He slowly detached from her and sat in his previous seat that is in front of her.
"Is that all ?", he asked and she nodded.
"Do you think I am a fool to believe your vague story ?", he asked her sternly
"No Rana sa... This is what happened...", she started
"I know my wife and what she can and can't, so stop wasting mine as well as your time", he said seriously...
She understood she can't hide things now as it would only create more trouble for her and Avyan, so she narrated everything that happened and he listened to her patiently.
"What if I say 'No' to this marriage Rani sa ?", Abhyansh asked
"I would try to convince you till you agree Rana sa...", Isha said
"Avyan is still childish, he didn't get enough maturity to handle a marriage, I was thinking of handing him a key position in the company and the Board as well but he... I know how he is... But what disappointed me is how you reacted to it... You could have waited till I arrived or at least spoke to me before asking for their daughter's hand for Avyan... I don't understand why is he so eager to marry now... You both are idiots...", Abhyansh scolded his wife, she cocooned herself laying her head on her knees and arms in fear of her husband.
"He likes her Rana sa", Isha said meekly...
"Shut up... Don't open your mouth... I trusted you to handle things and all you created is a mess", he shouted, tears welled up in her eyes and soon they slipped out.
All these days she worked round the clock to handle things so that her husband would be proud of her but here all she got to hear was this, she didn't complain though, he was right at his place, she did mess up.
On the other hand, he regretted it as soon as those words left his mouth, he didn't think like that, in fact, he was proud of how she handled things in his absence except for this one thing where she almost got his brother's alliance fixed with a girl who he doesn't know anything about except for her name.
He quickly called Bhairav asking him to find out everything about Anshi and her family.
"Isha, you do understand what might be the consequences of your act, don't you? You want Avyan to marry a girl who was already engaged ?", he asked.
Abhyansh sympathized with what happened to Anshi. He mentally noted to teach the groom and his family a lesson for what they did to the poor girl. But for that, he wouldn't want his brother to marry her and suffer for himself and her for life.
"How could you say that Rana sa ?", she asked him
"Why shouldn't I say it Rani sa ? Avyan is my brother and his every little pain concerns me, she was previously engaged, she might have imagined her whole life with that man and now if she gets married to Avyan and is unable to adjust with him, both of them will suffer, their marriage would become catastrophic. And seeing Avyan suffer, will you be at peace, and will I ever be able to be in peace knowing my wife and brother are suffering so much ?", he asked and she looked down. Even she is worried about something like that happening.
"Even I thought of all this Rana sa... But I know Anshi is a very kind soul, she would definitely understand the situation and move on from the past", Isha said trying to sound confident...
"Will you be able to move on from me if something happens to me ?", he asked her
"Abhyansh... Have you gone mad? What kind of a question is that? I know what you are trying to do but your example is so absurd... I am married to you, you and that idiot who broke marriage with Anshi are poles apart. Any girl should move on from an a**h*le like him who thinks girls are just toys he could play with...", Isha said angrily, surprising him with her language. He mentally noted to teach that person a lesson for life who taught his wife that cuss word.
"Isha...", he sighed, he didn't know how to explain his concerns for his brother's life.
"Okay... Let's wait for Bhairav to get back with the information. After that we can decide on a course of action", she said
"We ? From now on, I will decide what will happen and you and Avyan will just be spectators...", he said...
She knew no matter how much he hated it, he would never go back on the word his wife and brother gave to Anshi's family. Until and unless this marriage happens, she is okay with anything, so she nodded. But only if she knew her husband.
"Where are you going ?", she asked her husband when she returned from the closet after changing
"Study", he said without turning to her...
"In the chamber or...", she started but he walked away before she completed... "Or the main one?", she said to herself... Her eyes welled up at his ignorance but she knew she deserved it. His anger is justified but she wasn't wrong either... She was put in a spot, she couldn't wait for him to arrive in India, and neither could she tell him on the phone.
She tried to sleep but couldn't, she took her husband's shawl and covered herself. She made coffee for him as she knew he needed it, she was about to take it to him but realized he might not want to see her, so she sent it through a servant and went for a walk in the garden after that.