"I don't know what you are talking about Ranawat", Ranveer tried escaping, he knew there is no way out but he didn't want to give up.
"You know", Abhyansh said and Ranveer sighed
"Ranawat... I have loads of work, I don't know how you manage all this stuff along with your regular office and your other work so well, but I can't... I'm just looking after the security arrangements and I don't have time for anything else", Ranveer said, trying to butter his brother-in-law, all he uttered were facts but he normally wouldn't like to praise the BEAST but this time he had to.
"This isn't gonna help you Rajput... either you spill the beans or I know how to make you", he said and Ranveer has no option left now, he knew his brother-in-law's ways are deadly...
"I didn't want you to find out about their visit to Anshi's place... Isha and Avyan don't want you to, I was just helping them", he said and Abhyansh hummed.
He didn't know what to say... He didn't like his wife hiding things from him, he knew she hid because she was afraid of his reaction and that's understandable... he can't control his anger sometimes, it's not in his hands...
"There is a reason I have handed you the security responsibilities, you know better about my enemies than Isha, you are supposed to inform me of every little detail about their whereabouts beyond their BAU (business as usual). How can you be so stupid Rajput ?", Abhyansh gave his brother-in-law an earful, whereas Ranveer is stupefied to hear his brother-in-law speak so much in one go for the first time...
"Unusually... I liked you talking more Ranawat... It's like music to my ears", Ranveer said and Abhyansh sighed to control hisfury, he so wanted to kill his brother-in-law with his bare hands...
"Rajput... You are bl**dy flirting with me, when I'm talking about some very important things...", Abhyansh said in fury...
"Sorry...", Ranveer said trying to calm the BEAST... "I'll try to take care next time... you can relax... I won't do it again", Ranveer said
"You better not, or else I won't think a second before beheading you", he said hanging up, Ranveer sighed at his brother-in-law's words, well they weren't just words, it was a threat and a very serious one. Ranveer knew he couldn't mess with his brother-in-law on this, and if he threatened in such sort, Ranveer instantly understood that the security concern for the family was high.
After dinner, Isha was sitting in the hall of their chamber when her brother came there...
"Ishu... you didn't sleep ?", Ranveer asked
"I wouldn't be calling you here to look at me sleeping right ?", Isha answered, she called him to continue their discussion which was left incomplete the previous afternoon. But before that, she wanted to taunt her brother to her heart's content for hiding things from her.
"Bacha... Don't speak to me in that manner, I don't like it, I feel as if I'm talking to someone I don't know", Ranveer said
"I'm hurt, I am angry... I want to know why you ignored me all those days ? You can't imagine what I went through bhai", she said, Ranveer sat beside her taking her into his arms, she put her head on his shoulder controlling her emotions...
"I told you right ? I didn't ignore you purposely... I was busy", he said
"What were you busy with bhai ? that you didn't even get some time to talk to your sister or tell her the truth ?", she asked and he sighed deeply...
After a lot of attempts, finally, Nandini Rana opened her mouth, all for what ? to talk in puzzles... but still Ranveer tried to decode it. And by her words, he understood that someone framed his bhabhosa(paternal uncle/bade papa/ Amar Rajput). Then the revealing happened when he secretly installed mikes in their rooms, he knew he was invading their privacy and that's the lowest he could fall but he didn't have an option, he was scared of his sister's life and how the truth would affect her. And the uncertainty of the truth and the unwillingness among people to talk about it forced him to take that step. He felt very guilty of doing that but he honestly didn't have a choice.
"Mom... Ranveer has been constantly asking you for the truth... I think it's time we tell him", Anuj said
"After that ? Get killed by Abhyansh Singh Ranawat ? I'm not afraid of dying Anuj, you know it, but I'm living for a promise, the promise I gave to your aunt, my sister... I have to makesure the truth reaches Abhyansh... I cannot die before that...", Nandini said and Ranveer isn't surprised as he knew it.
"Mom... What is it ? You told me almost everything about your life but not this... Why mom ?", Anuj asked
"I can't tell it to anyone Anuj... Abhyansh has the right to this truth more than anyone... until then, I have to protect this truth", Nandini said
"I never saw you speaking so highly of Maharaj Abhyansh Singh Ranawat before... I thought you didn't like him", Anuj asked
"I didn't and I still don't... because of him, my sister and brother-in-law didn't have a peaceful death, even a minute before dying, she was begging me to convey this truth to him... She didn't want him to blame her or her husband for whatever happened but Abhyansh Singh Ranawat never gave the chance to them... Even their death was because of their constant efforts to convey the truth to him", Nandini said and this shook Ranveer.
But that was just Nandini's assumption, seeing her sister getting desperate, she assumed they might have tried to communicate the truth many times to Abhyansh but that wasn't the case, that was the first time when they decided to visit Abhyansh and tell him the truth but on their way they met with the accident. Amar Rajput died by the time Nandini and her husband reached there but Pallavi was still alive...
"Pl... tell ... truth.... Abhy...Abhya...nsh.... and Am...Amru...ta.... ka...kail....kail...",were her last words... Nandini remembered her last words and sobbed. She only concentrated on the first of the gibberish words and to date she didn't understand that her sister was also trying to tell her something about Kailash Rajput.
Nandini already knew that the Ranawat Princess Advaita was dead and Abhyansh Singh Ranawat blamed her brother-in-law(Amar Rajput) for it but she also knew what actually happened. Her sister told her when she called her the last time and now Pallavi gave the responsibility of taking the truth to Abhyansh to her (Nandini) before taking her final breath.
"Ma... Sh... calm down, it's okay", Anuj consoled his mother while Nandini shed tears for her late sister.
"I would never forgive Abhyansh Singh Ranawat... If he had listened to me years ago when I went to tell him the truth, my sister and brother-in-law might have rested in peace... But that man denied them peace till today, I cannot imagine what would happen to Isha once she gets to know the truth", Nandini said wiping her tears...