"Hm... ", he hummed again in affirmation

"But... You said you will... That... His father...", she fumbled with words, even the thought of questioning him scared her...

"I gave you my word, and I stuck to it, I did what his father want me to...", Abhyansh answered...

"H... His father asked you to k... kill him and you did?? Because of me??", she asked in a small, broken tone... Even the thought that she is responsible for someone's death is breaking her heart... Her kind heart couldn't tolerate it... Hearing her tone, he looked up, her tears didn't go well with him, he quickly stood up and walked to her briskly, she got scared thinking he would hurt her, though he promised her, he wouldn't, his prior actions scarred her for life...

He raised his hand to wipe her tears but his hands halted in the air hearing her...

"Don't hurt me Maharaj...", Isha said closing her eyes...

He looked at her scared face and closed his eyes intently... For some strange reason, he didn't like her getting scared of him... It pinched his heart to know that she thought he would hurt her...

He took back his hands before raising them again... This time his heart won the fight... He gently wiped her tears with histhumb, she slowly opened her eyes feeling his rough finger on her cheeks...

"I told you, I wouldn't hurt you", he said gently...

"I am sorry Maharaj...", she said looking down... She knew he wouldn't hurt her, then why did she get afraid??

"Why are you crying??", he asked his voice turning to his usual...

"You killed him... Because of me... Someone lost his life because of me... I would have to carry this guilt with me for life", Isha said looking into his eyes, few tears slipped from her eyes again looking at which Abhyansh frowned...

"Don't cry... ", he said wiping her tears and this time she felt his fingers looking into his eyes... And she could easily read the care in his beautiful green eyes though they remain emotionless for everyone else...

"I can't", she said looking away...

"I didn't kill him for you, I killed him because he eyed wrongly at the queen disrespecting me... I would have killed him even if there is anyone else in your place", he said to make her feel better, but he saw her eyes filled with more hurt than before... His weak understanding of emotions confused him... Whereas Isha is hurt knowing her husband doesn't care for her, he just cares for his respect and would have done the same despite who was his wife... But she is perplexed, why is she hurt to know that?? She already knew he didn't care for her then why?? She cursed herself for expecting too much from her husband without even her knowledge...

He told her that so that she wouldn't dwell in guilt, but the truth is he killed the prince with so much vengeance just because he eyed Isha badly, if it's someone else in her place as his wife, he wouldn't have felt so much anger and possessiveness though he would give the same punishment then too but as an obligation to protect a queen and his wife's dignity, but with Isha before his obligation, his possessiveness for her reacts...

"Okay... ", she said looking down...

"Why are you still upset??", the beast asked in his pissed tone, the lack of understanding of emotions is irritating him... She frowned hearing his tone... Why is he irritated?? It should be her, she thought...

"I am not... Maharaj... Thank you for clearing my misconception, can I take your leave now??", she asked politely...

"You came early to ask me this??", he asked, though he knew she would come, since he expected the news to reach her and he knew his wife that much that she would definitely confront him if she gets to know the truth, sure she is afraid of him, but she is kinder more than anything, and that very same kind heart will probe her to question him...

"Yes", she replied looking down... He didn't understand why is she so upset but it was a very big thing in itself that he understood that she is upset though she didn't express much...

"What happened??", he asked, and she looked up, she didn't understand why her husband is not dispersing her till now, by now he normally dismisses her...

"Nothing... Maharaj... Can I leave now??", She asked again, and he got frustrated but nodded and she left from there calmly...

Isha went down and started doing her routine, that is to talk to her mother-in-law. Amruta asked why she is so aloof today, Isha shook her head and after a while, both of them started with the cooking and everything got normal.

Everyone sat for dinner and Isha as usual, was about to taste the food like always but Abhyansh shocked everyone with what he said next...

"Don't... Just serve me", The beast said, and Isha looked at him gaping... Is she hearing things?? Her 'BEAST' of a husband trusts her?? Along with Isha, the family members too looked at Abhyansh with shocked faces...

"What??", he asked with irritation...

"Now, you trust her??", his father asked, gathering the courage

"I do, she wouldn't try to kill me, if she wanted, she could have done that much before, I gave her many chances, whenever I ask for coffee, I never asked her to taste...", He said and looked at her... Her eyes held many questions, but he didn't want to answer any of them, so he signalled her to serve him with his eyes, which she immediately did... Two tears fell from her eyes because of all the humiliation she faced till then because of that...He wouldn’t have bothered to answer his father, but he did not just in word, but he gave an entire explanation, that showed how he was utterly wrong in questioning his wife’s intentions and making her taste the food she cooked for him. He knew how hurt and humiliated she felt when she was made to do it every time, he who never accepted he was wrong, gavea statement against his judgment today to compensate at least a fraction of humiliation she felt all those times.

The tears fell on her hand while she kept serving him, which he noticed, he fisted his palm to control the anger that was bubbling inside him seeing those hot drops... He quickly had his dinner and left from there... He couldn't eat properly after seeing those tears, he didn't understand why she cried but her pain didn't go well with him anymore...