"And now made a strategy to end Rana sa", Isha said, her tone unwavering, but cold rage filled it instead.
"Who was the mastermind ?", Isha asked looking at the two, Bhairav pointed at the man on the left side...
"Forgive me Your highness... Forgi...", he started begging but Isha slit his throat picking up the knife beside her...
Everything happened in a second that no one could believe their eyes... The kindest person they have ever known just slit a man's throat and sat there with unwavering confidence and pride in her eyes. Ranveer was the most shocked out of all...
"Ishu....", Ranveer muttered in shock but Isha was too much in her rage that she didn't hear him...
She was about to slit the other man as well when Ranveer quickly jumped into action, pulling away the sharp knife called 'Chura' from her...
"Give it to me bhai... they deserve it for plotting against Rana sa...", Isha asked, her tone calm and cold but Ranveer knew this would affect his sister later...
"Avyan... Take this and end this ba***rd", Ranveer said throwing the knife at Avyan who caught it and slit the throat of another strategist, Isha looked at it with calmness looping up.
Ranveer sighed joining his forehead with his sister's. His eyes were filled with pain and worry. He thought he understood what she was going through seeing her husband suffering but he didn't. His sister was a person who cried for two hours and didn't have food for 2 days because she stepped on an antunintentionally. The very same sister today killed a man without a single tear escaping her eye, and that itself explains how much she loved her husband and how badly all this affected her.
"I just couldn't control it, every breath they were taking was making me suffocated, they don't have the right to stay alive, but the others won't die so easily", Isha declared
"Bhairav, implement 2, 7, 9, and 11 on them for today, will decide on tomorrow's schedule after seeing their condition", Isha said and turned to walk away.
"What are these codes ?", Ranveer asked but before Avyan could answer, they heard Bhairav ordering the trained men to implement the punishments.
The 4 codes involved very painful sorts of torturous punishments from pricking the body to pulling away the nails, scrapping the skin to breaking bones...
Hearing Bhairav's instructions, Neil Singhania shivered in fear and decided to use one final card he possessed, to escape punishment.
"Isha... beta, don't do this to me... I did everything for you, I'm not your enemy, I'm your father's best friend... Please trust me...", Neil vents out halting Isha's steps... Bhairav's and Ranveer's eyes widened, they didn't expect Neil Singhania to actually blurt it out but he did. Ranveer obviously knew he was his bhabosa's friend but he didn't see him much with Amar in his last days, Ranveer didn't know what happened but seeing Neilnow, he knew his uncle might have severed ties with him after knowing his real face. Ranveer just hoped his sister wouldn't melt now, hearing her father's name or seeing anyone talking about him or anyone who knew him had always melted Isha's heart. She was so vulnerable that she went to any lengths to just hear a single word about her father, she didn't remember much of him so she craved to hear about him and know him.
Ranveer just hoped she wouldn't do that now and hurt Abhyansh's feelings.
"So ?", Isha asked, her nonchalant response startled Ranveer while Bhairav had a proud smirk on his face. "You are a man who plotted against my husband and you deserve only pain, nothing else, I don't care if you are my father's best friend or his brother or anyone related to him... To me You are just my husband's culprit and you will suffer, that's all...", Isha said... "Bhairav... Make him suffer double... This man has no spine, he betrayed his dead best friend by trying to kill his son-in-law", Isha said and walked away.
Avyan didn't know why but he laughed looking at Neil Singhania's face.
"Avyan Singh Ranawat...", Neil shouted, but Avyan stormed towards him and gave a tight slap across his face making him fall down, this step surprised everyone... He was never the violent prince, but looking at his fury today, and remembering how he slit someone's throat just a few minutes back, made their men wonder what has happened to their yuvraj.
"Dare you open your mouth... I will see your end for trying to harm my bhai sa... Bhairav... You can go home with Bhabhi Ma and Ranveer, I'll make sure all the punishments are implemented correctly", Avyan ordered... Now he knew only when he sees his brother's perpetrators suffer, the fire inside him would calm down a bit.
Ranveer saw Avyan's innocence, and playfulness burning into ashes there. He saw the same happening with his sister too the very same day. He hated Neil Singhania and Marcus Rizzo and all of their allies more for destroying the two kind souls. Abhyansh and Ranveer had to kill their innocence and take up a harsher route to protect what they believed in, but they at least thought of protecting their siblings' innocence but today they failed, and this anguished Ranveer.
"Bhairav... We'll drop Isha and come back... I need to have a long conversation with Singhania", Ranveer said and Bhairav nodded.
Both of them walked out and seeing Isha already settled in the car, Ranveer silently moved to the back seat to sit beside her and Bhairav settled in the passenger seat.
"Ishu... Bacha... it's okay...", Ranveer tried to get an emotion out of his sister but she sat there like a cold rock, he knew her ruthless act might be running in her head, he wanted her to respond to him, react on what has happened but she just sat there.
Ranveer closed the partition thinking she may open up now but she didn't.
"Are you regretting it bacha ? It's okay if you do...", Ranveer started but Isha shook her head.
"Why would I regret bhai ? They deserved to die, the only regret I had is I couldn't give them enough pain, I gave them an easy death, but no problem, that's the right thing to do, as they were the strategists, they didn't have enmity with Rana sa, I'm sure he might have done the same if he was in my place", she said and Ranveer recollected how Abhyansh killed Alvizze Rizzo just with a bullet and didn't torture him. He was amazed with the knowledge his sister had about her husband though he was sure Abhaynsh might have never discussed with her his plans on how he tortured his enemies.
Her coldness is affecting Ranveer but he knew she needed time to come to terms with what had happened and then she might have a breakdown.
"Bacha... Whatever it was, you did the right thing... Don't ponder over it much... If you want to talk about it. just come to me, hm ?", Ranveer said softly and Isha nodded.
They reached the Ranawat palace, Isha went to the guest chamber, and sighed in relief seeing Abhyansh sleeping, she asked Amruta to leave and her mother-in-law walked away asking her to freshen up and take some rest.