"Arrange lunch in my room... 4 Minutes", he ordered and his efficient staff finished in 3 minutes. He moved his palm in a horizontal manner that meant 'Break for you as well' and his men tied the men they were torturing and started leaving for their lunch break while the men who were tied kept screaming, begging Abhyansh to kill them, he simply walked away with a smirk on his face.
His wife called him exactly after 5 minutes, and she smiled seeing him ready to have his lunch... He started eating, she sighed in relief seeing him filling his stomach.
"Have more, if you want to...", she said when she saw him closing the lid of the hot packs, she knew he wants to have more...
"I'm full, I'm saving the rest for dinner", he said
"Oho... Rana sa is going to have leftovers for the first time in his life huh... very nice", she teased him but inward, her heart was breaking at the sight. What's the use of all his wealth if he can't have a single meal properly ?
"Isha...", he groaned in irritation
"Okay okay, sorry... have more, I'll guide you during dinner, you can cook it fresh...", she said
"I can't cook again", he said and she smiled at him shaking her head...
"Don't be so lazy na Rana sa... please... Okay... I'll let you flirt with me while preparing dinner... I won't stop you...", she said and he smirked
"As much as your offer is tempting me, I can't take it, I don't have time bacha", he said and Isha nodded in understanding... She missed him more than anything, all she wanted to do is prepare all his favorites and feed him herself.
"I miss you so much Rana sa...", Isha said at last, she avoided saying it to him till now as she didn't want to worry him...
"Bacha... Just tell me what do you want, I'll do as you say... Just don't think about anything, tell me what you feel... if you want me to come back, all you have to do is ask...", he said
"How early can you come here if I ask ?", she asked
"I'll be there before breakfast tomorrow", he said and she frowned in confusion... he would be able to make it there really that soon ? "That's how much time it takes me if I start my journey now Isha", he clarified looking at her confused face, her eyes widened in surprise... She knew he had gone on very important work yet he is ready to travel back if she wanted it...
"What I meant was how long will it take to finish your important work and come back? Bhai was saying you would need to go back again soon", she asked him and he nodded... "Okay then, wrap up your critical things which needed your immediate attention for now and come back...", she said, her eyes welling up...
"Okay, will do...", he said and she smiled widely, her tears slipping down... "Don't ever cry when I'm away, unable to wipe your tears or taking you in my arms makes me go through hell... I haven't felt so helpless ever as I'm feeling right now...", he said, his face turning stone...
"Who said you can't wipe my tears ?", she said, took his shirt and wiped her tears with his shirt sleeves...
"Don't wash that shirt till I come... I want to wear it", he said. He wanted to wear the shirt that wiped her tears in his absence, he never had a favorite clothing of his but from now on, thatis his favorite shirt, the shirt that offered peace to his wife and consoled her when he wasn't able to. she smiled at the love dripping in his eyes for her...
"I'll be waiting for you Rana sa... Come soon", she said and he nodded...
"Now will you tell me what was all that call about ?", he asked indicating her phone call when she was at Anshi's place... He was waiting for her to tell him herself but when she didn't bring it by herself, he brought it up. "Why were you and Avyan at that girl's place ?", he asked and he noticed how she visibly shivered, there was fear in her eyes... "Isha... tell me bacha... I will handle anything until it doesn't concern you and the family's safety, scratch that, I'll handle even that, you just have to tell me...", Abhyansh said
"It's not about the family's safety... everything is fine that way, don't worry.... but if I tell you now, you will get mad...", she said
"Okay... I might but I'll try to hear you... come on, now tell me", he tried softly... consequently thinking to ask Bhairav to get all the details regarding the issue but his wife's words paused his actions.
"I'll tell you everything but not now, come here first... and I know you have a lot of resources, but don't try to know it by yourself... I want to tell you...", she said
"How can I leave it just like that Isha ? I can't take risk with your safety", he said raking his hair in irritation...
"We are fine, you can talk to bhai and confirm if you don't trust me... Bhai knows...", she said and he huffed
"It's not about trust... I do trust you but...", he started
"I know Ansh... you think I'm not aware of some dangers lurking, so why don't you confirm with bhai, if you feel there is something related to that, you can carry on with your investigation, I won't stop you", she said and he nodded.
They talked for some time before hanging up, he immediately dialed his brother-in-law and gave him an earful before asking about the issue, after he confirmed that it was nothing related to their security, Abhyansh sighed calming down deciding to wait for his wife to disclose whatever the matter is.
"Ranawat... I'll hang up now...", Ranveer said softly as he knew if he didn't escape now, he couldn't later as his beast of a brother-in-law would start his lecture.
"Not so soon Rajput...", Abhyansh said and Ranveer cursed his fate. "Why ?", Abhyansh asked, Ranveer understood that he is asking about why he manipulated Avyan's and Isha's location details when they went to Anshi's place.