"She is getting better, Your Highness... her unconscious state is helping her recuperate", Dr. Sangeeta said... Rajmata Devyani Devi nodded before shifting her gaze towards her grandson who looked broken, he looked very normal with his cold and sternfacade to everyone but she could see him from within... for the first time in a long time, she felt as if she is near her grandson, not a ruthless king Abhyansh Singh Ranawat...
"Maharaj... I think you need to get out of this room, doctors and even Rani sa's brother are here to look after her... there are some matters that need your attention", Rajmata Devyani Devi said gathering courage... Avyan and Amruta admired the lady's courage to actually advise the BEAST. She wouldn't have dared if she didn't see Bhairav tensed, that man gets tensed rarely, he is very capable of handling the toughest of the tough things but looking at him worried a bit gave her the whole picture and her experienced eyes weren't wrong... the men they recently got in their den that killed Abhyansh's man responsible for the European continent's business died after bearing the torture... now, the main culprit who ordered the assassination of Abhyansh's right man wanted to talk to Abhyansh as soon as possible or else he would announce a war... and there is no way he could communicate this to the king who is madly wounded looking at his wife's condition.
"Rajmata Devyani Devi still couldn't stop meddling with others' business I see...", Abhyansh said coldly, a shiver passed through the elder woman's spine but she pretended nonchalant and her confidence was what stunned everyone in the room despite the BEAST's wild tone...
"I never did in the past 17 years, if I'm doing it now, it might be necessary...", she replied confidently, and Abhyansh for the first time from the moment they came in, turned to them and looking at the seriousness in his grandmother's face, he understood there's something serious that requires his attention...
"Avyan... be here with your Bhabhi sa, till I return, along with Rajput, rest all can leave the room", he ordered getting up... he trusted only his brother with his wife apart from his wife's brother around her...
"Ji(yes) bhai sa", Avyan bowed and Abhyansh walked out giving one final glance to his wife... Amruta wanted to ask his son to eat but couldn't dare.
As soon as he walked out, Bhairav approached him detailing the problem at hand, Abhyansh asked Bhairav to arrange a call with their counterpart in Europe. The talks went till midnight, every one hour he kept checking with Avyan about his wife's condition... finally, at 3 AM in the morning, the talks ended, Abhyansh got successful in stopping the gang war, or 'postpone' would be a better word, whatever maybe the situation, people still are terrified of the BEAST, and that helped him in achieving some talks in his favour...
There is no way in hell he is flying to Europe leaving his wife in this condition. He walked to his chamber and saw his brother sitting on a chair beside the bed and adjusting the saline drip of his wife while Ranveer sat on the bed holding her palm in his and ruffling her hair...
"I'll stay with her, both of you, go and rest", Abhyansh said entering the room...
"No, I'll stay here too...", Ranveer said
"You look messed up Rajput, go and freshen up, take a nap, you can come after a couple of hours...", Abhyansh said but Ranveer didn't budge... "I'll make sure she sees you as soon as she wakesup... now go", he said and Ranveer nodded as he needed some rest badly...
"Bhai sa... shall I bring some food for you??", Avyan asked looking at his brother who rubbed his head due to a headache... things got messier both at work and home... he didn't care much about work as he knew he is capable enough to handle anything at work but when it came to his wife, all his capabilities seemed just waste.
"No", he said sitting beside his wife and ruffling her hair...
"You didn't have anything in the last 30 hours...please have something...", Avyan pleaded, he prayed his brother wouldn't kill him for interfering in his business... "seems like you are having a headache too", he added seeing his brother rubbing his throbbing head with his left palm while his right palm still ruffled his wife's hair
"Avyan... only your Bhabhi sa's coffee could cure me and I'll wait for it", he said shocking Avyan, did his brother just express his feeling to him?? "Go and rest, tomorrow you need to handle a lot of things at the office since I won't be coming in for a couple of days", Abhyansh said and Avyan nodded in affirmation, bowed down to his brother and left from there...
It's been 2 days but Isha is unconscious, Dr. Sangeeta kept assuring them that it's fine... Abhyansh didn't leave the room at all, he sat with her all the time except for the time he went to the temple to offer prayers to his Shiv ji... Amruta is extremely worried for her daughter-in-law as well as her son who had been starving himself for the past 4 days...
Finally, everyone sighed in relief when Isha came into consciousness... she slowly opened her eyes, Abhyansh who sat with her till then, suddenly moved away as he didn't want her to recollect all her sufferings looking at him...
"Ishu... how are you feeling bacha...", Ranveer asked...
"Bh..bhayyu... wa..water...", Isha asked, before Ranveer could reach out, Abhyansh gave the water glass with straw to Ranveer who made Isha drink water... after which she gained some energy...
Isha looked at her brother and assured him with a micro smile, then her eyes fell on Vikram who looked relieved seeing her awake... then she looked at her mother-in-law who is crying looking at her daughter's condition and her brother-in-law consoling her...
"Ma... I'm fine... do..don't cry", Isha said softly... she extended her palm to Amruta who took it and sat beside her...
"Don't scare me like this again... stupid girl...", Amruta said... Abhyansh frowned at how his mother called his wife all that but he didn't have the audacity to talk in front of his wife, he is extremely anxious and afraid of her reaction to him... what if she doesn't want to look at him...
"Sorry ma... ", she said and turned to her brother-in-law who looked equally worried but trying hard to cover it... "Avyan, come here", she said and Avyan came nearer and sat on the bed beside her... she signed him to lower a bit, and he did, she softly ruffled his hair saying "I'm fine... stop worrying so much", she said and he nodded, a small tear escaped his eye which he quickly wiped... his sister-in-law mattered a lot to him... hecouldn't bear seeing her in pain or hurt... Abhyansh looked at his brother and mother who are receiving so much attention from his wife, feeling jealous and at the same time happy to see their bond...
"I'll go to office...", Avyan said and Isha nodded, she wanted to ask about her leave and Avyan understood this... "don't worry, I informed Ragini that you are feeling a bit sick, so won't be attending work for a few days...", Avyan said and Isha nodded with a small smile... Avyan left for work after this...
Dr. Sangeeta advised giving lite food to Isha after checking her condition and Amruta went to bring that food, Ranveer, Abhyansh, and Vikram are the only ones in the room along with Isha now...
"Vikram... go and take care of Aryan, I'm fine now", Isha said but Vikram shook his head saying he is fine... she observed the cold air between her brother and Vikram and sighed...
"You are still mad at us bhayyu??", she asked and Ranveer sighed...
"No bacha... I can't be mad at you for long, I'm sorry, I left you when you needed me the most...", Ranveer said, hugging her tightly...
"bhai... I'm fine now, stop getting worried for me...", Isha tried to console him though she is anything but fine... Isha knew her husband is looking at her anxiously, but she purposely avoided looking at that side...
"Hm... okay, now eat something and then take some rest...", he said and Isha nodded...