"Rana sa... Not today... I am tired", she gasped

"You said the same last night, and I let you go since you were really tired, but not today... Lying is bad Rani sa, and tonight, you will receive your punishment for it", he said nibbling the skin on her neck so softly while his hands traveled back and forth on her spine...

"Rana sa...", she took deep breaths to control her moans...

"Um...", he said continuing his sweet torture on her neck, his hands went beneath her saree and started caressing the skin on her waist... His base tone sent shivers through her spine... She started ruffling his hair with her fingers and that's his cue to take her lips in his and he just did that.

He kissed her hard making her forget the world... He slowly took her to the bed and made love to her slowly and passionately making her crave for him with every inch of her body. And her every sigh, moan, and gasp boosted him... He lay beside her after making love, pulling her into his arms...

She kissed his chest, and he thought it was just one kiss but soon she started peppering kisses on his naked chest...

"Isha...", he groaned sighing deeply... "You are tired...", he said, he was holding himself with difficulty, making sweet love never satisfied him, but something is better than nothing, he knew she was a bit tired of co-ordinating with the staff at CD and then training with his grandmother, and dinner preparations added to her fatigue, so he didn't want to drain her energy...

"No... I can't let you sleep like this", she said softly, her eyes displaying the passion, love, and desire for him making him smirk...

"So only rough love would satisfy my queen huh ??", he teased her while she glared at him...

"No... It's all your fault, you got me used to it", she said shyly nuzzling her face in his neck, her nak*d body on his causing him pain... He chuckled at her words...

"I got you used to what ??", he teased her making her slap his chest... he turned their positions hovering her, and thrust into her deeply without a warning, causing her to shriek in pain and pleasure... "This ?? Hm ??", he asked increasing the pace, her moans got louder, no words came out of her... even her moans were shut by his mouth, taking her into a deep kiss...


"Aren't you sleepy ??", he asked after cleaning her and himself...

"I am, but don't want to sleep... lying beside you like this is bliss... You make me so happy Ansh, I'm afraid of this happiness...", Isha whispered, snuggling into her husband's warmth...

"Wat are you scared of hm ?? I'm here and I'll always be here... and We'll always be like this... This is my promise to you... You do know I keep all my promises right ??", he asked kissing her forehead...

"Yes", she said tiredly...

"Sleep now... I'm right here...", he said ruffling her hair...

"You too... close your eyes and sleep for a couple of hours... you need it", she said cupping his cheek...

"Hm... I will", he said, kissed her forehead, and continued ruffling her hair and she is out in minutes but he kept staring at her...

The thoughts and her questions didn't let him even blink his eyes, he is scared she would disappear if he did... Isha became his life and even the thought of something happening to her gripped his heart... and those thoughts appeared in his head frequently these days, there are only a few days left before shetakes up a queen's responsibility in all senses... After that, he couldn't conceal her identity for a long time even if he wanted to.

He did want to reveal her identity and announce her as the queen to the whole world but his enemies are too many. Though he eliminated all the possible threats, some things still scared him.

He dialed Bhairav who picked up in a second, he like his king isn't used to a senseless sleep...

"Maharaj...", he said greeting Abhyansh...

"Bhairav... Look carefully into Rizzo's allies, even a single clue, end them", Abhyansh said, asking Bhairav to end their lives, if they displayed a single trait to avenge Rizzo or wanted to act against him(Abhyansh) or his family.

"Yes Maharaj", Bhairav said in agreement...

"Monitor everyone closely Bhairav, any suspicious activity, don't hesitate to take action", Abhyansh instructed, indicating Bhairav to keep an eye on not just Rizzo's allies or family, but all of their other enemies' families or friends, or even the potential foes... Bhairav responded in affirmation and Abhyansh hung up...

"That leaves me with Kailash Rajput and his wife", Abhyansh whispered to himself before turning to look at his wife... "I won't let anything happen to you... I wouldn't take any chance", Abhyansh said ruffling her hair, kissing her forehead...

"Ansh...", she whined in sleep with a frown...

"Sorry... sleep now", he said softly, smiling at how his small voice could disturb her sleep. It's surprising how her ears block all other noises when she is asleep except for his voice...

"Hmm...", she said hugging his chest, half laying on him feeling extremely cold... He adjusted the blanket pulling her closer hiding her in his arms with the thick blanket covering both of them...