"My purpose of calling you here is solved, you got to know what you have to, two can play this game Rajput(Ranveer)", Abhyansh said to no one in particular...

Abhyansh intentionally called Ranveer, to let him know that his men or him still couldn't find Kailash Rajput's location whereas he already did, a long before... but he was in such a location and in such a man's clutches that he didn't want to disrupt the game that man is playing... he wanted to know the whole game plan before stepping in and ending the game in his style... So, he stayed as a silent spectator till now, but when his wife's safety is at jeopardy, he decided to act...

He decided to check on his wife after some time...

Here Isha is sleeping peacefully when a nightmare decided to disrupt both her sleep and her peace...

"Put your hands on it", the man said pointing towards hot coal blocks...

"Please... no... no... I'm scared, please leave me...", Isha begged

"Well, I want to beat your husband in everything... I want to torture you more than him... he pierced glass pieces into your this palms, but they are still working, aren't they?? Ididn't want them to...", that man told sadistically holding Isha's palms and making her hands touch the hot coal...

Her hands are burning, she felt as if her hands are separated from her body, but before they could burn completely, her husband came and killed that man brutally and pulled her to him...

"She is mine to torture, I won't let anyone have that privilege...", Abhyansh said, taking her hands and putting them in the hot coal blocks...

"No... please... don't....don't... no... I'm sorry, please let me.. go, Maharaj... let me go...", Isha fumbled, tossing around the bed, her whole body dripping in sweat...

Luckily Ranveer came there to see her, he rushed to her seeing her having a nightmare...

"Ishu... Ishu... it's okay bacha... you are fine... you are safe, it's just a nightmare, not real... get up, Ishu...", Ranveer said hugging his sister's shivering form...

Abhyansh too came there to check on her and seeing his wife like that, pain and fury took over his brain and body...

"Sprinkle some water on her Rajput", Abhyansh said rushing to the water jug and sprinkling some water on her face himself... and slowly she came out of her sleep and her nightmare...

She opened her eyes and looking at her husband who is looking at her with concern in his eyes, she remembered about her nightmare... she jumped to her side closing her face with her palms...

"Please don't hurt me, please.... I'm scared, please don't hurt me...", Isha mumbled moving away from Abhyansh... he felt as if someone cutting his heart deeply...

"Ishu... bacha... what's wrong... Ishu relax..", Ranveer coaxed, side hugging her shivering form... Isha on noticing her brother, hid herself in his arms sobbing quietly...

"Please bhai... ask him not to hurt me... he.... he was about to burn my hands in hot coal... it's paining a lot bhai....", Isha said still sobbing and looking at her palms...

"Isha... Isha... stop it, bacha, you are safe, it's a nightmare, just a nightmare, it's not really happening", Ranveer tried to handle his sister who is shivering and shaking badly...

"No, no, I felt the pain, I felt as if my hands are being cut from my body... my hands.... Ah...Ah....", Isha mumbled and cried hardly...

Her real experiences of how Abhyansh tortured her, and her recent experience of almost getting killed are messing up with her head, the pain she felt when Abhyansh hurt her with glass pieces and also made her work with the same red blood hands came back with this nightmare, that situation made her experience that brutal pain again... Abhyansh moved back from her bed... her condition didn't sit well with him at all, and hearing her words, he remembered how he tortured her, he made her palms hurt with glass pieces so that she would be unable to work on her designs... just because she came late from office. He closed his eyes to block those horrible memories, her painful screams then didn't move him, but remembering the very same painful cries now are breaking his heart...

"Ishu... Ishu... no bacha... it's just a dream... see, your hands are fine... you are fine, you are safe, Isha...", Ranveer said shaking her badly... and that's when she came out of her senses, looking at her hands...

"Bhai...", Isha hugged Ranveer and cried remembering the horrible nightmare that seemed so real...

"Ishu... everything will be fine, don't worry, I'm here... I will be here only... sh... calm down...", Ranveer consoled his sister... she calmed down after a while and broke the hug, and looked around, that's when she spotted her husband who is staring at her with his neutral face, but she could easily see he is very distressed about something, she felt as if he is in a lot of pain...

"Ma...Maharaj...", She said in a low tone... "You are back from office?? I...I will get you coffee", she said and is about to get down... Ranveer held her hand and is about to say something when he heard Abhyansh...

"No... take rest, you need it, I shouldn't see you in kitchen or doing any works for a week", Abhyansh ordered and walked away from there...

He entered his study and closed the door... he never locked the door before, not even when Bhairav or his other men had something very personal to talk to him... this worried Ramlal but he stayed put...

He made his way to the other palace, the forbidden one out of the four palaces that made the Ranawat palace, through the secret passage from his study.

No one except him are allowed there... he is feeling so much fury for himself that he wanted to punish himself in any way possible that could make him forget the ache he is feeling in his heart... looking at the fear in his wife's heart caused so much distress to him. The very same fear he enjoyed once... but more than anything, her condition and suffering broke something in him... he never felt so much pain in his heart before... his body was hurt badly, numerous times but never did he feel so much pain before...

He went to his personal collection of arms, and took out the sharpest sword from his collection, which could cause the deepest of the wounds just from touching it...