"Which one do you want to drive today ?", Ranveer teased Avyan... Since the time Avyan got access to his brother's exclusive fleet of car collection, he was having the time of his life driving all of those, changing cars as if changing shirts... and Ranveer wanted to put him in a spot by asking about it in front of Abhyansh who didn't like the fact that his brother gets the access to his babies.

"It would be nice if your standard of work match the cars you drive", Abhyansh taunted his brother... No matter how goodAvyan did, Abhyansh kept taunting him because he knew his brother was capable of doing better.

"It would be nice if your words match that of a brother's instead of a saas's (mother-in-law)", Isha taunted her husband, Ranveer and Abhyansh glared at her for always coming to Avyan's rescue while Avyan hid his chuckle.

"Rani sa...", Abhyansh tried his wife though he knew that would do very little to stop her.

"Ishu... What wrong did Ranawat say ?", Ranveer defended his brother-in-law surprising everyone.

"When did this Ram-Ravan jodi turn into that of Ram-Vibhishan?", Isha asked raising her brows at her brother and then to her husband who looked clueless as well.

"Hawww Ishu... How can you compare your husband with Raavan ? I agree that's the truth but you can't just say it bacha... Humne yeh sanskaar diye ?(Where are the values I taught you)", Ranveer started his drama earning a glare from his sister as well as his brother-in-law.

"Bhai... Dare you to call my husband Raavan...", Isha warned showing her forefinger to Ranveer.

"I didn't, you did", he fought back, irritating his sister.

"I didn't", she shrieked in protest.

"Sh... Relax... It's okay...", Abhyansh pulled his wife by her shoulder and calmed her.

"Look at him... he is talking nonsense", Isha complained to her husband... She was offended by the way her brother's reference to her husband.

"Well, he wasn't wrong ?", Abhyansh said and Isha glared at him too but soon her glare turned into a giggle... "Since he was smart to figure that out... I'm sure he is smart enough to know what kind of treatment to expect from a 'Raavan' ", Abhyansh said quoting 'Raavan'.

"Ranawat... Don't be like that... I was just kidding", Ranveer whined, he knew his brother-in-law's beast form was unbearable, so it's better not to irk him. Isha & Avyan laughed at him while Abhyansh just smirked.

"Ishu... Stop laughing idiot", Ranveer said acting like choking her but quickly got pulled away by his beast of a brother-in-law.

"I'm not the only one laughing... Avyan is too...", Isha told her brother...

"Doesn't matter, you shouldn't laugh... that's all", Ranveer argued, Abhyansh shook his head and walked to his chair to finish his work not wanting to waste his time on brother-in-law's childish antics.

"Okay... then we'll leave...", Isha informed her husband who nodded at her, Avyan greeted his brother and bid bye to Ranveer before leaving.

After Isha and Avyan left, Ranveer and Abhyansh started their discussion about Isha's condition in detail. After some time, they looped in Dr. Sangeeta and Dr. Parthasarathy, a world-renownedpsychologist, he was an Indian-origin American doctor, and after getting his profile verified, Abhyansh hired him, and asked Dr. Sangeeta to brief him about it months before. All four discussed Isha's case, and Ranveer answered the questions posed by Dr. Parthasarathy, related to Isha. And they discussed various possibilities and based on the past scenarios and Isha's possible reaction. After 4 hours of continuous discussion, Dr. Parthasarathy gave a conclusion statement.

"After carefully considering all the options, I think Maharaj had to make a hard choice either way. As a doctor, it's my duty to tell you about the consequences... The truth might have adverse affects on her, and as you said, if a figment of the past could trigger a panic attack of that level, then the whole past could be catastrophic for her, but there are chances she could fight back, getting stronger but the chances are bleak, considering her emotions towards her parents especially her father like Mr. Rajput has mentioned. I would suggest you not to take that risk of revealing the truth now... But, if you don't, it would also be fatal... Hm, maybe it would be better to tell Rani sa after we get to know the cause of her panic attack in the first place, if we get to the root of the problem, it would be easy to figure out a solution", Dr. Parthasarathy put forward his opinion aftera careful analysis of ifs and buts. "Your thoughts on this Dr. Sangeeta ?", he asked

"um... the same sir... I believe it's safe to wait for Isha... I mean Rani sa to disclose the truth that's sowed deep in her head, that would solve the whole problem I feel", Dr. Sangeeta said

"When can I expect you in India Dr. Parthasarathy ?", Abhyansh asked coldly

"Next Month Maharaj... I'll see Rani sa then... Hope it's enough time for you to convince her to see me ?", Dr. Parthasarathy asked and Abhyansh nodded.

"Can I say something ?", Ranveer pointed out... everyone waited for him to continue... "I think telling Isha the truth would be a better option... We don't know what lies in it but I feel the knowledge of the truth could calm Isha like none, it might hurt her, ache her, but she would come back stronger, she would handle herself and Ranawat and I are there anyways", Ranveer said

"If it's only hurt and ache, it's fine, but if at all it triggers her panic attack, it could get fatal for her. As much as I understood from the case I studied, she feels a shortage of breath and choking the struggle was really bad... these are very sensitive issues and we need to think a lot before acting, to be brutally honest with you, one impulsive act is enough to end her life", Dr. Parthasarathy said, Ranveer's and Dr. Sangeeta's eyes widened at the statement he used in front of the beast

"Watch that mouth Dr. Parthasarathy...", Abhyansh said coldly.

"My apologies Maharaj... What I meant was I need to study Rani sa's condition closely before deciding on anything... Till now, Rani sa hadn't subjected to a proper session, she was only treated temporarily when she suffered panic attacks according to Dr. Sangeeta", The old doctor quickly reframed his words correcting his spects. "I need her to cooperate in the sessions and only then could we figure out a solution, because she has revealed how she feels at the time of the attack and Dr. Sangeeta has explained it to me but I need to hear it from the patient myself before concluding anything", He added, Abhyansh fisted his palms hearing the term 'patient' for his wife but he controlled himself.

After discussing a few more things, the call was ended.

"Ranawat... How are you going to deal with this now ?", Ranveer asked his brother-in-law. Now, he understood his brother-in-law's urgency. Though Abhyansh didn't voice out, Ranveer understood that now the BEAST was ready to reveal the truth at least to Isha, but he was waiting for her to get fine.

"She had to agree", Abhyansh said and Ranveer noticed the tenacity in his brother-in-law's tone but Ranveer wondered how Abhyansh would convince his stubborn sister, he had been trying to cooperate with the treatment for years but she was adamant on not taking any kind of treatment. His sister obeyed his every word, especially if something was worrying him, she always complied to his wishes, she did anything to lessen hisworries but when it came to her health, she refused any kind of medical help despite his extreme worries and he didn't understand why ?