After the tour, Abhyansh and Isha walked out, Ranveer bid bye to the couple...
"Ishu yaar, at least act like you are sad...", Ranveer whined... he didn't like his sister enjoying his departure with a wide smile on her face...
"No, I'm not sad, so why should I act?? Go now bhayyu, or you'll get late...", Isha said and Ranveer glared at Abhyansh...
He suddenly hugged Abhyansh shocking Isha, she is hell scared of her husband pushing her brother off, as she knew he hated if anyone touched him... well only she has the privilege...
"You did this, didn't you??", Ranveer whispered in Abhyansh's ears...
"Yes, how can I let you have the satisfaction of your sister missing you", Abhyansh whispered moving away from the hug... "have a happy journey Rajput...", he said and Isha smiled at her husband's mature and kind behaviour with her brother, only if she knew...
"Bye bhai... call me once you reach", Isha said hugging him...
"Huh... don't say all this as if you are gonna miss me...", Ranveer whined and she just smiled shaking her head... "fine fine, don't miss me, just take care of yourself and I'll call you frequently, tell me everything, don't you dare hide things from me, understood??", Ranveer instructed
"Yes boss...", Isha mock saluted...
"Woah, where did you see it??", Ranveer asked with a frown... "have you started watching those stupid movies??", he asked her
"No bhayyu, I learned it from Reetu, she always does this whenever I instruct her about things, I don't watch movies", Isha said...
"Huh good, movies are a bad influence, what did I tell you??", Ranveer asked without noticing his brother-in-law's blazing eyes on him...
"Cartoons are the bestest in the world...", Isha and Ranveer said together... Abhyansh's determination to make his brother-in-law suffer multiplied 100 folds...
"Rajput, leave", Abhyansh said and Ranveer frowned at his rude brother-in-law...
"Fine bye...", Ranveer sulked before moving away to board the plane, he stopped at the last step and looked at his sister... "Ishu... are you still not telling me 'I miss you' ", Ranveer asked giving a puppy look, but his sister didn't melt, looks like her husband's plan really worked... Isha shook her head and Ranveer gave one final glare to his brother-in-law before walking inside...
Abhyansh smirked remembering what happened a few hours ago...
A few hours before
Isha was about to leave for Rajput palace but she suddenly realized her phone is with her husband who took it, he didn't exactly tell her why he wants it and she didn't ask it either... she thought he needs to make a call or something, but his only purpose is for her to come back and hear his conversation...
"Maharaj... all the arrangements for Yuvraj's travel have been done, but... I don't think he would go, forgive me, I wasn't doubting your decisions, I know you have convinced him to go, but he said he wouldn't go if he feels that Rani sa is going to miss him...", Bhairav said
"Hm...",Abhyanshsaid, he knew his wife is listening and he is sure his work will be done now...
After that Isha walked in, got her phone, and left...
Ranveer's plane took off and Abhyansh and Isha made their way to the cars, and he shot down the partition and pulled her in his arms before she even has time to think about her brother's departure...
"He would be back in no time... don't worry, hm??", he said nuzzling his face in her neck and pulling her more into him...
"Hm...", she moaned slightly before cupping her face in embarrassment and breaking the hug but her husband pulled her into him again...
"They can't hear you, it's fine...", he said, kissing her forehead and then her cheek...
They reached the entrance, then walked out of the airport and left for the Ranawat palace...
At night, Isha arranged the blankets on the floor and laid on it, looking at her phone when her husband made his way inside... she put her phone aside and quickly got up to see if he needs anything...
"Rana sa... do you need something??", she asked him... he didn't like how she became all alert seeing him, trying to tend to his needs always...
He shook his head and walked towards the closet when she rushed before him...
"I'll take out your nightwear, sorry, I didn't know when you would come, so didn't do it before", she said taking his track pants and T-shirt out when he pulled her towards him...