"No... Rana sa... it's not that... I just don't want my friends to behave differently with me... they are so friendly to me because they think I am one of them and like them, but when they get to know all this, I am afraid the equation between us might change...", Isha said and he nodded, it definitely made him upset but he is not going to dwell on it much, he would let his wife do whatever she thinks is right, at least until it wouldn't hurt her...

"Hm... ", he hummed pulling her into his arms...

"Sorry if I made you upset", she said pushing herself more into his arms...

"No, I understand, if revealing your lifestyle makes you uncomfortable with your friends, you don't have to, but you can't hide the truth forever, there will be a point in time when they will know, you can just delay it but it will definitely come, so stay prepared to handle it calmly, I don't want you upset, that's all I care for", he said pushing her baby hairs back and kissed her forehead making her smile...

"You calm down sooner these days", she said trying to suppress her giggle, imagining how he was so furious just a moment ago and now he is all lovey-dovey...

"And what about you?? You were so scared before, but look at you now, teasing your husband huh??", he said rubbing his beard over her cheeks pulling her more into him, which made her giggle...

"Rana sa... your beard... haha", she giggled trying to get out of his arms, her soft tone and sweet giggles warmed his heart to an extent that it felt heavenly to him...

"Isha... always stay by my side", he said seriously and she looked into his eyes noticing his sudden change of demeanour...

"Huh ??", she frowned...

"Just say 'yes' Rani sa, and stay this closer to me when we are alone", he said pulling her into his arms... Isha felt his desperate need to get assurance, though she didn't know her husband's past, she felt his vulnerability at that time...

"But why are you mentioning it specially?? I will always be by your side, no matter what, you are my husband Rana sa, and remember my coronation?? I wouldn't have gone through it if I had any plans of leaving", she said and he closed his eyes in relief but opened them in arrogance the next second...

"I don't care even if you have any plans to leave, you are stuck with me for this life and I am not letting you go, that's certain", he said angrily and she giggled...

"Then why did you ask??", she asked him and he sensed the humour in her tone...

"If you realize, I haven't asked you, I ordered you", he said, and she sighed getting angry and he realized it...

"What do you want me to do now??", he asked softly and she raised her brows not understanding what he is asking, "what should I do to cool off your anger??", he added and she looked at him with surprise, her cold husband knew how to pacify his wife as well?? Of course, he does, he already did once, answered her brain...

"Nothing, I'm not angry anymore", she said with a smile, leaning on his chest and he held her shoulders...

"Oh no! It's already 7?? I should leave now...", she said looking at her watch and getting up... she is wearing the same watch he gave her, when he burned her hand with the hot metal watch... he fumed looking at that watch both with regret and anger... he held her hand, took out the watch, and thrashed it on the floor... she didn't question him anything, as she understood why he is mad...

"Why are you wearing that again??", Abhyansh asked in his cold tone but she can sense his pain, regret, and anger in his tone...

"My other watch is out of battery, so I wore it, I'll get the battery replaced tomorrow", she said and he sighed... he took her hand and caressed the burnt mark with immense pain in his heart and eyes...

"I hate myself for this, I'm so sorry, I will never forgive myself for this Isha", he said and she felt his pain, she thought she couldnever forgive him for his torture but seeing him suffering so much just with the thought of it, she is tempted to forgive him...

"Don't torment yourself Rana sa, it's all in the past... don't think about it, hm??", she said rubbing his shoulders, he took her palm and placed it on his cheek, which she slowly caressed and that calmed his inner turmoil...

"Sit with me for a while", he asked and she shook her head with a sorry face...

"Sorry Rana sa, I need to go, make dinner, or I would get late...", she said

"There are still 2 hours for dinner, what's so hurry", He asked

"Today, I'm making Avyan's favourite dishes, and they take time...", she said with a smile...

"What??", he fumed but she walked away, but turned back and walked to him, and held his cheeks and kissed his forehead...

"Don't even think of suffering Avyan, see you at dinner", she said and rushed out... for some strange reason, he didn't get mad at his wife for commanding him, he felt good...

At dinner, everyone sat, and as soon as Avyan saw the dishes Isha is serving, he squealed like a child, suddenly his eyes widened realizing what he did...

"Sorry bhai sa...", he apologized looking down... Abhyansh didn't respond and Avyan got scared and all his excitement vanished away, and Isha observed it

One of the staff members is about to serve Avyan but Isha signed her to leave it for her... Isha finished serving for her husband and served Avyan which made Avyan smile at her...