He offered that sword to his opponent and took a normal sword for himself... he has the best of the best men to compete with him, to make him stay in form, and also to keep his confidence and power intact. He has men to practice sword fighting with him, shooting practice, boxing, and every physical game that could boost the beast in him. He ordered his man to give such a tough fight that he, the Royal BEAST should feel like dying and giving up... this statement of his shocked his man but bowed down following the king's order...

Abhyansh and his opponent, Balwant started the sword fight... Abhyansh refused to wear armour or anything for that matter to protect himself... the fight began, Abhyansh fought with so much anger and fury that his opponent though the most skilled felt defeated... he knew something bad had happened to bring the BEAST out of their king and thought whoever would be facing the anger will face the worst death but what he didn't know is that anger is on himself(Abhyansh) and he himself would be facing the consequences too...

"I told you to give me a tough fight and get me defeated not the other way, Balwant", Abhyansh ordered making Balwant scared...

"I am trying Maharaj...", Balwant responded...

"Try harder Balwant, to hurt me, to defeat me, to kill me... I'm not your king now Balwant, just your opponent, whom you should kill otherwise you would be killed...", Abhyansh said raising his sword again...

"Ji Maharaj...", Balwant said bowing his head before raising his sword too...

From there, both men fought like beasts, Abhyansh's sword hit Balwant quite a few times but since he has his armour, he wasn't hurt, but Balwant had the sharpest sword in his hand, and when his sword hit Abhyansh's chest, it wounded him badly and blood oozed out of his body but the BEAST kept fighting... the physical pain is nothing, every time he is injured, his wife's tear-filled face and painful cries came into his mind... he became more beastly with each injury, instead of becoming weaker... Balwant is about to defeat Abhyansh, but Abhyansh dodged and attacks Balwant making his sword fall down and him defeated...

Balwant sat on his knees, bowing his head down, amazed by his king's bravery, and extraordinary skills. Abhyansh dropped the sword and fell on the floor, with his whole-body bleeding...

"Maharaj...", Balwant is about to tend to Abhyansh, but the BEAST stopped him with his hand...

"Leave me alone Balwant", Abhyansh said, and he nodded and left from there...

Abhyansh felt the ache in his heart slowly fading away with blood oozing out of his body, so he left his wounds unattended... slowly his eyes closed with blood oozing out of his body from everywhere...

Balwant knew he had to do something to save the king, the wounds are very deep and he is losing a lot of blood... his injuries needed to be tended but at the same time, he couldn't defy the king's orders, so he had only one option... he went to the other wing to free the king's most loyal beings... his pets, hounds, a lion which is called Veera, and a tiger which is called Sharah...

King would never punish them... Balwant asked the caretakers to let them loose, as he knew they could sense their king and would run to him as soon as they were set free...

The caretakers did as ordered by Balwant and as expected the wild animals ran to their king, looking at his unconscious and wounded form drowned in his blood, they all growled in pain and started waking him up with their paws...after sometime... Abhyansh woke up and slowly sat, caressing them with his blood-filled hands...

"Hm... you woke me up otherwise I would be sleeping here forever... Sharah, Veera...", he said caressing them near their heads and they bowed in front of him making his lips slightly twitch upward seeing their love...

Abhyansh tried to get up but couldn't, both his pets helped him by supporting his form...

"You do know that you are the only ones who had the audacity to help me right??", he asked and they stared at him with utmost sincerity and attention making his heart move a bit... before Ishacame into his life, they are the only ones who made him realize that he does have a heart, he used to feel a sense of connection and affection towards his beings...

He stood up and slowly walked to the door, took a first aid kit, and stopped bleeding for now... he quickly dialled his doctor and asked him to come to the back palace of the Ranawat palace, the doctor got frightened as he knew what exists there... and Which sane man would want to go to a place where a lion and tiger are set free... but he couldn't go against the king's orders, so he agreed and came to the back palace...

Looking at Abhyansh whose clothes are filled with blood and his whole body is injured, the doctor started walking towards Abhyansh but suddenly Veera and Sharah came in front, roaring at him madly, thinking he is here to hurt Abhyansh...

Doctor jumped backwards shouting with fear calling for Abhyansh to save him...

"Veera...Sharah... step back...", Abhyansh commanded in his calm and cold tone which made them take a step back...

The doctor took his BP tablet and swallowed it with water which is beside him on the table... Abhyansh would have chuckled at his state if he really knew how to smile or laugh... but instead, a small smirk appeared on his face...

"Now if you have tended yourself, take care of my wounds doctor", Abhyansh said in his cold tone, no sign of weakness in his tone despite all the injuries he had...

The doctor bowed in affirmation and slowly took careful steps toward Abhyansh and treated his wounds...

"Maharaj, the wounds are very deep, you need rest for a minimum of a week...", the doctor advised after the treatment... Abhyansh nodded, but both he and the doctor knew he is not going to rest... "No one should know about this, leave", Abhyansh ordered the doctor...

"Yes Maharaj...", the doctor said and left from there, running away would be a better word...

"Veera, Sharah... now go to your rooms, I'll leave for the palace after changing my clothes...", Abhyansh said and both of his pets roared in disapproval... "I know you want me to spend some more time with you, but I have to go, I have your queen to look after... she is not well... she wouldn't say but she needs me", Abhyansh said... Both Veera and Sharah growled in confusion... "You have not met her, will bring her to you but not now, she will be scared to meet you now", Abhyansh said and once again commanded them to go to their dens and this time they followed his orders calmly... only they both have the privilege to defy Abhyansh Singh Ranawat's orders and still not getting punished... they are the only ones with whom Abhyansh Singh Ranawat actually communicates, with the rest, it's just iterating his orders, and now Ranveer and Isha are an exception...

Abhyansh changed his clothes and walked to his chamber... he wanted to see his wife but the scared expression on her face came in his mind halting his steps... he is about to go inside his room when he saw his wife coming his way. After Abhyansh left Isha's room, Ranveer sat with his sister and tried talking about her nightmare but she is reluctant to share it with him so he let it go... and then he asked her why is she scared of her husband, and with that, she remembered how she behaved with her husband... she felt extremely guilty, that man saved her and she insteadof showing gratitude behaved with him badly just because of a nightmare... she thought to apologize to him... she wanted to leave then and there but Ranveer told her strictly to rest for a while and she had to follow... after a while, she woke up and got out to go to her husband's study when she spotted him outside one of his bedrooms...

"Maharaj...", she called him looking down as she is ashamed of herself...

"Hm...", he responded...