"Why don't you send me off till London Ishu??", Ranveer asked seriously... "I'm sure your kind husband wouldn't mind it, also you can meet Vikram and Aryan...", he added fuming Abhyansh...
"Maybe you should leave alone Rajput... suits you", Abhyansh said in his icy tone...
"Rana sa... he is just kidding... I'll go and get ready... can we still go to the airport?? Please??", she requested and he nodded, she smiled at him and ran away...
She returned in 15 minutes and the trio left for the airport... after they reached the airport, Abhyansh frowned when his wife stopped at the gate...
"What?? ,Move...", Abhyansh said, the trio is surrounded by Abhyansh's men...
"Ragini said, we are not allowed inside the airport, only the ones who are traveling are allowed", Isha said
"That's for them... come", Abhyansh said and walked inside holding her palm in his...
Ranveer sighed and followed his sister and brother-in-law...
They walked in and after a certain distance, they again got into cars, she could spot a big plane in front of her, she quickly got off from the car, her eyes widened in surprise and awe...
"Wow... this is so big and it looks so good from the outside...", Isha said, Abhyansh understood that she is seeing the plane for the first time... Ranveer's eyes teared, if she wasn't caged, she might have come to London along with him for her higher studies...
He suddenly hugged her tightly...
"I'm so sorry bacha... I failed to protect you... I'm such a bad brother... I hate myself for it...", Ranveer said and Isha is surprised and taken aback by his words, why is he suddenly uttering all those...
Isha is about to break the hug, when Abhyansh signalled Ranveer to wipe his moist eyes... he doesn't want his wife to get worried and for once, both the brothers-in-law were on the same page...
"Bhai... what happened all of a sudden?? And stop saying all that, you protected me always... you are the best brother... I love you bhayyu... a lot...", Isha said and Ranveer smiled
"How much??", Ranveer asked
"This much...", Isha said stretching her hands to the farther corners...
"Arre wah Ishu, your hands are going far now... my Ishu is all grown up...", Ranveer said... Isha laughed remembering how her brother used to tease her small hands when they were kids... "but Ishu, not just body-wise, try to grow from here too", Ranveer teased earning a glare from his sister which looked funny but the daggers that his brother-in-law threw at him are dangerous...
"Ranawat... don't do this at least now, I'm leaving and the least you could do is send me off with a smile and warmth, show some love", Ranveer said and Isha sighed while Abhyansh rubbed his head at his brother-in-law's drama...
"Rajput, there are two destinations now, if you want to go to London, board the plane RIGHT NOW, if you want to end up in the graveyard, stay here...", Abhyansh said in his cold tone...
"Ah! this sounds like my sweet, kind, loving, and caring brother-in-law", Ranveer mocked...
"Bhai... go now, the plane will take off, otherwise", Isha said
"Oh, my poor Ishu... this is your husband's personal plane, it won't leave without me as it's arranged exclusively for me by my sweet and loving brother-in-law", Ranveer said
"WHAT?? You own this huge thing??", Isha asked with shock in her eyes... Abhyansh nodded...
"You wanna go and see inside??", Abhyansh asked in his cold tone but Isha didn't mind, she is used to it...
"Can I do that?? Bhai, is it fine with you?? You are not getting late right??", Isha asked, before Ranveer could respond, Abhyansh did...
"I'm sure, he has time, let's go in and you can have a tour of it", Abhyansh said and followed his wife, making sure she won't slip up the stairs... the staff and Abhyansh's men though didn't dare to look up, hearing how Abhyansh is treating their queen is shocking them... he is even giving her a personal tour of one of the many planes he owned...
Isha is astonished to see the interiors, they are so good and it looked like a huge mansion with all the amenities and interiors, not a plane...
"You liked it?? Or do you want to make any changes??", Abhyansh asked and she frowned at him... why is he asking her that?? It's his plane...
"No, it's good, but why are you asking me this Rana sa...", She asked
"You'll be coming with me when I'll have to go on business trips, I'm just making sure it's up to your taste", he said casually but it took her off-guard... does she have to go to other countries with him for business trips?? But why should she accompany him?? Is it a protocol too?? She wondered... not knowing her husband couldn't stay even a single day without looking at her face now...