"He got something important to deal with, he will be back in an hour... and I need to take a bath... let's go to the room", Abhyansh said and Isha nodded still worrying about her brother...
Abhyansh took a bath, changed into his track pants, and lay on the bed, but saw his wife still pacing to and fro in the room, holding her phone in her hand...
"Isha... come and lay down...", he called her in his cold tone...
"You go to sleep Rana sa... I'll wait for bhai...", she said, her brows furrowed in worry...
"He will return soon, first come and lay down...", Abhyansh said in his final tone making a call to Bhairav...
"Be here in the next 10 minutes", Abhyansh said and hung up...
"But you said he went on his work...", Isha asked walking towards the bed...
"When did I say that?? I just said, something came up... and yes, I left Bhairav there to bring him back as we both went on the same vehicle... I know you'll be waiting, ignoring my words", he said, pulling her into his arms...
"That's so sweet of you... by the way, where were you coming from??", Isha asked remembering how he stepped back before she touched him, she was going to hug him... but he didn't want her to touch him after he just killed two people, they didn't affect him ever, but he knew they would affect her, he would never let his sins touch her, he is determined.
"Yes, I noticed, you were about to hug me... sorry I stepped back then, now kindly do the honours your highness...", Abhyansh teased her to divert her from the truth... he didn't want to lie to her but can definitely hide the truth...
She blushed hiding her face in his arms...
"I was scared, in that huge hall at this time, alone", Isha said holding him tighter, he too tightened his hold around her back more...
"You fine?? You looked scared?? Why were you pacing around in the hall if you are so scared??", he asked in his cold tone but she could sense his anger...
"I'm more scared in the room alone, so I went down, I don't want to stay here alone without you or my bhai here...", Isha said and Abhyansh's heart broke imagining the things she had gone through in this very same palace...
"Don't be scared, no one has the audacity to hurt you now, you are safe", he said kissing her head... "and good, you listened to me at least on this...", he said pointing to her wearing pyjamas instead of cotton sarees...
"I don't have my cotton sarees here", she said innocently
"Oh, so that's why you wore them, not because I said so, right??", he teased
"Rana sa... it's not like that... I...", she panicked sitting up in a hurry to explain but seeing his smirk, she frowned angrily... "you are teasing me??", she asked with a pout, he kissed her pout making her blush...
"My bad...", he said pulling her on him, but she quickly got away, laying down beside him, he again pulled her closer, this time she is laying half on him and he blocked her with his arms and legs... "you are locked with me, now no one can unlock you", he said seriously and she blushed looking down...
"Rana sa... I want to ask you something... woh... can I stay here for a few more days?? Bhai looks sad, I'll come back as soon as he gets fine... at max 3-4 days, please", she asked
"Now you are asking my permission?? Why?? It didn't stop you from going before??", he said angrily, he still remembered how she went with his brother though he told he doesn't want her to go...
"That was different, sorry...", Isha said hugging him tightly and that did the trick...
"Okay, I'll stay here with you...", Abhyansh said and she nodded happily... these days, she got used to fall asleep in her husband's arms and she loved that feeling... staying away from him no more brought her peace and happiness, instead got her restless if she didn't see him for a day...
"Thank you Rana sa", she said with a bright smile, she thought he is staying to support her brother but only he knew he isstaying there only for his wife as he doesn't want to stay away from her anymore, otherwise Rajput palace is the last place he would want to be in, the large portraits of Amar Rajput keeps reminding him of the horrible past he could never forget...
Abhyansh's phone blinked and he knew what it is...
"Your bhai is here... now sleep peacefully...", Abhyansh said
"Oh...I'll go and see if he is fine...", she said and is about to get up but he pulled her back into his arms...
"He is fine... call him and talk, then sleep...", Abhyansh said, she is tired from the morning and if she goes down, she would come to the room only after an hour or two of talking with her brother, so he stopped her, she sighed understanding where he is coming from and called her brother...
"bhai... you are here??", she asked as soon as Ranveer picked up her call...
"Yes bacha, now go to sleep", Ranveer confirmed