"Don't be stupid Isha...", he scolded her, he couldn't let her blame herself. She wasn't the reason... Then it struck him, how did Bhairav know? Definitely, Khan must have given the details, does that mean Bhairav now knows? Dread filled his eyes and she frowned seeing the change of emotions in his eyes...

"What is wrong Rana sa ?", she asked him

"How did you guys find me ? How did Bhairav find me ?", he asked and she frowned at him...

"I know your Bhairav is so very capable but this time it's your wife who found you", she said with a teasing glint, she knew he had extreme trust in Bhairav and she was sure he might be thinking that Bhairav found him.

"Isha... Don't play with me, detail me everything...", he said with impatience.

"I heard your discussion with some Khan saab while I was asleep, I suddenly recollected it, and you clearly asked Mr. Khan to not let Bhairav know something... and by joining the dots, I understood, if even Bhairav didn't know about your whereabouts, then this Khan should be knowing about you for sure... Because I know you aren't that stupid to not let any of your trusted men to know your whereabouts...", Isha said and started explaining everything in detail, he was astonished at how his wife found him... Damn! That was unexpected... He always found her habit of only hearing him and responding to only him even in sleep weirdly satisfying but he never imagined that habit could save his life one day...

After hearing her, he knew if his wife knew that something must be hidden from Bhairav, she must have taken measures to keep it that way but he wasn't sure, what if she in her urge to save him, disclosed Mr. Khan's involvement to Bhairav and now Bhairav digs the truth ? Abhyansh feared Bhairav's reaction and his pain.

"Isha... Bhairav knew that Khan knew where I was ?", he asked

"What do you think ?", she asked in return... She wanted to know what he thought of her.

"My Isha can compromise with my word for my life at some point... But my Rani sa wouldn't... My word is dearer to her than anything and she would go to any extent to protect it", he saidconfidently and she nodded with tears in her eyes at how well he understood her.

"As always, My Rana sa knows me the best...", she said and he gave her a proud smile... "I didn't know why and what you are hiding from Bhairav, but if you are, then I was sure you would be doing it for him, and I thought it's better to let Bhairav not know Mr. Khan's involvement... I didn't know who 'Khan Saab' was, so I asked Avyan and luckily he remembered you addressing someone 'Khan saab' when he was a child and through him, I got in touch with Mr. Khan and got to know who is involved in this, I gave all the details to Bhairav and he found out all the bases... Mr. Khan told me only Bhairav knew all the bases so I had to involve him there, otherwise I wouldn't have... I don't want Bhairav hurt Rana sa... I tried my level best but somewhere I couldn't conceal everything from him... He asked me how I got all those details, I dodged that question and he too left it for the time being as reaching to you was more important then, but you do know that he would come back with that question right ?", she said and he nodded, taking her palm wanting to kiss it, she understanding his wish, moved her palm near his lips. "I'm sorry, I couldn't do enough to keep him away from the truth", she said and he shook his head...

"You did more than enough... I can't even imagine what you might have gone through all these days when I disappeared... Even with so much fear and pain inside you, you handled everything so well... I'm proud of my Rani sa... So damn proud", he said and she could see the pride in his eyes and she gave a lite smile but he still found guilt in her eyes... "What is it Isha ?", heasked, she could sense his weakness, he needs rest but she knew he is stubborn and wouldn't let it go until she tells him.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you... I failed", she said, tears welled up in her eyes...

"Despite doing all this, you are blaming yourself for not saving me ? Such an idiot you are Rani sa... Don't you still understand ? I'm alive because of you", he said and she shook her head...

"I didn't do enough... I'm sorry", she said sobbing, hiding her face in his palm... He let her sob as she needed to get her guilt and pain out... He couldn't even imagine what she must be feeling seeing him in that condition, he couldn't even imagine a scratch on her body and she was dealing with so much pain. He felt so helpless...

After she calmed down, he gently wiped her tears with his one palm while his other one was connected with wires and drips.

"You have let it go now... and it's done... I don't want to hear this anymore... The only truth is what I'm going to tell you... You, my Rani sa saved me... I know you saved me for yourself but still, you did...", he said and she smiled shaking her head at his poor attempt to crack a joke.

"I didn't... Bhairav saved you... He found all the bases and sent men to all of them with perfect planning", she said and Abhyansh nodded

"I know what Bhairav is capable of... but what would he do if you didn't get the info from Mr. Khan ? They reached at the right time and it's because of you, so stop blaming yourself, If you didn't act on time, I would have been dea...", he was about to say but she slapped his lips with her palm tightly...

"Ah! I'm a patient", Abhyansh whined at her harsh slap... Well not too harsh but the king and his tantrums...

"Then behave like one... why speak nonsense? Patients should rest... Go to sleep...", Isha said and Abhyansh glared at her but closed his eyes to take rest because of the sedatives... "Wait wait... Don't sleep... Avyan is on his way... Meet him and then sleep... Poor he, was so worried for you... I had to forcefully send him to his room to take some rest, otherwise, he wasn't ready to leave you", Isha said and Abhyansh nodded...

As in cue, Avyan stormed in, and seeing his brother conscious, Avyan got so emotional...

"Bh...Bhai sa... You are okay", It wasn't a question but a statement as if he is assuring himself...

"Yes... What will happen to me ? And how many times did I tell you not to fumble ?", Abhyansh scolded and tears made their way from Avyan's eyes... He dropped on the other chair and hugged his brother...

"I was so scared Bhai sa... Very scared...", Avyan said, he loved his elder brother a lot... He could give away his life for him and seeing him fighting for life scared him... Isha got up andwalked to Avyan and rubbed his shoulder consoling him... She took Abhyansh's free hand and kept it on Avyan's head, blinking her eyes... Abhyansh knew what she was saying... He wanted to console his brother too but this attack and situation taught him to make his brother strong... For the family's sake... Life is uncertain and he has to find another way to secure his family's life and that starts with making his brother strong.

"Avyan... Go back and handle things in the office... I'm fine now", he said coldly pulling his palm away from his hair, Isha glared at him...

"I'm handling work from here bhai sa...", Avyan said getting up from his seat...

"Do what I say Avyan", Abhyansh said sternly and Avyan had no option but to bow... He knew this attack on his family and him(Abhyansh) had shaken his brother and he wanted to make him strong... And something in Avyan changed too... Seeing his elder brother who was everything to him in such danger, his bhabhi ma protecting him and his family like a shield while he was not very helpful created pain and shame in him making him a different man. There was this urge in him to become ruthless but he knew that wasn't his innate nature, but situations didn't leave him a choice, if he couldn't become one, he could at least pretend to be one right ? That's what Avyan thought and decided. He needed to become tough and ruthless for his family's sake.

"I understand what you want me to do Bhai sa... And trust me... I won't disappoint you, from today, I'll take responsibility of the CD and soon take charge as the managing director of R Empire just like you always wanted... I'll work hard and make you proud... I want to take some load off your head... I also want to get involved in our relations with the Middle East and African nations", Avyan said surprising Abhyansh... He looked at his brother's face and Abhyansh understood that these terrible attacks and compromising of the family safety replaced that childish and kind brother with this tough and hard man, Abhyansh didn't like it a bit but he didn't have a choice either. If it was in his hands, he would want his brother to never change, that's why he kept him away from all the things that could hurt his mental peace but for the family's survival, it's important now.

Isha understood that there was a dire need for the brothers to talk now... She held Avyan's shoulders and made him sit beside Abhyansh.