"I don't... I got them because you deserve it, because you are my queen....", he said and she nodded...
"Okay, now make me wear this", she said handing him the bracelet box...
"Not now, will do tomorrow morning...", he said and she frowned... "let me put it at Shiv ji's feet during the puja and then you can wear it", he said surprising her... "since it's a gold ornament given by your brother, before wearing it, it's auspicious and also our tradition to put at god's feet in the puja", he explained to her and she nodded smiling at her husband... he is religious and knows a lot of things, but he never looked down on her for not knowing things like this, instead, he is patient with her explaining her things...
"Rana sa... why did you marry me??", she asked suddenly, he is so perfect, he is very well-known, Reetu, her friend keeps telling her how great he is, being the wealthiest, he could marry anyone, why her?? She could feel his body tensed but his face is like always, cold and emotionless...
"Sleep... you need to wake up early...", he said in his stern tone, which was hardly used on her these days... she nodded, but didn't move from there... "what??", he asked in the same tone which used to scare her, but for some reason, it didn't...
"You too come...", she said cutely, and just like that his cold face is replaced by a small smile...
"Come...", he said taking her palm in his and walking to the bed... she placed her phone on the bed and went to change into her pyjamas, while Abhyansh too went to change and came back laying on the bed, waiting for his wife, he need to start working after she falls asleep... her phone rings and looking at her brother-in-law's contact, he takes the call...
"Rajput...", Abhyansh says
"Ranawat... where is Ishu?? Anyways tell her I'm leaving to Rajput palace", Ranveer said walking towards his car...
"You didn't leave yet??", Abhyansh asked
"I'm now", Ranveer said avoiding talking about meeting his father...
"Who is it??", Isha who came out after changing sat beside her husband...
"Your bhai, he is leaving", Abhyansh said still in call...
"Now?? It's very late, Rana sa please ask him to stay... please...", Isha asked
"Relax, he is staying", Abhyansh said calming her... "Rajput, come back and go to your usual guest chamber", he ordered...
"Ranawat... I can't, I'm leaving... ask my sister not to play any games", Ranveer said angrily...
"If you come inside, you will save some effort and energy Rajput", Abhyansh said hanging up...
He called Bhairav and asked his men not to open the parking lot gates or the main gates... Ranveer tried a lot and after wasting all his energy and time, he came in exhausted... he is mad with both his sister and brother-in-law, so walked up to their chamber...
He entered the chamber and looked for Abhyansh or Isha but found none...
"Come upstairs... to the main hall", he heard his BEAST of a brother-in-law's voice booming from upstairs...
"I thought you guys slept peacefully, after making me struggle so much, where is my devil??", Ranveer asked settling on the sofa beside his brother-in-law...
"Rajput, mind your tone...", Abhyansh warned coldly... Isha just came out with a badam shake...
"Have it bhai...", Isha said giving him the badam shake... Ranveer snatched it showing his anger and Isha huffed...
"I really don't understand why you strain yourself so much for this arrogant a**", Abhyansh said glaring at his brother-in-law...
"Rana sa... it's not his fault... I made him angry...", Isha said and sat beside her brother who is having the badam shake shamelessly, well that's what her beast of a brother-in-law thought... "Bhai... I'm worried from the time you got into...intothat accident... please don't drive at night... please... what if something happens to you?? How could I live??", Isha says, and looking at her scared form, Ranveer's anger is long forgotten but BEAST's fury is raised seeing her so scared... what's there to worry about him??
"Ishu... bacha... nothing will happen to me...", he started
"Exactly my point, stop worrying for him", Abhyansh interrupted, Ranveer glared at him while Isha looked at her husband in surprise at his petty behaviour...
"I won't get into an accident but something might happen to me because of a certain BEAST", Ranveer said looking at Abhyansh who scoffed at him...
"Bhai... stop it...", Isha said understanding whom her brother is calling a 'Beast'
"See, even with your brain, you understood that I'm referring to him, that means, he is really a threat to me", Ranveer said and now both the wife and husband glared at him...