"Okay bhai, I have made badam shake for you, it's in the fridge, have it and then sleep", Isha said and Abhyansh frowned...

"Thank you Ishu... you are the best... I love you", Ranveer said

"I love you too bhayyu, now go, bye good night", Isha said and when she got a cute bye in return from her brother, she hung up...

Hearing her saying 'I love you' to her brother made Abhyansh so angry... and she made badam shake for that a**. Seeing his frown, Isha gave him a confused look...

"Rana sa?? What are you thinking??", Isha asked

"Where is my badam shake??", he asked her instead...

"But you don't take food or shakes in odd times na, that's why didn't make for you, you want it now?? I'll get it in 5 minutes...", she said getting up but he pulled her to him gently, her care and love always surprises him...

"I was asking for something else", he asked, and before she could say anything... he held her hair and softly pulled her head to him, placing his lips on hers and kissing her deeply trying hard to keep his BEAST in control... her body half laying on his is doing no good to his situation...

He kept biting her lips, exploring every nook and corner of her mouth, slowly she started responding, softly kissing him back which made him let a se*y groan out and she liked that sound for some reason, she felt it as an appreciation that she is doing good... he deepened the kiss, turned her, so that she is lying on her back and he is hovering her... he sensed her breathlessness but is nowhere near to satisfied... he left her lips and attacked her neck... he dropped open mouth kisses on her neck making her close her eyes in pure bliss... moans left her mouth without her will... she moaned loudly when he bit her neck but started soothing it with his tongue the next second making her fist his hair tightly in pleasure...

"Rana sa...", she moaned enjoying every bit of the sweet assault his lips are doing on her neck...

She suddenly jerked when his palms which are on her waist and back, touched her bos*om... he pulled back sensing her stiffness...

"Isha... sh... calm down, we won't go further if you are not comfortable...", he said laying on his back and pulling her to him, though his inner beast is screaming for release, he ignored, for him, his wife is more important...

she hid her face in his arms getting extremely shy... he comforted her with words and she soon fell asleep and that's when he rushed to the washroom to take care of himself...

He came back, with just his tracks... he looked at his wife who is sleeping peacefully, her cheeks still holding a light tint of red making him smirk... his smirk widened when he looked at his love on her neck... he took a cream lying on her dressing table, sat beside her on the bed, kissed each hickey before applying it on her neck so the hickeys don't hurt her in the morning...

She cuddled into his warmth wounding her arms around his bare back, he wanted to get up, put the cream in its place and wear a shirt but the sight of her arms around his na*ed back is too se*y to ignore...

He placed the cream on the side table before lying beside her completely and his wife snuggled more into him craving his warmth...

"How long do I have to suffer like this Rani sa?? Your innocence is gonna be the death of me... your brother would surely receive the repercussions for making you like this... I promise you that...", Abhyansh muttered kissing her forehead, cheeks and softly kissing her lips... he is about to leave her lips when he felt her responding... she took his lower lip in between her lips and chewed making a groan escape his mouth...

He looked at her and noticed her still in sleep... he knew he would lose all his control if he kissed those addictive lips even for a second more, sighed and broke the kiss moving away from her...

"Rana sa...", a se*y moan escaped her lips not feeling his addictive lips on hers anymore... she is still in her dream and thinking it to be a dream and she wanted to enjoy the heavenly feeling of her husband's lips on hers...

"F**k", Abhyansh cussed, he is holding the last thread of his patience...

"Don't test my patience Isha... I can control only so much...", he whispered to her sleeping figure slowly caressing her hair... she turned in her sleep to face him and snuggled into his bare chest tightening her hold on him making him groan... her lips touched his bare chest and the warm feeling it generated in him is unmatchable... Hh felt peace but at the same time it sent unnecessary signals downstairs which evaporated his peace in seconds... "even 100 cold showers can't help me with you around", he groaned looking at his wife's innocent smile in her sleep... he sighed, pulled her more into him and slowly closed his eyes...

Since they are already sleeping on the bed, he didn't have to be in his alert mode so that he could carry his wife and made her sleep on the floor before she wakes up... and that made him close his eyes and sleep peacefully in his wife's arms... after almost two decades, he is wanting to sleep properly, not just a nap, his sleep schedule is programmed in a way, that he could command it like he wants to, if he wants to sleep, he could but all these years he never felt the peace or need or secure and safe to take that hours of peaceful sleep, the weight of his responsibilities,the danger that comes with the extreme power he holds didn't let his mind take that rest, just a power nap to regain his energy and gather his mental power, but now, in his wife's warmth, he felt peaceful, her lips touching his chest just above his heart gave that safe feeling he missed all these years... it's shocking that how a kind, powerless, innocent and soft girl like her is able to offer the secure feeling to a dangerous, cruel and an extremely powerful and inhumane BEAST like him but only Abhyansh Singh Ranawat knows what power his wife holds on him... he is gradually becoming her slave, by heart... he wants to do anything for a single smile of hers and destroy anything in this world causing a single tear of hers...

For the first time in years, he commanded his brain to sleep without his alert mode on and that made his wife wake up before him for the first time ever... every day, his wife thinks him to be asleep and talks to him, says things she couldn't tell him when he is awake, and he enjoys her talks a lot but unfortunately the first time he slept in real is going to make him miss the most important confession of his wife...

Isha woke up before her alarm and immediately dismissed the alarms before they could ring and disturb her husband's peaceful sleep... she turned and looked at him sleeping, he looked much calmer and peaceful than every day... And that's when she noticed him half na*ed and blushed heavily...

She stared at his peaceful face for some more time, he looked very calm and like a baby today, she saw him sleep many times yet never felt him sleeping like a baby, his face looked cold and emotionless even in his sleep with his stiff posture but today is different, she thought. But who would tell her that this is the first time she is actually seeing her husband sleeping...

"Rana sa... I don't know how but you became an inseparable part of my life, I don't want to live this life anymore if I don't have you in it... don't know how it happened but I LOVE YOU...", she said in her soft voice... she slowly ruffled his hair back and her touch bought him out of sleep... he slowly opened his eyes and saw the most peaceful sight, a small but noticeable smile formed on his lips surprising her, but soon it disappeared when reality stuck in... damn, he slept, he actually slept without his senses on alert mode...

"Good morning, Rana sa", she said, as soon as she saw him opening his eyes, she took off her hands from his hairs, it felt awkward to her...

Hearing his wife's morning wish, his mood again restored, what's done is done, but from now on he wouldn't sleep senseless, thought he...

"Good morning... what time is it??", he asked, his face resting on his palm which is in air, his elbow on the pillow...

"5:20, sorry woke you up 10 minutes before your usual time...", she said, she saw him wake up some time after she does every day, so she thought he woke up at 5:30 everyday...