"Call Ranveer Vikram... I need to talk to him urgently... he is needed here...", Sangeeta said
"BHAIRAV...", Abhyansh called, Sangeeta and Vikram were startled hearing his tone... Bhairav appeared in less than a second, by seeing the man's pants they guessed he must have run...Bhairav can actually make it how fast he needed to see the king by the tone of the king, and he knew he needed to see him urgently by the tone he used so he ran...
"Hukum...", Bhairav said bowing his head...
"I need Ranveer here in less than an hour... track his location and airlift him if needed", Abhyansh said and Bhairav bowed his head in accordance and rushed out to complete the task the king gave him...
And in less than an hour, Ranveer reached the Ranawat Palace.
"Ishu... my bacha... Ishu... what happened to you??", Ranveer stormed inside the King's chamber as soon as he reached and hugged his unconscious sister... "Vik... why is she not awake?? Sangeeta?? What happened", he shouted at his friend and his sister's doctor in agony...
"She got into consciousness Veer, but only for a second... we can't pressure her to stay awake, she needs to cope up with it, so it's better she stays unconscious until she is strong enough to handle the mental pain, and the things, whatever that are making her suffer...", Sangeeta said softly... "and Ranveer, this was the worst she has suffered till date, so just don't pressurize her to wake up...", Sangeeta said, her each word increasing his worry for his sister...
"I need to talk to you", Ranveer said harshly, glaring at Abhyansh... he was never this aggressive to Abhyansh, though he got mad at his beast of a brother-in-law, he always kept his anger in check knowing his beastly form but today, the fury he is having didn't let him care for anything... his sister is lying lifeless, and his gut feeling says there is more to her condition that made her like this, on seeing the severity of it, and his brother-in-law's eyes holding guilt, he couldn't ignore that.
Ranveer stormed out saying this and Abhyansh calmly followed surprising everyone. He is not the one to follow orders, but he did. His wife's pain is too much for him and now nothing matters except for her well-being. His pride and arrogance of being who he is, evaporated into thin air for the time being.
Ranveer stormed into his brother-in-law's office in his chamber and Abhyansh followed him.
"What did you do to my sister??", Ranveer asked as soon as he saw his brother-in-law walking in... his voice is too calm considering the volcano that erupted inside him looking at his sister's condition.
"Why does she suffer from these attacks RANVEER??", Abhyansh questioned in return surprising his brother-in-law, he never called him by his name till date, but that's the least of his concerns right now... Ranveer is about to ask Abhyansh to tell him about what he did but the beast beat him... "answer me first, I promise, you will get your answers too", He said and Ranveer nodded
"No one knows the exact reason... but Ishu suffers these because of Bhabosa, it's very likely that she suffered a panic attack on his birthday which is today... she never revealed the actual reason, I kept begging her for 12 years now right from the first time she suffered this... according to Sangeeta, there is 90 % chance of ceasing these attacks if Ishu lets it out... but she never did... I think she misses her father too much, Ishu was close to her parents, too close to her father, they loved her a lot, she was really a princess then... their death affected her a lot... but there is something more to it, because she didn't suffer her first attack immediately after their death, it's 5 years later... I don't know the reason, she doesn't even want to talk about it with me or Vikram. Even with Sangeeta, she just told how she exactly felt during that time... she... she couldn't breathe properly during that time... I am such a bad brother, I was never with her when she was suffering from them... even today, I should have been with her, but my anger on her and Vikram overpowered me", Ranveer said, his tone cracking at the end...
Abhyansh stood there paralyzed hearing his brother-in-law, he would have beaten him up for leaving his sister and going away because of a stupid fight even after knowing about her panic attacks, but the fact that his wife probably got triggered because of the spiteful words he spat in his fury stopped his body from functioning...
Ranveer consoled himself, this wasn't the time to cry in guilt, he needed to find what made his sister like that. How the hell did she get an attack so severe, when she did fine the previous year that too when he or Vikram wasn't with her...
"Will you speak up now??", Ranveer shouted turning toward Abhyansh...
"Hold that tone of yours Rajput because I'm not at all in a condition to hold my temper...", he said and Ranveer could really see his brother-in-law's distress in his blood-red eyes... but that didn't worry him today, he was now solely concerned about his sister, nothing else mattered to him...
"Then speak up, what did you do??", Ranveer asked with the same anger but toned down a bit...
"I told her I hated her father and would have killed him by myself if he wasn't already dead", he said calmly but that was completely against the emotions that are running inside his head and heart...
"You what?? YOU DID WHAT??", Ranveer shouted in the end...
"She started talking about her father, what's paining her... but I couldn't control my hatred, shouted and stormed out", Abhyansh said, Ranveer could hear the little crack in the endof his tone which surprised him but he didn't care about his BEAST of a brother-in-law's feelings anymore... hell with him... his words stuck Ranveer suddenly...
Abhyansh walked and sat on his chair, his legs are about to give up and he didn't want to show his weak self to anyone... even thinking about how he screamed at his wife killed him like a slow poison... now, after hearing his brother-in-law, he understood that his wife was about to share all the pain that had been affecting her all these years, but he destroyed it with his hatred. He was determined not to harm his wife anymore because of the hatred he held for her father but he failed... he kept giving her pain, she didn't forgive him for his past sins yet and he kept committing new ones, he is not sure of her forgiveness but he knew he wouldn't be able to forgive himself ever... the fire that's burning him from within is there to stay for life, he understood that much...
"Wha...what do you mean by she started talking about Bhabosa??", Ranveer asked hoping it's not what he is thinking, otherwise he would never forgive his brother-in-law...
"She started talking about what's troubling her all these years... I think she wanted to share the pain, she said she never shared it with anyone till date, but wanted to do it with me, but I ruined it", Abhyansh said, his tone cold... but the regret was beyond anyone's imagination...
"YOU A**...", Ranveer screamed, lunging at the beast, and held his collar... Abhyansh closed his eyes to handle his temper as he didn't want to hurt his brother-in-law physically, especially when he is so worried about his sister, he wouldn't have been so tolerant if he hadn't been in pain seeing his wife suffering... "my Ishu never talked about it to anyone, she trusted you enough toopen up to you, but what did you do?? I... I don't understand why does she love you so much?? What did you ever do to deserve her love?? You are such a BEAST... Abhyansh Singh Ranawat, I never cursed you even though you deserve it, because your fate is tangled with my sister's for life and I didn't want her fate suffering but today I curse you, may you never get peace in your life, this guilt and regret of hurting a pure soul like my sister would destroy your life", Ranveer said angrily...
Abhyansh opened his eyes, which were blood-red and the fury mixed with regret made Ranveer leave his collar...
"I will suffer for life Rajput, that's a fact, but hope this maddening rage of yours won't suffer your sister, like mine did...", he said
Ranveer walked out to calm himself down... Abhyansh tried to get some work done but for the first time in his life, he couldn't concentrate... he got up and walked to his wife's room... she didn't even show any signs of waking up but he didn't leave her hand, holding her palm gave him some relief and, at the same time doubled his guilt...
In the evening, Amruta and Avyan made their way into the room followed by Rajmata...
"How is she??", Rajmata Devyani Devi asked, seeing her, Dr. Sangeeta felt intimidated, that woman is too strong and confident, not soft-spoken like Isha's mother-in-law, thought she.