce", she said calmly
"RANI SA...", he called in his dangerous tone, her heartbeat raised hearing his calm yet cold tone... "don't... don't bring that word again... I started becoming a human for you, don't turn me into an animal...", he warned, the word divorce makes him lose all his senses, right now, even after his wife's ignorance, and cold behaviour, despite the distance between them, amid the amount of regret and guilt he was having for hurting her, the only thing that's keeping him sane is the fact that she is his wife, he doesn't even want to imagine a day when she won't be called his wife anymore... that day would be the last day of his existence he thought.
He slowly walked towards her and cupped her cheek fondly kissing her forehead...
"If Abhyansh Singh Ranawat didn't exist in Isha Abhyansh Singh Ranawat, then he wouldn't exist anywhere else", Abhyansh said staring into her eyes, which teared up hearing him... he loved her too much, she can say, but unfortunately, his too much of love couldn't stop him from hurting her or her loved ones...
"Let me go, please", she begged
"No... I can't...", he said shaking his head
"I want to go, I'll be back one day, but for now, I want to go... the day I feel you won't hurt me anymore, the day I feel there are no secrets between us, I will come... just before my panic attack, I trusted you too much to even disclose to you my biggest fear and trauma, but that trust is no more there within me, when I regain that, I will come to you", she said, tears escaping her eyes, she lied, she lied that the trust is evaporated, strangely she trusted her husband the same, but she wouldn't be able to talk to him properly about things until she knows his past and all the things that are hurting him...
He needs to let go of his insecurities and reveal his past to her, while she has to stay away from him to clear her head and also to make up for all the pain she and her brother suffered...
"I would do anything other than letting you go...", he said, his eyes vulnerable...
"I want to leave...", she said adamantly...
"Isha...", he started but she shook her head and moved away...