"You both have 10 minutes, after that, you'll sleep and you'll go to your room to take rest... understood ?", Isha said, first order to her husband and second one to Avyan, both of them gave a nod and she left from there closing the door. She also needed to inform Bhairav about Abhyansh's condition so she left.
Both the brothers sat in silence for the first 5 minutes... Time was ticking and Avyan badly wanted to listen to his brother... and Abhaynsh wanted to express what he felt but didn't know how to... he cursed his habit of hating communication especially verbal.
"You don't have to involve in our diplomatic relations, I'll take care of that, you stay away", Abhyansh said, that was vital and dangerous work and he didn't want his brother to get hurt in any way. He wouldn't have to deal with them ever, with him alive and even after his death... He would make sure of it... He became a BEAST so that his brother could have his childhood and enjoy his life like a normal person, and just because of this one attack, he wouldn't let him lose it. Yes, he sure wants him to take more responsibilities but not so much that he loses himself in that vicious cycle.
"Bhai sa... I'm fine, I'm doing all this with my will", Avyan said knowing what his brother might be thinking, sure he didn't speak to him much ever, but Avyan always understood his brother because he knew him.
"I know... but I don't want you to, take CD's responsibility and prepare to take over as the MD completely, that's enough for now...", Abhyansh said...
"Till when will you keep protecting me ?", Avyan asked gathering his courage... He didn't know why but for the first time after 2 decades, he felt as if he was talking to his bhai sa, who wasn't a BEAST, just his bhai sa and with that feeling, his courage followed.
"Till the time I'm alive, and even after my death... I won't let anything happen to you...", Abhyansh said ruffling Avyan's hair... Tears slipped from Avyan's eyes, he never expected his brother to show his love to him again but here he is...
"But I feel so ashamed bhai sa... When they attacked us... it's bhabhi ma that saved our family, me... whereas it should be me who should have protected all of them, but she did it risking her life... It was my duty to protect her, not use her as my shield", Avyan said and Abhyansh shook his head... He understood that Avyan was feeling ashamed as a Rajput for being unable to protect his family, he needed to remove his guilt otherwise these regrets would eat him up all his life like they did to his and Abhyansh didn't want that for his brother, he knew how painful they were.
"You said it to me, but never utter such words in front of your Bhabhi ma... she would get so mad at you...", Abhyansh started and Avyan looked at him in surprise at his casual conversation... "It's your bhabhi ma's responsibility to protect you all... A mother always protects the child Avyan, that's nature... and for me and your bhabhi ma, you are our first child... More than me, she thinks so, she did everything because of her motherly love, not as a responsibility, don't hurt her feelings by uttering such words", Abhyansh said... he meant every word he uttered... That was what he was thinking when he taught Isha all those tactics and secret routes to escape in case of danger... The responsibility to protect his family was his and as his wife it's hers as well and more than that, it's her extreme love for the family and her motherly instincts to always protect Avyan and safeguard him that forced him to teach her everything that came in handy.
Avyan took his brother's palm in his and put his head on the back of his folded palm, his tears on Abhyansh's palm. What'swith his wife and brother wetting the back of his palm with tears, BEAST wondered.
"Mother is supposed to protect children only till a certain age, after that, the child needs to become capable enough to protect himself and his mother, if not, people say his parents raised him to be incompetent, I don't want that tag for my family, especially ma, you and my bhabhi ma... It's time I grow up bhai sa", Avyan said without fumbling, the determination underlying his tone told Abhyansh the whole story. He understood this brutal attack and successfully managed to change his brother... This was why Abhyansh kept all the previous wars and shootouts hidden from his family, especially his brother. Though this was the first time his family's safety was compromised so badly after almost 2 decades, attacks on him were frequent, but he always managed to stay 10 steps ahead of his foes, but this time they managed to outsmart him for only some time but now that time has ended. He wouldn't leave them for being the reason for this transformation in his brother and the pain and tears shed by his wife. He will make them pay, self-promised BEAST.
On the other side, Avyan too determined to punish the ones who did this to his beloved bhai sa. He would no more be that kind prince people knew of, or that incapable prince that their enemies thought him to be. He would become their nightmare instead, Avyan determined.
Avyan walked out and Isha saw his worn-out form.
"Avi... Your bhai sa is fine... You just saw him right ?", Isha asked him softly ruffling his hair. Avyan nodded at her with a soft smile on his face.
"Bhabhi ma... Ranveer will reach here in an hour... I'll leave after he is here...", Avyan informed
"I'll talk to your bhai sa, he can't send you to India without your will. I know you want to stay with him", Isha said but Avyan held her hand shaking his head.
"Bhai sa is right and I need to go there", he said and Isha sighed
"I know you don't want to go, so I won't let you", Isha said, she knew how badly Avyan wanted to stay with his brother till he recovered so Isha told him to stay but Avyan was stubborn to leave for India. He convinced Isha and at last, she gave in. She could fight either of the brothers but not both and she knew she could do nothing when both the brothers were on the same page so she gave up.
Avyan left for his room to pack his bags while Isha left for her husband's ward, which looked nothing like a ward, but instead a luxury suit. She rolled her eyes at her husband's thoughts. She knew the ward was built based on his preferences as if he would be staying there instead of his chamber in the mansion, Only if she knew that he spent many weeks there because of the bullet wounds he got every time there was a war... Whenever there was a war situation, Bhairav assured that he could handle it but Abhyansh always tagged along as he hated to let his men go alone and sacrifice themselves for his ambitions, he wanted tolead them always, and he was sure he could win it, some minor wounds here and there didn't matter to him as he always won, courtesy his meticulous planning. The injuries were fatal this time because Abhyansh didn't have a plan this time.
"You didn't sleep yet ?", Isha asked entering inside and settling beside him.
"I was waiting for you", he said
"I'm here... sleep", she said and he nodded. He wanted to ask her about a lot of things but he knew he needed rest first, he felt a bit weak which had never happened in about last 2 decades, the last time he felt like this was when he was grievously injured and when Advaita was killed. And his weakness told him he had lost a lot of blood and the injuries were fatal this time as well. He slowly drifted into sleep.
After an hour, Ranveer reached there and Avyan left for India after taking Abhyansh's permission.
"Ranawat... How are you feeling ? Good to see you alive", Ranveer said, Isha glared at her brother. Abhyansh rolled his eyes at his idiotic brother-in-law's choice of words
"Is that a way you greet your injured brother-in-law Rajput ?", Abhyansh asked
"What did I do now ? I asked you how you are feeling. What's wrong with it ?", Ranveer defended himself
"Bhai... let him rest, don't irk him please", Isha said and stopped their bickering. She knew her brother was glad to see Abhyansh fine but he wouldn't express his feelings ever... Abhyansh too was glad that Ranveer stayed with his family during these tough times and supported the family and business but would never admit it.
The doctor just walked in to take samples for tests, Isha and Ranveer walked out to discuss some other things while the doctor conducted tests, as she knew she wouldn't get alone time to talk to her brother since Abhyansh ordered her to stay with him 24*7.
"Bhai... What's the update about the state agency ? Did our plan work ?", Isha asked, for now she thought not to disturb her husband by telling him about the audacity of the state agency to do what it did, her husband had the power to dissolve the government with just a few phone calls, but she didn't want him to take that task on his head now, he needs rest and she made sure he got that.
"Our plan worked...", Ranveer said and detailed how the government was now facing troubles for its move against R Empire. The people got so aversive to this government that now it became tough for them to get re-elected.