At night, after Isha's dinner, she sat in the hall with Amrutha and Avyan...

"Ma... Is the food not good today??", Isha asked wondering why her husband didn't eat well today... he ate a lot lesser than usual, and she didn't understand why??

"No beta, the food tasted delicious just like every day...", Amruta asked

"Avyan... you tell me... Is the food bad?? I won't mind", Isha stressed confusing the mother-son

"Isha, the food is very good, just like every other day, why are you stressing so much?? Aapko aisa kyun lagta hai??(Why do you feel so??)", Avyan asked and Amrutha frowned at Avyan addressing Isha with her name...

"No... Actually...", Isha started but Amrutha cut her off...

"Avyaan, why are you calling her by name?? She is your sister-in-law; don't you know that?? I thought it's just your brother who is like this in our house but you too...", Amrutha reprimanded...

"Ma... why are you scolding him?? I only asked him to call me by my name, he refused a lot, I was the one who insisted him", Isha came to her brother-in-law's rescue...

"You both are idiots then... Don't you dare call her by name again Avyaan", Amruta scolded both of them...

"Ma... Don't scold him and let him call me by my name... What's in it??", Isha said, and Avyan smiled at his sister-in-law...

"Ma... If not by her name, tell me what should I address her?? It's a big problem you know, and don't worry, after what bhai sa did today, I realized that he would soon accept her as his wife, and he himself would ask me to call her 'bhabhi sa', just till then, let me call her by my name", Avyan said, though he didn't think that would happen anytime soon or ever for that matter... huh his BEAST brother, asking him to call Isha, 'Bhabhi sa', impossible... Thought Avyan...

"Ha Avyan, even I was utterly surprised by what Abhyansh did today, he said he trusts Isha... She deserves all the trust and love in the world but getting the trust of Abhyansh Singh Ranawat is almost impossible but, seeing you acquiring that, I'm very happy Isha, I just hope he would soon accept you as his wife and soften towards you", Amrutha wished, though she knew it is impossible, she still hoped...

"Ma... It's okay, I don't want that, I'm happy with what I have now... a good job, little freedom, and you people... that's all, I don't want him to accept me as his wife, honestly, I don't wish to be his wife ma...", Isha said and Amrutha's face fell hearing her... She knew her daughter-in-law is right in her place after all the tortures her son put her through, she can't expect her to accepthim as her husband, but still, she is a mother and hoped for her child's happiness. She is selfish that way...

Avyan realizing the situation diverted the topic and after that, everyone left for their respective chambers... As soon as she reached her room, she called her brother to talk to him about the incident that happened regarding the prince's death...

"Bhai... How did the king(FArhn Al Qasimi's father) ask Maharaj to kill his son?? How can he say that?? I don't understand a thing", Isha bombarded her brother with questions as soon as he took the call...

"Ishu... You have zero phone etiquettes", Ranveer chided his sister...

"Bhai....", Isha whined

"Okay okay, I will answer your questions, one by one... let me take a breath you greedy woman", Ranveer taunted his sister and Isha waited patiently for her brother to start answering her questions...

"Bhai... come on, you took not one but 100 breaths till now, but didn't utter a single word", she said now getting irritated...

"Hm... let me tell you one thing that answers all your questions Ishu... The BEAST actually thought of torturing the prince to death, but just because you asked him to listen to whatever the prince's father says, he didn't torture him, because the old man requested Ranawat not to torture him, even he knows that 'death' is the punishment that is given in situations like this, even they did it to an Indian king who visited their home, he stared at the then king's wife, who is not even the queen, a littlelonger than allowed, and as a result, the current king's father sent the cut pieces of that Indian king to his kingdom back", Ranveer finished shocking Isha...

"Eww... Bhai... no, please... don't say all these things, I'm afraid", Isha trembled in fear...

"Ishu... you need to get stronger bacha... you can't be like this all your life, especially when you are now the wife of the BEAST himself", Ranveer schooled his sister... He wants her to realize what she got herself into, so that she agrees to come back to London with him. If she decides to stay, she needs to get stronger, either way, it's necessary for her to know all these things.

"Okay okay, bhai... I have a doubt, how was she not a queen if she was the then king's wife??", Isha asked her doubt

"What??", Ranveer asked confused

"You said that the Indian king was brutally punished even though he didn't disrespect the queen but the king's wife, how is that even possible?? I thought the queen and the king's wife are the same...", Isha asked innocently making Ranveer burst out laughing...

"Ishu... bacha... They have more than one wife, and only one of the several wives they have will be the queen consort, not all of them are called Queens...", Ranveer clarified...

"Oh!, yes, the other day, Ma was telling me about some mythological story, even the king in that story has many wives... bhai, do you know those stories??", Isha asked curiously...

"Yes bacha, dadi sa used to tell me stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata...", Ranveer said and while saying, he suddenly realized his sister didn't even have that chance, she was too young when their grandmother passed away... She didn't get exposure to anything except for the household chores she learned at a tender age, sorry! was forced to learn by his cruel parents...

"Oh! will you tell me bhai?? I want to know about them, ma told me a story the other day, it was very interesting, but I was afraid to ask more, what would she think of me if she gets to know that I know nothing about mythology and our culture??", Isha put her worries in front of her brother...

"Bacha... your mother-in-law is a kind woman, she wouldn't judge you, but if you think so, then okay, I'll tell you all the stories dadi sa told me... okay??", Ranveer said lovingly...