Bhairav called someone to take these two inside and provide them with the things they needed to prepare the actionable. Bhairav is still in a daze with the happenings, he didn't expecttheir soft and kind queen to be this strong and bold. Same with Avyan.

"Rana sa... I'll be in CD today till the evening, if Ashley prepares an effective plan to tackle the issues, I would like them to start the work right away, with your approval of course", Isha said, silently seeking his permission... Abhyansh signaled Bhairav to leave and get the vehicle ready, he bowed and walked away.Abhyansh, Avyan, and Isha walked to the room beside them.

"Okay... Avyan will be there with you... No need to wait for my approval, you can take a call, both of you", Abhyansh said, Isha nodded with a smile... "Avyan, I need you to solve the other issues as well", Abhyansh said looking towards his brother, since he would be in CD the whole day, he wanted him to utilize the time there and resolve all other issues as well. Avyan cursed his fate in his head, he thought he could have a light day for once but no, his brother never let him, he whined but of course inward.

"Yes Bhai sa", he nodded politely but Abhyansh knew what his brother was feeling inside.

"You get every Sunday off, wasn't that sufficient??", Abhyansh asked sternly glaring at his brother...

"Rana sa... What did he even say?? Stop targeting the poor soul for everything", Isha came to Avyan's defense like always...

"Look at his face, he feels as if he is shouldering half the world's burdens", Abhyansh argued with his wife, pissed at her for taking his useless brother's side. Avyan looked at his brother with an open mouth...

"Avyan... Go inside and start with your work, go", Isha said softly before her husband could again scream at her poor brother-in-law. Avyan scurried away immediately... "Rana sa, why are you being so hard on him... Let him enjoy a little", Isha suggested

"No can do Rani sa, he is a prince, and a Ranawat, he is not even doing half of what he is expected to do, I planned to handover the CD's responsibility completely to him 4 years ago but he wasn't ready, I kept giving time but he still looks not ready, it doesn't work like that... You will not take his side from now on", Abhyansh told his wife sternly...

"Okay okay... We'll see, for now, go to the office, aren't you getting late, your half-day went to waste just like that", Isha said and that brought a small smile on his face.

"Not a waste if I get to see you like that, I am proud of you Isha", Abhyansh said cupping her cheek, she looked down trying to hide her blush making him chuckle...

Isha looked at his face, then around making sure no one noticed his smile, she quickly locked the door, cursing Avyan in her head for leaving the door open while leaving. She returned to him after locking the door, Abhyansh smirked knowing the reason why she locked the door but decided to tease her.

"No funny business here Isha... This is not our bedroom okay", He teased making her eyes widen and cheeks redden...

"Rana sa...", she hushed slapping his arm, and that made him chuckle again...

"This is why I locked the door, not to do what you are thinking, you look too good when you smile, and that sight is only for me... Maybe for our family as well but no one other than them could witness this precious smile", Isha said making him smile with affection in his eyes... He cupped her face and kissed her forehead.

"Today you really made me so proud, I know my wife is smart but didn't think she was this smart...", he said but she looked at him with disbelief and doubt. Though she announced it confidently, she is still not sure if it was a good move.

"You are really proud of me?? I did right??", she asked doubtfully

"You know I won't lie, That was a strategic move, you killed two birds with a stone", he said indicating how she tackled the problems of the staff there and managing workforce with a single solution.

"I was scared at first but then I decided to try, I wanted to give my best Rana sa, you trusted me, I will try my level best to never fail you, I know there are a lot of shortcomings in the plan I proposed, I am still learning, will you help me get better??", she asked, he cupped her face rubbing her cheeks with her thumbs softly.

"You did very well, don't doubt yourself, I thought there were shortcomings in your plan but you surprised me with your final move, I know you didn't want such a talent like Ashley Parker go waste, hence the new roles to both of them, I am impressed, but don't pressure yourself much, I don't want you take any kind of stress, learn at your pace, and I am always here to help you", he said

"But I want to put all the effort into becoming a good queen, I am afraid of disappointing you", Isha poured her worries...

"You can never disappoint me, Isha... And after today's move, I feel like you are born to be a queen, my queen", he said and she smiled...

"So cheesy Rana sa", she said looking away and he chuckled at her embarrassment

"Okay, finish your work here and reach the palace on time, I'll be waiting for you", he said, she nodded with a smile.

He walked away, and she went to Avyan to look after the needed things. Avyan dealt with other issues while Isha detailed thecontractor regarding the facility room, taking inputs from the female employees there.

Exactly after 3 hours, Isha and Avyan sat on the respective chairs in the cabin there, while Ashley presented her action plan all the time cursing herself in the head on how the tables turned. Ashley expected Isha to take revenge on her by putting her on the spot like she did with Isha during her presentation but nothing happened. Isha calmly listened to Ashley, Avyan asked a few questions in between but Isha listened carefully without interrupting anything, sometimes helping her answering Avyan's questions. That's when Ashley realized Isha was a queen in all senses, she wasn't petty to avenge her insults the same way, in fact, she didn't have that time Or the energy, instead, she put that time in understanding other useful things that made Ashley slowly realize many things but she knew it's too late for realization now.

After sorting the implementation into phases and instructing the top staff there regarding the same, Avyan and Isha are done for the day.

Abhyansh asked Bhairav to pick Isha and Avyan from the CD which he did. All the while, Bhairav felt guilty for underestimating Isha's ability, though he hadn't said it aloud, he did doubt his King's decision for the first time but Isha proved her husband's decision right making Bhairav ashamed of his thoughts. She may not be exceptional, and everyone knows that it comes with practice but what Isha did today wasn't any normal achievement either. Bhairav couldn't meet Isha in the eye but Isha thought it was because of what he did to Avyan's car.

After they reached home, Avyan detailed what all happened at CD. Amruta hugged Isha and Devyani gave a proud smile to Isha, one a proud teacher gives to her student.

"I'll freshen up and make coffee for everyone", Isha said and about to walk in when Rajmata stopped her.