"Does that mean you don't find any problem with this ?", Pratap asked
"I am not answerable to you...", Abhyansh said "Bhairav...", Abhyansh called and Bhairav instantly rushed there. "Get the arrangements done for Pratap Singh Ranawat to stay in the back palace. I'll train him personally every day from now on", Abhyansh said, everyone was stunned.
Ranveer and Avyan thought Abhyansh was punishing him for cross-questioning him and tried instigating him against the queen. But they didn't understand why he announced such a heavy punishment for his handicapped father. But Amruta, Isha, Rajmata, and Pratap himself understood that it was more because of the act he committed more than a week ago by slapping Amruta.
"Ji Hukum... (Yes Your Royal Highness)", Bhairav said bowing down and left after Abhyansh dismissed him.
"Pl... Please don't...", Pratap started gulping, his face filled with sweat... He had an idea of how cruel his son gets in the back palace, and the punishments there are crueler. And now he not only has one reason but two, Pratap slapped Amruta and now he tried instigating Abhyansh against Isha.
"You were so offended that my wife punished you... Reach the back palace now, the king himself will punish you satisfying your ego", Abhyansh said, his tone so low yet the pin-drop silence made it audible to everyone and the base of his tone scared the hell out of him.
Avyan and Ranveer frowned not understanding why Isha punished Pratap neither did they dare to ask her in front of the Beast who sounded so scary right then.
"Abhyansh... He is handica...", Amruta started but couldn't complete her sentence feeling her son's glare at her. She didn't look up as she wasn't that brave to look at her son when he was so angry.
"Yes, he is handicapped, and it's time his disabilities are fixed", Abhyansh said with finality. Everyone understood he was not talking just about physical disabilities.
After that no one spoke a word, Abhyansh finished what was on his plate, Isha was about to serve him more but he showed his palm stopping her, and got up from his seat. He walked away from there and everyone took a breath as if they felt even the air stopped circulating afraid of the beast's burst out. Only two people know they have heavy consequences to face now. Pratap and Isha looked at each other. Pratap looked at her with something that almost felt like pleading her to save him, and Isha looked at him with pity and anger. He not only doomed himself but also her.
Isha quickly finished whatever was left on her plate and got up to leave to face her husband who was extremely mad at her but even in that rage he didn't say anything offending or disrespectful to her in front of an audience. He could have at least questioned why the hell did she decide without consulting him, but he didn't, on the contrary, he defended her and Avyan. As much as she i happy about it, she knows that won't be the case in their chamber.
"Bhabhi ma... I'll also come", Avyan said
"No... Stay here, I'll call you when needed", Isha said, he could sense worry in her tone.
"Bacha... Don't...", Ranveer said, he knew his sister was gonna take the whole blame on her head.
"Bhai... It's fine... I'm sure he will listen to me before reacting", Isha whispered to her brother before walking to her chamber... She is sure the hall of her chamber must be a disaster by now, if she delays more their whole chamber would be destroyed.
She entered their chamber only to see what she imagined, the whole Mahagony hall of their chamber was now shapeless. Someone should award her for knowing her husband so well. She chided herself for thinking all this when she was in serious trouble.
"Rana sa... ", she shrieked when she saw he was about to destroy the whole antique shelf with his anger...
He paused for a second but pushed it nonetheless destroying the whole shelf startling her...
"Close the door...", he said and she obliged and manually locked it as well. "Stay there...", he said walking towards her pushing the glass shreds and other pieces away on his way with his shoe clad feet... "Hold my hand", he ordered and she did... He directed her towards their room making sure she was not hurt anywhere...
"Why to destroy everything and now be extra cautious about it", she muttered to herself as his cold aura didn't give her enough confidence to say it out aloud.
He made her settle on the couch in their room and he took the seat in front of her...
"I'm waiting Isha...", he said startling her... even his small moments are causing her shivers now...
"Rana sa... you can get angry with me... shout at me, but please don't be so calm, I'm scared of your silence more than anything... first, scold me, shout at me, after you let it all out, I'll tell you the whole thing, I want you to listen to me with a calm mind", she said everything in a single breath...
He got up and sat beside her taking her into his arms.
"I can never be calm after hurting you even if it's for your fault, so come on, now tell me...", he said
"Okay then, stay this close to me... I'm scared of you if you be so away", she said and a small smile formed on his lips, people are usually scared of him with his reduced proximity to them and here his wife is scared of him when he is far from her...
"Okay now tell me, what's all this ?", he asked
"Anshi's marriage was called off, and her fiance and his family blamed her just because of one mishap caused by Avyan... Avyan decided to take the whole responsibility of her life and happiness, so I found a way for it...", she said
"And what is it ?", he asked his tone turning serious... Her hands which are wounded around his waist fisted his shirt tightly in fear at his question... He very well knew what was going to be her answer but he waited for her to utter those words.
"So, I went to their place to ask for their daughter's hand for Avyan", Isha said closing her eyes tightly, her hold tightening on his body.