"I do some, but of family, and most of the important numbers are saved only in the head", he said, he doesn't keep confidential and highly sensitive information in his phone or even his mac for that matter, even though they have the files, steps to decode them are all in his head so that no one except him could crack the files or info.
"Okay", she nodded, calling Avyan who picked the call in the half ring and Isha fumed in anger, Abhyansh found it funny but he knew better than to make fun of her...
"Bhai sa... the Jaipur mall details are finalized, about the climate change conference you need to attend, I...", saying this Avyan went on detailing about all the tasks he was assigned and their updates, as he is so sure that his brother is calling for the sameand he hated to talk unnecessarily, he started even before he heard his brother's voice, he not even in his wildest dreams, thought that someone else would call him from his brother's phone as no one has the audacity to touch the BEAST's phone, or he wouldn't give it willingly ever...
"Avyan... shut up, why didn't you take my call, you attended your bhai sa's call in half a ring whereas I kept calling you for 3 days, but you send this stupid message every time, you were just present for an hour during yesterday’s lunch, you didn't return home from then, what is going on?? Where are you?? Are you eating properly?? And...", she started her rambling, and with her every word, Abhyansh's jealousy is bubbling more and more, same with Avyan's fear... he knew his brother must be just beside her as he didn't leave his phone for a second, and he is hearing all this, Avyan didn't know his brother's jealousy before, but now he does, as Ranveer called him and both of them shared their miseries.
"Bhabhi sa... I was busy with work, I'm so sorry I didn't take your call, and so sorry for yesterday, I will make it up to you, I really wanted to be with you on your anniversary lunch for more time knowing how you want the whole family to be present there, but work you know... thanks to bhai sa that I could attend the lunch though for a short period", Avyan said, the last line to calm his brother, he knew his brother isn't stupid to fall into his trap, but at least he would reduce his punishments when he knows that he is building his image in front of his wife though it's all false... "and yes, I'm eating well, and taking care of my health properly", Avyan added
"Okay... come home for dinner, I'll make your favourite dishes...", she said
"I am sorry Bhabhi sa, I couldn't, a lot of work is pending", he said feeling sorry for himself...
"Okay, try to come Avyan, and take care... okay?? Should I send your food with someone??", Isha asked
"Yes, Bhabhi sa, I'm missing your handmade food", Avyan said
"Okay... will do, I'm sending you both lunch and dinner, don't eat from the cafeteria", she said
"Yes, Bhabhi sa, thank you so much...", Avyan said, when Isha is about to say something, Abhyansh took the phone and disconnected it...
"Why did you disconnect the call?? I didn't even say 'bye' to him", Isha said
"He is working on an important project, he can't keep talking to you and the cafeteria's food is not bad, he could adjust for a week", Abhyansh said in his cold tone...
"Week?? And why would he eat cafeteria meals, when I can send him food daily", she said walking out but came back remembering something... "Rana sa... could you please tell someone to take Avyan's lunch and dinner??", Isha requested cutely, and that had Abhyansh's heart...
"You just order anyone in the house, they would get it delivered", he said
"Would they listen to me??", She asked, because as far as she knew, no one in the family can use the transportation or cars without Abhyansh's permission, Avyan has his own car, exceptfor him any driver working for them should need direct orders from Abhyansh to drive off...
"They will... the moment I declared you the queen, you have got that power Isha...", he said, and she smiled...
"I don't want power though but thank you, I'll ask someone to drop lunch and dinner for Avyan, bye, after that I'll leave for work", she said and he nodded...
He soon wanted to announce her as the queen so that she could go to her work in their own cars rather than taking a cab but for that, he needs to first clear his enemies, 'Kailash Rajput' to be precise...
Isha sent the food to Avyan before leaving for her work, her cab waiting outside, though Abhyansh said she has the authority to even order the drivers or use the cars, she didn't want to... she is thankful to her husband for letting her work through which she is earning, and her salary and bonus are enough for her to survive, she doesn't want any other luxuries... she didn't even get offended or think why Abhyansh didn't offer her a car to use.
She went to her work and discussed something with Ragini when she received a call from her brother... she cut his call, she is discussing some important things with Ragini and also, she is still angry with her brother.
"Ragini... Mr. Rajput is here, I have seen him outside, at the cash counter", Aashna said rushing to Ragini and Isha who are discussing designs inside...
"You mean Mr. Ranveer Rajput??", Ragini asked with a dreamy look... and Isha looked at them as if they are mad, why are they reacting like this to her brother??
"Then what the hell are you doing here girl, go and see to it that the best customer service is offered to him, go...", Ragini ushered as if it's prime minister of India who is at the door, well that's what Isha thought, she didn't know that her brother is a well-known name for being both a successful businessman and the Prince of Mewar and yes obviously for his good looks...
Hearing Ragini, Aashna rushed out to see Ranveer gets the best treatment while Ragini turned to Isha with an apologetic face...
"Ishu... I know I was the one who dragged you from your work, when you are so busy designing your orders, I'm so sorry but I have to go now", Ragini said
"What?? Ragini?? You are the one who said that it's very urgent to discuss our upcoming collection and now you are leaving all for what?? To handle a customer?? Aashna and her team will do their job Ragini, you are needed here...", Isha said
"Isha, he is Ranveer Rajput, you are too innocent baby, he is the prince of Mewar and a very big businessman, and you know what?? His sister, princess of Mewar is our queen, Rani sa, it's our honour that a man like him even chose to come to our boutique, also he is so handsome", Ragini said and left from there...
"I didn't know you are this famous among girls bhai", Isha said to herself with a giggle...
She called her brother to tell him not to inform about her being his sister to anyone... she heard Ragini approaching him from the other side...