"bhai sa.... bhai sa... bl...blood", the kid said with fright, looking at the blood flowing like a river from his brother's blood...
"Sh... it's nothing, don't worry... don't look there...", the young boy lifted his brother in his arms and walked away...
"Avyan... what's wrong??", Isha asked worried seeing his brother-in-law's tearful eyes...
"Nothing Bhabhi sa, I'm too happy...", Avyan said... "let's see what your brother and friend have gifted you, and then you will rank the gifts, okay??", Avyan said and Isha nodded opening the gifts... she loved the bracelet her brother got...
"Bhai, help me wear it, not now, tomorrow before going to the office", she asked and Ranveer huffed
"Ishu... you are plotting against me a lot these days... I know what you want, but no, I'm not gonna stay here for the night", Ranveer said
"Bhai... please, if not you, who will drop me at the office tomorrow", Isha said trying the emotional blackmail angle...
"Bhabhi sa, from now on, I can take you to the office, we both have the same destination and since now I got my parking in B4, there is no fear of someone seeing us", Avyan said and Isha nodded... she doesn't want her brother to go back this late... Rajput palace is far from there and it takes at least 1.5 hours, and he also had to talk to her father-in-law, it would get him more late but her brother wouldn't listen to her... she is afraid from the time of his accident, it scares her and she couldn't breathe properly until he calls her and says he reached and is fine.
Isha shook her head and opened Vikram's gift, which has all the things needed for a designer... high-quality fabrics, art supplies, fashion books, magazines, and sewing accessories.
"Woah, he is good, so thoughtful, he might have struggled a lot to get you these Bhabhi sa", Avyan said
"Yeah, I helped him with finding most of them...", Ranveer said
"Bhai... you and Vikram are the best, thank you", Isha said side hugging her brother...
"Okay, now let me go and talk to your father-in-law", he said getting up...
"Ha, I forgot to ask, what do you have to talk to him??", Isha asked her brother...
"Something you shouldn't know", Ranveer winked at his sister and walked away...
"Bhai... you always do this...", Isha whined, Ranveer laughed and walked away... Avyan too bid his sister-in-law 'good night' and left from there followed by Isha... she is carrying her gifts, the servants asked if she needed any help but she shook her head and took everything on her own...
She entered her chamber, Abhyansh who would usually be working in his home office/Study or the study in his chamber, sat on the sofa in the living room-like area which is just after entering the chamber... he quickly stood up seeing her struggling to carry so many things and helped her with them...
"Why didn't you ask the servants to bring these here??", Abhyansh scolded her... the thought that she carried all these alone angered him...
"Its fine Rana sa...", she said with a smile, he knew its late and she wanted the servants to rest enough since they are working right from morning, but what about her?? She is working from morning too, why can't she think about herself at least once, he thought.
"It's their work to do all these...", Abhyansh said and is about to shout for someone but she stopped him...
"They asked me, I was the one who didn't let them... calm down, it's not a big deal", she said rubbing his arm and he glared at her...
"Where is your brother?? And he teaches me lessons on how to treat you", Abhyansh scoffed... "and Avyan?? What's wrong with him?? How can he let you carry all these, I'll have to teach him a lesson", Abhyansh started, Isha told him that her brother and brother-in-law didn't know but he went on and on about how irresponsible everyone is... he also bashed Vikram for gifting her so many things. She laughed at her husband seeing him bashing everyone in frustration like a child... he stopped his word war seeing her laughter...
"What's there to laugh in it??", Abhyansh asked
"Nothing... you are so cute...", she said trying to suppress her giggle but couldn't... Abhyansh let a small smile seeing her bright face... he carried everything to their room and put it on the table and after some time, the couple sat on the couch...
"I'm so happy with what you did today, Avyan is so happy...", Isha said, Abhyansh just nodded... "Rana sa...", she started
"Don't...", he said, he knew she is going to ask him to change the way he treats his brother and start showing him some love... he didn't want to deny her anything but some things are impossible, so he stopped her from asking... she sighed but tried to accommodate her husband's feelings. He is changing, thought gradually, he is, and she wants to help him with the change by being patient...
"Make me wear the bracelet bhai got me...", she said taking it excitedly...
"What's there to get excited about it... I got you so many things, you didn't look like this, instead got angry with me, remember??", he asked reminding her how she moved out of the walk-in closet when he was showing her...
"That's for a different reason... I thought you want to compensate by giving all these...", she said