"Yeah, I know that, anyone who sees you will know that, but I didn't know you hate human presence too", she giggled and hislips twitched seeing her giggle... "you call this smile?? People had to use a microscope to actually notice it, well I'm not sure even that could help", she said and he raised his brows in amusement at his wife's courage, he liked her freeness...
"Well, you are stuck with an arrogant, brooding man for life, get used to it, and people don't have to see my smile, and you don't need a microscope to understand it, so problem solved", he said and she blushed with his intense gaze...
"I'll go see dinner arrangements... I'll prepare his favourite food, he is coming home after 3 days", she said and tried to move but he pulled her back to his arms...
"There is still time for it, and no need to stress yourself preparing Avyan's favourites, he is just returning from office, not from a war that you are getting excited so much....", he said and she frowned...
"Stop being so rude to Avyan...", she said with a rightful tone, and he nodded like a baby...
"I would listen to everything you say if you use that tone...", he said and she blushed... "Isha... don't you want to say anything in response??", He asked and she knew what he is asking... he let out his emotions to assure her that he wouldn't hurt her ever and now he wanted that assurance, that she wouldn't leave him...
"I won't leave you ever, for me, life is with you Rana sa... there are many things I need to know before starting a proper life with you, I...I don't know how to do that, but I can't leave you ever, but I always stay in fear that what if you leave me?? You hated me once, what if you start hating me again, even the thought is...I can't handle it... you won't hate me right??", She said and he looked at her in surprise...
"You still think I'm capable of hating you??", He asked her shaking his head, wiping her tears... Isha smiled at him, he kissed her cheek and let her go...
"I'll leave now... Ma would be worried about dinner, these days I keep giving her shocks by getting late", she said giggling...
"Okay, your devar sa will be home for dinner, I'll reduce his workload as well, any other orders??", He asked her with a teasing tone and she glared at him making him smirk at her...
"Aap aise kyun hai?? (Why are you like this??)", she whined and walked to leave from there making him chuckle…
She saw Ranveer sitting there, sleeping on the couch with his mouth open slightly... Abhyansh came behind her and sat at his throne chair to work... he saw her caressing her brother’s hair affectionately...
"He looks so tired... maybe worried that I'm not talking to him", she shared with her husband surprising him, she never did that before, she never felt that closeness with her husband to share things with him, but now she did...
"Hm...", Abhyansh responded looking at her with full concentration so that she knew he is interested in listening but couldn't respond as he didn't know what to say, he is not a talker...
"Keep working, I know you can multi-task", she said walking towards him... she keeps surprising him with her understanding,how much does she know him... he starts working while listening to her complaints about her brother... "why does he do such things that make me mad when he couldn't take my anger, why to make me upset and then regret", she said and Abhyansh hummed listening to her parallelly working on his mac. "Aap ko kya lagta hai Rana sa(what do you think??), should I forgive him??", she asks him...
Before Abhyansh could answer, Ranveer who woke up, answered her...
"Why the hell are you asking him Ishu??", he sounded offended
"Because I'm her husband Rajput", Abhyansh answered... Isha sighed... here starts a war between her husband and brother...
"I'm going, you two continue", Isha said and walked out, Abhyansh glared at Ranveer and he reciprocated it...
"We were having a good conversation and you had to butt in...", Abhyansh said in his cold tone...
"You call it a conversation?? The conversation is when two people talk, what's your contribution in that 'so-called' conversation?? 'Hm', mm, 'huu' are not words Ranawat", Ranveer said and Abhyansh glared at him hardly...
"Get out Rajput", Abhyansh said
"Gladly, I'm here for my sister anyways", Ranveer said and went out making Abhyansh shake his head at his brother-in-law's childishness... he is a kid and made his sister a kid too, by showing her Tom & Jerry and Pokémon... Abhyansh cursed his brother-in-law with some colourful words before getting back tohis work... he already texted his brother about the revoking of his punishment the moment his wife asked him, anything she wants...
Ranveer stopped Isha to talk to her but she left saying she had dinner to prepare... Avyan returned home so happy that Isha smiled brightly looking at his happiness...
"Bhabhi sa... thank you so so much", he said entering the kitchen when he got to know that Isha is in the kitchen... looking at his smile and happiness, Isha too smiled brightly...
"I did nothing, it's your bhai sa who did it", she said stirring the curry...
"Wow, paneer burji?? My favourite, thank you so much, you are the best...", he said, Amruta who went out to give company to Ranveer returned hearing her son's loud tone...
"Avyan, why are you shouting?? I could hear you sitting in the hall, go and freshen up till then, the dinner will be ready", Amruta said
"Yes ma", he said, kissing her cheek, and ran away...
"What happened to him??", Amruta asked Isha with a smile cutting vegetables for salad...