Till now, Bhairav and Avyan should get used to it but no, they still find it very shocking that Isha controls Abhyansh and his emotions effortlessly.

"Take these 3 of you...", Abhyansh said handing a key each to his wife, his brother, and his brother-in-law... All of them looked confused at him waiting for him to elaborate... "This would keep you safe from anyone in the world no matter how powerful they are, with or without my presence...", he said and his statement reminded Ranveer of the 'Baba' giving the black threads to keep people safe from spirits.

"Ranawat... You also do black magic ? I didn't know", Ranveer said and Avyan couldn't control his laughter hearing Ranveer, Isha too cracked up but soon stifled her laughter...

"It's not black magic you idiot... These are the keys of those lockers that hide the darkest secrets of the people or organizations that could act as potential threats to you people or R Empire", Abhyansh explained, the irritation on his face made Avyan chuckle but he stifled it fearing his brother... He kept remembering Ranveer's 'kala jadu' comment and it became impossible to hide his laughter and Abhyansh got irked with his brother.

"Now laugh", Abhyansh told Avyan, strangling him with his arm...

Isha and Ranveer looked at Abhyansh with amusement and surprise at his fun-filled act. Isha quickly took out her phone and recorded the moment.

"Bhai sa... sorry...", Avyan apologized but soon he burst out into laughter unable to hold it. Abhyansh glared at him but it soon turned out into a small smile as he saw his brother laughing this loud and carefree in his presence for the first time. "Sorry bhai sa...", Avyan said in his between his laughter, unable to hold it as Ranveer's face expressions kept coming in his head and Abhyansh knew it. His brother had this problem always, he couldn't hold his laughter much but the fear he had for his brother always didn't let him laugh openly in his presence, but now he saw the fear is fading slowly, and Abhaynsh couldn't be happier... He wanted his brother to be confident in his presence always.

Seeing Avyan, Isha, and Ranveer too laughed, even Bhairav had a small smile on his face, after some time, the laughter subsided and Avyan apologized to his brother again who nodded at him and now everyone concentrated on the ongoing serious discussion.

The reason he created the vast empire was because of the support it would give his family in his absence but when he got to know how the state agency probed his wife and R Empire just after 4 days after his disappearance shocked him. The empire he created for their protection actually acted as a vulnerability for his family ? No, he can't let it pose as a threat, so he came up with a solution, his presence and absence shouldn't affect his family drastically... He had to secure them in every way possible, determined he and started working towards that direction and finally got ready with the solution.

"These carry the most vulnerable secrets of every probable person that could become a possible threat to you people, once they know you are not under my protection anymore. So use their weaknesses accordingly to save yourself. With this, you would never be vulnerable for at least the next 20-30 years. I'll keep updating this from time to time, but there's a clause, the whole data is divided among the three lockers, so you could only defeat anyone when you are together... I know you all would be together always, but still I could never take a chance", he said, Ranveer and Avyan remained stunned at the BEAST's forward-thinking, planning, and how far he could go to protect his family. But Isha was furious... She threw the key at him furiously...

"Ishu...", Ranveer tried to stop his sister...

"How dare you Rana sa ?", Isha asked her husband, anger filled her veins... She didn't like the way he was talking, as if something would definitely happen to him and they had to deal with things in his absence and she didn't like that thought even a bit...

"Isha...", Abhyansh tried softly... Tears were about to flow but Abhyansh shook his head and she tried hard to stop them... "You will listen to the functionality and how this works... Only after all that will we talk", Abhyansh announced, Isha glared at her husband but he ignored it for now... He asked Bhairav to explain them about how this database works in detail.

Bhairav was done after 2 hours and after the brief, he left from there excusing himself and as soon as he did, Isha slapped her husband's arm in fury...

"What's all this nonsense ? What do you think of yourself ? Are you God ? OR you think you are the smartest huh ? Use this cunning brain of yours to end all your enemies, protect yourself... to prevent all possible attacks on you... Nothing would happen to you... You hear me ? Nothing... I would kill everyone if they think of harming your hairstrand... I'll slit their throats... I'll...", Isha said slapping his arms, her words breaking at the end...

Abhyansh hugged his wife ruffling her hair calmly while she kept slapping his chest harshly for his stupid words and he calmly took her blows calming her patiently. Ranveer and Avyan looked at their siblings with tears in their eyes... Their siblings' behavior did shock them as both of them behaved out of character, while Isha was never the violent and burst out kind of person, she did when it came to her husband while Abhyansh was never the patient, calm and tolerating kind of person, he handled his wife lovingly, calmed her with patience. Both of them got out of character and the reason was purely their love.

Ranveer for the first time approved of Abhyansh, from the time he realized his sister got married to the BEAST seeing the amount of love his eyes held, and the determination and his will to change for his sister, to become a better person, a person she deserved.

"I wasn't going anywhere... It was just an act of preventive measure Rani sa...", he started but she cut him off

"I don't need any such things... Don't you understand ?", she blasted

"Okay... Okay... I understand... Calm down... It was my fault, I am sorry... Calm down", he said softly, looked at his brother and Avyan quickly understood his brother.

He brought water and handed it to Abhyansh who gave it to his hyperventilating wife.

"Feeling better ?", he asked softly taking the glass from her hand. She nodded, he understood her fear. After the attack on him, she feared even the thought of it, it became a triggering point for her anxiety... He sighed deeply, here he wanted to cure her anxiety forever but instead he was becoming a reason.

"You know I keep all my promises right ?", he asked softly ruffling her hair and she nodded tightening her hold on him. "Then trust me, I promised to be there with you all our life, and I intend to keep that promise... Stop worrying... Nothing would happen to me", he assured her and she felt a lot better hearing his words... She needed his assurance about his safety from time to time these days.

"Keep this key with you Rani sa...", he said calmly, she is about to protest but he shook his head sternly... "I understand you don't want to imagine that situation where you would have to use this key but it's your responsibility, take this and keep itwith you... As the queen of this empire, you have to protect it in my absence... It's your responsibility and I know my Rani sa would never backs out from her responsibilities", he said and she nodded with difficulty.

"I am leaving for office, it's been more than 3 weeks I haven't been there...", Isha said

"But you are working from home all these days... Take today off for yourself", Abhyansh suggested, concerned for her well being, he knew she might be tired and in pain because of their night marathon the previous night but was he guilty ? No...

"I am fine... I won't stay for long, just need to check a few things for the summer collection...", Isha said

"Avyan... You are coming ?", Isha asked

"Yes bhabhi ma...", Avyan replied

"Okay then... I'll go with you", Isha said, Avyan nodded...