He kept throwing heavy punches, getting heavier and stronger with each one, and at last, even it gave up, unable to handle the pressure of his fury... he took heavy breaths, sat on the floor looking at the busted punching bag, his actions revolving in his head...

"Only if I know how to reverse my actions...", he said to himself... "Isha...", he sighed closing his eyes...

He walked back to their room, took a shower, and did first-aid to his injured knuckles before laying down on the bed beside his wife, who leaned to his warmth in sleep, he looked at her tenderly, caressed her hair before kissing her forehead, kept staring at her, and took his power nap which became peaceful in her arms, before waking up in an hour, realizing it's time for his wife to wake up, he placed her gently on the floor and laid beside her, and her alarm went off in the next 5 minutes waking her up...

Isha woke up, and shut off the alarm before that could disturb her husband, she sighed seeing him still sleeping... she took off the blanket and the duvet and looked at his bandaged knuckles, she got teary-eyed and angry at the same time...

"I pleaded with you not to go, yet you went, and injured yourself, okay if you don't care about my words then why should I even tell you anything, do whatever you want to", she said to his sleeping form, got up, wiped her tears, and went to do her morning chores...

Abhyansh opened his eyes as soon as he heard the bathroom door shut and sighed deeply cursing his anger... now she is upset with him and he couldn't tolerate that...

He got up, folded the blankets, and put them in their place when Isha came out after freshening up... she is surprised to see the blankets, pillows, and duvets they used, neatly lying folded in their places... she had to try harder to stop the smile that threatened to form, so her husband knew that she is angry, so was trying to impress her huh?? Or else why would the BEAST do things like folding blankets or setting things up?? she wondered...

"What's my punishment?? For disobeying you?? Just don't stop talking to me, rest all I can manage", he said and that single sentence in his soft tone made her anger vanish into thin air...

"Why do you hurt yourself", she said taking his knuckles into her hands and examining them again, his bandages are covering the depth of his injuries, well that's exactly why he did first-aid to his injuries immediately, as he doesn't want his wife to see his deep and heavily wounded knuckles... he still remembers how shecried looking at the sword wounds on his body, he didn't want a repeat of it...

"It doesn't hurt much, I just did light boxing for an hour or so, that's all", he said, 'yeah so light that even the punching bag busted out', his brain mocked him which he quickly shut off...

"What's the need to do it in the first place Rana sa??", She said caressing his knuckles...

"I need to blow off the fury Rani sa... it was very much needed, otherwise I wouldn't have gone ignoring your request... my injuries don't pain me as much as your tears do, stop worrying, I'm completely alright", he said wiping a few tears that escaped her eyes... if this is how she reacts to seeing the bandaged knuckles, how would she react if she sees the actual injuries behind the bandage, he thought... no way in the hell is he going to let her see them, he decided.

"They are not deep right??", She asked him...

"No, they are not", he answered, well he wasn't lying, for him, they weren't deep, he experienced worst, this is nothing in front of them...

"Okay... I'll make something light for breakfast and also that you could eat with a spoon", she said leaving the room... 'or you could feed me', he wanted to add but didn't...

During breakfast, when she didn't see Avyan she frowned... she is serving her husband while contemplating whether to ask or not... her husband didn't like to talk at the dining table much but he didn't say much whenever her brother talked, so she decidedto ask, if he could excuse her brother, he could definitely excuse her...

"Ma... where is Avyan, why didn't he come for breakfast??", Isha asked her mother-in-law...

Seeing Abhyansh not reprimanding Isha for talking during breakfast, Amruta decided to respond... BEAST got irritated with his wife's concern for his brother...

"He left after lunch yesterday, and he didn't return home till now, he said he couldn't come home for the next week", Amruta said

"What?? But why?? His office is near to here right?? Why can't he commute?? Why is he neglecting his health like that??", Isha worried irking her husband...

"Sit down and have your breakfast, WITHOUT talking", he said in his usual cold tone, stressing on 'Without' making his wife frown cutely... now, what did she do?? Why is he irritated now?? She thought but didn't say anything, following his orders, she sat in the chair beside his and started having her breakfast for the first time since their marriage, they are eating together in the Ranawat palace, previous night's dinner was the first time they ate a meal together... Pratap didn't like Isha sitting along with his son who is the king, as no queen shared a meal with the king till now, they always had after the king but he knew better than to voice out his thoughts...

Abhyansh asked her to sit along with him for their Anniversary lunch but she denied it saying she would serve the family herself that day, Amruta too helped her daughter-in-law... Abhyansh's blood boiled whenever he saw Sheela Rajput passing hatefulglares to his wife, he so wanted to rip her into pieces but he controlled himself for his wife, he had things planned for her as well. Isha, on knowing her husband's anger, made sure to keep her aunt away from her husband throughout the time she is present, also Ranveer warned his mother to behave very carefully in front of Abhyansh as he wouldn't take a minute to shoot her in the head if she went overboard or even thought of troubling Isha, so her aunt kept her distance from the BEAST and also was at her best behaviour, and for her uncle, her brother told that he couldn't attend due to his bad health, and Isha didn't bother much, she wanted to invite them as he is her father's brother and the only family she is left with apart from her brother, but she didn't feel anything with his absence like she felt when she got to know that Avyan couldn't make it. But then seeing her sad, BEAST made sure his brother attended the lunch and Isha is happy that her whole family was present at the lunch.

After breakfast, Isha went to her room to get ready for the office when she saw her husband coming inside... she changed into a casual kurti and leggings, and was making a braid while trying to call to Avyan who got so busy in work that he has no time to attend the calls, or should say, the BEAST made sure he doesn't attend any personal calls until he finishes the assigned work, so Avyan texted his sister-in-law that he is busy and will call her later, she is fed up now, he is sending the same text message from the past 3 days and she wanted to talk to him now, she missed him, more than that she is worried for his health, why isn't he coming home?? Is he eating well?? All these questions ran in her head...

She frowned looking at her phone when she got an idea seeing her husband.

"Can I use your phone please??", She asked him and he instantly knew why, he so wanted to say 'No' but for the first time she asked him something, that too his phone, well that's a huge step, he honestly liked it...

"Here, you don't have to ask", he said unlocking his phone and handing it to her...

She searched for Avyan's contact but didn't find it...

"Where is Avyan's number??", She asked him...

"99******21, or go to logs, you'll find his number", Abhyansh said, and she gave him a look of 'why-didn't-you-save-it' and he got it... "I don't save numbers, I remember them mostly", he said and her eyes widened in shock...

"You don't save any numbers??", She asked