"Ishu... where are you, I'm at your...", Ranveer started when Isha cut him off...
"Bhai... don't tell anyone that you are here for me, or I'm your sister... no one knows who I'm", Isha said
"That I know bacha... but...", Ranveer started but got interrupted by Ragini...
"It's our pleasure to have you here Yuvraj...", Ragini greeted him with a smile and that's when Ranveer realized what he did... he thought he could go to his sister's workplace as her brother, people don't know that she is Abhyansh Singh Ranawat's wife, but it's okay to know about her being his sister... he thought no one would recognize him much but he is so wrong... if they managed to recognize him then they also know that he is the brother-in-law of the BEAST and brother of their queen... he sighed at his stupidity...
"Oh! I... well, I'm here to shop for my sister... show some of your best works and please call me Ranveer or Mr. Rajput", Ranveer said to Ragini, hanging up on his sister... Isha shook her head at her brother and got back to her work...
Ragini personally showed their best collection to Ranveer and Ranveer instantly recognized his sister's handwork, he waited for his sister to show up but when she didn't, he decided to use other ways...
"Who designed this??", Ranveer asked knowing very well who did it...
"Oh, this is made by one of the best we have... Isha...", Ragini said with a proud smile, and a smile made its way on his face too, he is proud of his sister...
"I want to meet her... my sister exactly prefers this type of works on her sarees, I want to discuss a few changes, could you call her??", Ranveer asked with a small and polite smile on his face...
"Of course... Aashna, call Isha here...", Ragini said and Isha came there in a minute...
"Yes Ragini, you called??", Isha said coming there... her brother passed a stupid smile to her, which he does every time he messes up... Isha turned her head to other side...
"Isha... Mr. Rajput wants to talk to you about your work, and please show him your other works as well", Ragini told to Isha...
"But...", Isha wanted to protest...
"Isha... baby, please do this for me, he came here to buy a gift for the QUEEN, his sister, you understand how prestigious it is for you, for us, if she wears something from our boutique, it's an honour for us... she is RANI SA, you get my point right?? You know I couldn't even believe Mr. Rajput is here in the first place", Ragini whispered hugging Isha... she didn't understand why they all are so worked about the queen... how would they react when they know she is that queen...
"Sure Ragini, will do", Isha said walking towards Ranveer and Ragini, Aashna too followed them...
"Your work is great, but show something light but elegant... something I gift her and she knows how sorry I'm", Ranveer said looking at Isha...
Ragini and Aashna frowned whereas Isha sighed and showed some of her works... Ranveer occasionally keeps telling how sorry he is through his requirements...
"I think this would match your requirements", Isha said
"This is perfect, do you think my sister will forgive me if I give her this??", Ranveer asked looking at Isha cutely... Ragini and Aashna are busy crushing on Ranveer as he looked absolutely gorgeous and his easy-to-go attitude, his love for his sister, his smile, and his down-to-earth attitude impressed them a lot.
"Depends on your deeds SIR, please excuse me", Isha said politely and walked to do her work...
"I'm so sorry, she has some urgent deliveries to give, that's the reason...", Ragini explained...
"No problem, she is nice though, I would like to take this one...", Ranveer said and Ragini nodded with a smile, Ranveer paid and walked out to his car and called his sister...
"Yes bhai...", she said taking his call...
"Ishu... I'm sorry bacha, how long are you gonna punish your bhayyu??", Ranveer said
"I'm at work, please let me do my work...", Isha said and is about to cut the call when Ranveer said something that stopped herfrom doing so, he mentally apologized to Avyan for using him but he had to talk to his sister...
"Okay okay, I'm here for something else too, I need to tell you something about Avyan, it's very important, I will wait at the corner of the street, come there, I'll drop you at the palace today, we can talk on the way", he said
"Okay bhai", Isha said and hung up... she went to Ragini to tell her that she is leaving...
"Isha, is everything okay??", Ragini asked
"Yes Ragini, why do you ask??", Isha asked
"You seem a bit off, also you seem very irritated while talking to the prince, I never saw you like that", Ragini said with concern, she isn't worried about her reputation, she is worried about her friend more...