"Thank you Bhabhi sa...", he thanked and Isha smiled with a nod...
Everyone ate the delicious food, Abhyansh asked Isha to sit as well and she did and had her dinner... he left for his study after his dinner as he is so mad at his wife and brother... well its jealousy but he masked it with anger...
In the kitchen, Isha supervised the staff before walking to the hall...
"Bhabhi sa... I have something for you", Avyan said
"What is it??", Isha asked with a smile...
"These are for you, I hope you'll like them", Avyan said handing her the jewellery box, and she took it with a smile... "open it Bhabhi sa", Avyan said with a smile and excitement which made Isha excited too...
She opened it and gasped with surprise, the bangles are so pretty and simple, completely according to her taste...
"Avyan... they are so pretty, thank you so much", Isha said with a wide smile...
"Ahh... thank god you liked it, there are many heavy designs that are actually very beautiful, but I know you like simple things, also these would suit your work clothes... so brought you these", Avyan said and Isha smiled...
"I'll wear these to work tomorrow...", Isha said excitedly... "what do you want as a return gift?? Tell me", Isha asked
"Um... I want chocolate mousse tomorrow", he said and she giggled
"Haha not that, I'll make it too, but tell me, an actual gift Avyan...", Isha said...
"Bhabhi sa... you donate a large chunk of your earnings to your father's followers' families, if you really want to give me any gift, then let me also help them, they don't have to know about it", Avyan said and Isha sighed...
Isha feels guilty that her uncle killed her father's men as they wanted to help her... they didn't want to take Ranawat's money, so Isha denied every time Avyan offered to help...
"Avyan, you know....", Isha started but he cut her off...
"I know they don't want anything from my family, they don't have to know... please let me do this... I don't want you to feel guilty anymore...", Avyan said and Isha sighed, after some more convincing she agreed and Avyan squealed in joy...
"I'll wear them and show you", Isha said taking out the bangles from the box...
"Let me make you wear these bangles and we'll take pictures", Avyan said taking the bangles from her hand and making her wear them... both of them took a lot of pictures and after some time, they dispersed to their respective chambers...
Isha entered her chamber with a wide smile on her face... she found her husband on the couch with a serious face, she ignored it as that's his usual expression...
"Rana sa... look what Avyan got me...", she said excitedly running to him, and settling beside him...
Abhyansh looked at the jewellery box in her hand and then the bangles on her hand which she is showing to him...
"He brought these for you and you accepted it so happily?? ", he asked and her smile faltered...
"Yes, he brought them with so much love, why wouldn't I accept them??", she said and that angered him...
"You didn't accept my gifts but you accepted his??", he asked and now she sensed his fury...
"Rana sa... that...", she fumbled, she didn't want to hurt him by telling him the reason why she doesn't want to accept his gifts...
"Take them off, they are making me mad", he ordered and she frowned, she remembered how affectionately Avyan made her wear them...
"No, Avyan made me wear these, I don't want to take them off...", she said and that made him madder... he snatched the empty jewellery box in her palm and smashed it on the floor getting her angry...
"I don't accept anything from you because I'm scared of your gifts... the money bundle you threw at my face, I still feel humiliated every time I remember it... I need some time toforget things you did Maharaj... on the other hand, Ma and Avyan treated me with respect always, they made my life easier in this place... I would be forever grateful to them, and Avyan is like a little brother to me, I'll happily accept his gifts, please don't insult his gifts like this anymore", Isha said angrily... she stormed off the room picking up the now broken jewellery box...
Abhyansh took deep breaths to calm his fury, her words fumed him to the core but he needs to calm down or else he would end up hurting her more... for a second, he felt like killing his brother for causing this situation but his rational mind stepped in showing the reality and his past mistakes weighed him with guilt and regret...
Isha got down the stairs and sat on the couch at the entrance hall of their chamber, after some time, she calmed down and started feeling bad for saying all that to her husband... she knew he gets angry easily, she should have stayed calm but when he threw Avyan's gift box, she couldn't stop her anger... she just hoped her husband wouldn't punish her brother-in-law for this scene... she saw how guilty her husband is regarding their past, looking at the watch, he suffered so much pain as if he was the one who was tortured not her, and still, she spoke about their past, she regretted her words... hurting her husband was never her intention...