"Nothing to worry, he is gonna have trouble if he wouldn't go", Abhyansh said, not completely lying to her... "he didn't want to go because of you, I explained to him how crucial it's for his company and...", Abhyansh started but Isha cut him off, initially he used to get so pissed whenever she interrupts him, he hated it, no one ever dared to do that, but he controlled himself from snapping at his wife, as he didn't want to scare her, but now he kinda got used to it...
"Bhai is too much... it's not like he is going there permanently... he would return soon after resolving the issue... huh... he should go... yes, I'll miss him, but I can't get his hard work ruined like this... I'll talk to him...", she said already thinking so many ways to convince her brother...
"Relax... I convinced him, I arranged everything for his journey... but he might change his plans if he sees you upset...", Abhyansh threw his arrow, and like always it hit the bull's eye...
"No, why would I be upset, he would return after resolving the issue right??", she asked her husband hopefully...
"Yeah... but it would take a minimum of 3 months", he said and her face fell... and that didn't go well with Abhyansh...
"Don't you want him to go?? I can handle the issue, I'll make sure his company doesn't face any issues", he said cupping her cheek... and he meant it when he said those words, yes, he was determined to punish his brother-in-law but if that was upsetting his wife, he no more wanted to send his brother-in-lawaway even if it meant tolerating his annoying presence around his wife all the time... he would search for another way to punish him...
"No... no, it's his work, I'm sure he could handle it... he will ask you if he needs your help, I am very thankful to you for offering to help him but let him deal with this in his own way...", she said softly and his lips twitched slightly, his chest filled with pride... "it's just 3 months, they will pass quickly... I stayed without him for years, 3 months isn't a big deal, also now there's no one to keep a tab on what I say to my brother, I can freely talk to him whenever I want... it's fine, I can handle it... I won't show him I'm sad... I'll send him off with a smile...", Isha said with a smile and Abhyansh kissed her head... hearing her talk about how her uncle kept tabs on what she talked to her brother angered him... that man didn't leave any chance to make her life hell and he is going to pay for every single thing, determined BEAST
"You won't miss him", he told her with determination and she sensed it, oddly it felt very comforting... he promised himself to give his wife the best time of her life so that she doesn't miss her brother... it's a punishment just for his brother-in-law and he should suffer it alone, in no way he is letting his wife suffer...
"Hm... when is he leaving??", she asked
"Today...", he said and she nodded...
"Oh! then he might need help with the packing... can I go to him now?? I'll call in sick today...", she said and he nodded... she left while he smirked... this is what he wants, how could he send his brother-in-law without a sendoff gift...
Isha walked out and one of the drivers of her husband opened the door seeing her...
"Hukum asked me to drop you off at Rajput palace... Rani sa, please", the driver said politely asking her to sit in the car...
She sighed before settling in the car, as much as she liked her husband's gesture, she didn't want to go by his car... she would have preferred a cab... she decided to talk to her husband about it later, for the time being, she sat in, she couldn't dare to disobey her husband in front of his staff, she doesn't want to either...
She entered the Rajput palace and rushed to her brother's chamber...
"Bhai... I heard you are going to London, let me help you", Isha said with a wide smile, looking at her brother packing his clothes sulking...
"You are smiling?? And who told you??", he asked her with a frown...
"Rana sa...", she said with a smile... and started helping him with the packing...
"Ishu... stop with the smile, it's irritating...", he said and she glared at him... "seriously... why are you not sad??", he asked...
"Why would I be bhai??, it's just 3 months...", she said and his eyes widened...
"Just?? Did you say JUST?? It's 3 damn months Ishu... won't you miss your bhayyu??", he asked...
"No, we have cell phones, I can call you anytime, I can video call you too, stop being so dramatic and help me pack, ma sa asked you to come for lunch when I told her about your plan...", she said and Ranveer nodded still glaring at his sister and mentally murdering his brother-in-law...
Isha, after packing, went to make some cookies and snacks for her brother to take... as soon as she left, Ranveer called her brother-in-law, Abhyansh smirked seeing the caller ID before taking the call...
"How is my sendoff gift?? Like it??", Abhyansh said
"How could you be so cruel Ranawat??", Ranveer whined...
"Get ready for presents like this in the coming days Rajput... brace yourself", Abhyansh said and hung up leaving his brother-in-law to wonder what he has planned...
In the afternoon, Ranveer and Isha went to the Ranawat palace along with the luggage as the airport is a bit nearer to Ranawat palace compared to Rajput palace...
They had lunch and, in the evening, Abhyansh came home exactly at his time, Ranveer fumed seeing him...
"Rani sa, go and get ready, we will drop your brother at the airport", Abhyansh said and Isha got so excited...
"Really?? We are going to send him off from the airport??", Isha asked with a wide smile, Abhyansh patted himself mentally for his decision to take her to the airport to send her brother off, his desire to punish his brother-in-law and his love for his wifeare two different things, and he is determined to keep them separate... he won't let one thing affect the other...