She sat on the chair beside her husband and kept staring at him...

"You are back ?", his voice brought her out of her reverie... She was startled by his question...

"Where would I go ?", she asked trying to be nonchalant...

"We both know where...", he said and she sighed...

He opened his eyes and looking at her cold form he was taken aback for a moment...

"Isha... Bacha... come here", he said trying to reach out but she moved away. She didn't want her sins to touch her husband. That moment she understood why he moved away from her all those times not letting her touch him whenever he came back from the den.

Abhyansh's eyes widened realizing why his wife moved back... She killed someone... Like his wife, his Rani sa killed someone for him ? He wasn't disappointed, he was proud at her courage and her love for him but he was equally concerned on how this would affect her mentally.

"Isha... bacha... come to me... please", he pleaded softly but she shook her head and rushed to the washroom...

She sat in the shower for an hour and after washing up thoroughly she came out, changed into nightwear, and settled beside her husband who is now sitting leaning his back to the headboard waiting for her.

"Rani sa...", he called softly...

"I killed him, I... I slit his throat...", she fumbled, her tone made him realize that finally her rage was calming down and the fact was sinking in...

"Okay... and ?", he asked calmly... he knew how to deal with his wife... She was not guilty, she didn't regret it but she couldn't accept that she did it, because for her, killing another person was an act that was unacceptable, and today she herself committed it and that's what was pinching her heart.

"And I don't regret it", she added

"I know... and what does that show ?", he asked her

"That I'm not wrong", she said confidently...

"You are not, my bacha... But it's okay to feel dejected even when we know we did the right thing, it's okay to feel upset even doing the right thing... I know how it feels when you take a life... and I know you might be feeling it 100 times more than I do... I'm here for you... hm ?", he said softly, and slowly her sobs made their way and soon she broke down and he was there to join those pieces, handling her...

After some time, she dozed off in his arms, he knew it had been a tiring few days for his wife and he hated himself for letting her go through so much, for shouldering her with so much responsibility. Now is the time he took control of things but for that, he first had to convince his wife.

The next few days, Abhyansh tried to get a hang of things happening but Isha acted as a barrier in between him and truth i.e Bhairav. Well, that's what her drama king of a husband was saying for the past couple of days. These days his drama has reached another level, her brother is thoroughly enjoying it while she is irritated with the both of them.

"Rani sa... Just because you have power, doesn't mean you stay in the path of truth... I would reach to it no matter what... You cannot control the force of righteousness", Her husband threw another punch dialogue at her, and she rolled her eyes at her communist husband who is being too much of a revolutionary leader these days.

"Woah... Am I late ? Looks like Ranawat's drama started early today", Ranveer said walking in... Abhyansh glared at his brother-in-law while Isha ignored her brother as well. He only came there to increase her husband's blood pressure and she let him only because due to medication and recovery, Abhyansh's BP kept falling, and her brother acted as a natural cure.

"F**k you Rajput", Abhyansh said

"Chi... No... I am straight and I have a fiance Ranawat... and you are my sister's husband... How can I ?", Ranveer said...

"ISHA... Throw this idiot out of the chamber", Abhyansh shouted throwing the remote at Ranveer...

Isha came back with the BP machine and checked her husband's BP as she was advised to do so before giving him the medication.

"Your BP seems fine... Bhai you can leave, your work is done for today", she said, Abhyansh just stared at the crazy siblings...

"God! How am I gonna stay with these two idiots... I guess it runs in your blood", Abhyansh said

"What did you just say ?", Isha and Ranveer said at the same time...

"Madness runs in your blood...", Abhyansh said earning a glare from his wife and brother-in-law, but did he care, absolutely not.

"Enough of this drama now, take this tablet and go to sleep", Isha said

"You are right, enough of this drama, now I'm fully recovered, I'm leaving to my study, send Bhairav there", Abhaynsh said throwing the pill she gave, away.