Bhairav came out and informed the cab driver to hand over the exact notes 'Rani sa' handed over to him and the cab driver got frightened knowing that the woman is their queen... Bhairav assured him there is nothing to worry about until he does what the king says... the cab driver agreed. He is afraid about how he cut Isha's words when she is about to say the address. What if the king gets to know about that?? He would cut his tongue... he thought...
After Bhairav walked away, Abhyansh opened his desk where there is a picture frame of his wife, on their wedding day, the photographers captured her solo picture when she is entering the mandap... she looked divine... her tall and perfect structure, her sparkling wide and hazel eyes, her perfect features, the royalwedding lehenga making her look breathtakingly beautiful... she is a queen in every sense though he didn't accept it then... how could he hurt her?? How could he do that?? He questioned himself...
"Rani deserve that title... only you do... I was the one who snatched away that from you right?? I will be the one to honour you with that title with dignity and respect soon... today I asked Bhairav to call you that, soon the whole realm will call you that", Abhyansh said looking at her picture...
Isha returned to the palace in the evening, she freshened up and changed into a saree, then went to the kitchen to make coffee for her husband but her mother-in-law informed her that Abhyansh hasn't returned till now... and this surprised Isha... in their 11 months of marriage, this never happened, he always returned home till 5 PM and went to his home office and worked from there... he never got late, and again Isha's overthinking brain got activated, ‘he doesn't want to see my face, that's the reason he got late... but it's a huge palace, if he wants, he could have told me not to show my face to him, I would have obliged’, she thought to herself, tears flew from her eyes...
She went to her room and started packing her clothes as she didn't know when he would throw her out, she wants to be ready... after packing she called her brother...
"Bhai...", she sobbed into the phone worrying him...
"Ishu... bacha... what happened, Ishu tell me, what did that Ranawat do??", Ranveer asked
"Bhai... Maharaj wants to throw me out of this palace, I think", Isha said wiping her tears...
"What?? How do you know?? And why are you crying?? Stop crying first", Ranveer said, he sighed in relief when he heard his sister, he could take his sister away from the BEAST to London and give her a good life, and try every second of his life to make her forget her horrible experiences and make her happy...
"Bhai... he didn't tell me directly, but his actions are proving it, can... can you please ask him when he would do that?? So that you can come and pick me", Isha asked
"Ishu... calm down... I'll talk to him... and don't cry bacha... this is for the best... you don't want to leave him just because of the word you gave him right?? What if he frees you from that?? Then you wouldn't have any problem, right?? So, stop crying", Ranveer consoled, but his words didn't calm her, she controlled herself and hung up the call agreeing to her brother... she didn't understand her distress, her brother is right, why is she so sad and in pain?? When all she should do is be happy, finally she will get to live with her brother, with complete freedom but again... that thought didn't make her happy anymore... The fact that she would go away from Amruta and Avyan, and she would never have the chance to see them is breaking her heart more than anything, but the most confused feelings she is bearing are for her husband. She should be happy for leaving him behind but she is not...
Ranveer called Abhyansh... he didn't take the call but Ranveer kept calling him, and he got afraid about something happening to Isha so he took the call surprising the board members, he never did that... he is a very systematic man when in office, he kept his legal and illegal business entities completely separate... everyone knew that his weapons business is to protect the people and have the power to maintain and control the underworld...
"Hello...", Abhyansh said
"Are you leaving my sister?? Like throwing her out of the palace??", Ranveer asked him directly...
"What the f**k are you talking Rajput", Abhyansh growled into the phone scaring the board members like hell...
"Yes, Ishu called me", Ranveer said
"What did she say??", Abhyansh asked and Ranveer explained the whole conversation to him... "What actions??", Abhyansh asked after hearing Ranveer
"I don't know, I didn't ask her, I hung up so I could ask you the details... you know my sister asked me to ask you when you are gonna do that so that I could come and take her away fromyou, she too wanted it", Ranveer said trying to tell Abhyansh that his sister wanted the same so that he could leave his sister but that had a reverse effect on the BEAST
"Your sister is naive, I didn't know you are too...", Abhyansh said and hung up... he needs to see his wife and ask her why she thought so... his gut feeling said she isn't happy, but Ranveer's words still pained him, did she really want to leave him?? But what made her think that he is gonna throw her out of the palace in the first place??
He got up and walked out, literally ran out shocking the board members... though none had the courage to question him, they are definitely shocked and displeased with his sudden departure but of course, he is Abhyansh Singh Ranawat, he is the king in all senses, he has the power to even shake the governments ofnot only in India but other countries as well, so everyone stayed put...
Abhyansh reached his palace, and he speed walked to his chamber and to his wife's room... what he saw generated unexplainable fury in him...
"What do you think you are doing??", Abhyansh asked trying to control his fury but failing miserably... Isha who is packing her clothes got startled by his voice dropping the clothes in her hand...
"Ma...Maharaj...", she said turning to him... but she couldn't face him, seeing him, her dream crossed her mind, she lowered her head...
He stormed into the room and glared at her clothes in the suitcase, he took out all her clothes and shoved them into the closet angrily, shocking her... him touching her clothes in itself is a huge shock and above that, he is throwing them in fury, and she didn't understand a thing...
"Maharaj...", she called again in fear seeing his heavy breathing and his fury while throwing her clothes into the closet...
After shoving all her clothes, he calmed a bit, he took the suitcase and threw it aside making Isha tremble in fear... even the thought of her going away from her is unbearable for him... she moved to a corner in fear of him hurting her again...
"You didn't answer me,what do you think you are doing??", Abhyansh asked turning and looking at her with fury but as soon as his eyes landed on her, who is standing in a corner with fear in her eyes, shivering... he closed his eyes to control his temper...
"Isha... come here...", he said softly after 5 minutes, and hearing his soft tone, she slowly walked to him...
Abhyansh held her hand softly and made her sit on the couch nearby and slowly sat beside her keeping a decent distance though it was tough for him... he wanted to take her in his arms and hug her tightly till she stops shivering but he couldn't do that, not when he is the reason for her fear...
"Now tell me, why are you packing your clothes??", he asked softly though his fury is returning even with the thought of her thinking to leave him...