"Amruta, remove the evil eyes off your daughter-in-law before letting her in", Devyani said and left making Isha smile. Amruta did so and then Isha went to freshen up and made snacks and coffee for everyone. She went to offer it to her husband, but he was on a call seriously discussing something, he gave a quick nod at her and she returned it with a smile, before pouring coffee to him, and putting the snacks in front of him, she was about to leave when he held her wrist...
"John...", Abhyansh said indicating to John to stop iterating whatever he is saying and he got the message, Abhyansh muted the call and looked at his wife...
"Aapne liya?? (You had it ??)", Abhyansh asked
"No, I will now... Continue with your call, I will go down", she said
"Hm... Eat as soon as you go down, you look tired", He said, and she nodded with a smile before walking away... He takes too much stress regarding her well-being, she thought.
She returned to the main hall with her snacks and tea when she was engulfed in a tight hug by none other than her brother... Isha glared at her brother-in-law for blowing the news to her brother right away, but her brother's words soon brought a wide smile on her face.
"Bacha... You don't know how proud I am of you... You made your bhayyu's day, I am so so so happy", Ranveer said kissing her forehead and cheek...
"Bhayyu...", Isha giggled... "Trim this beard, it doesn't look good", Isha said
"Yes boss, I am so happy to argue, will do everything you ask", Ranveer said making Isha giggle...
"Bhai... It's not that big of an achievement too", she said with a blush, she was feeling shy hearing everyone's praises...
"Arre it is... You surpassed the BEAST, you did things he couldn't even think of", Ranveer said and at the very same moment, Abhyansh walked there but none noticed him.
"No bhai, they were all his plans which were already implemented in R Empire, I got inspired from him, I just tweaked them a little to suit the work environment at CD, all I did was a few minor changes", Isha said, Abhyansh just shook his head at his wife's inability to handle praises.
He knew she was being truthful when she said she took inspiration from him, but it was much more than that, but like the hell would his wife take the credit.
"Ishu, what problem do you have with my happiness bacha", Ranveer asked seriously, Abhyansh rolled his eyes at his brother-in-law's drama while Isha stood confused
"What did I do bhai??", Isha asked frowning
"Why do you praise your BEAST of a husband when you know it irks me??", he said, Abhyansh walked towards them before Isha could reprimand her brother for calling her husband BEAST.
"Then why do you come to my palace ??", Abhyansh asked calmly, settling there.
"For my sister, it's my sister's palace as well", Ranveer said
"Bhai... It's not...", Isha started but her husband glared at her...
"It belongs to you more than it belongs to me, I thought giving you the responsibility of the palace and family made it clear but it didn't", Abhyansh said in his steely tone that scared everyone, Isha is no exception but the words that left her mouth next surprised everyone.
"The moment I take the responsibility of the palace and family, you won't hear me saying that again, I give you my word", Ishasaid, after recovering from the initial fear her husband's tone caused her.
No one expected her to answer back to her husband with respect but at the same time making her point clear. But, looks like everything has its first and they expected to see more such firsts in the coming days.
Abhyansh nodded, Isha sat beside her brother and had her snacks, asking one of the female servants to heat her tea which is now cold.
Ranveer stayed back for dinner as per his sister's request and after dinner, Isha quickly guided the staff to settle the things and left to her chamber.
She smiled seeing her husband working on his laptop, sitting on the couch.
"How much time will you take to get done with the work??", Isha asked Abhyansh...
"Depends on what you want to do now", Abhyansh chose to flirt with his wife and she chose to tease him back...
"Nothing much, just wanted some help in changing... You continue with your work, I'll do it myself", she said, Abhyansh smirked at his bold wife, before closing his Mac, and taking steps towards her and that startled her, she didn't expect him to do that considering how important the work he is doing now is.
"Rana sa... I... I was kidding, get back to work", she fumbled taking deep breaths, he pulled her swiftly into his arms, holding her tightly by her waist.
"Should have thought before provoking me", Abhyansh said, he purposely pulled her closer rubbing his hard length on her making her eyes wide...