"Of course", Ranveer muttered before walking to his sister... "Why is he brooding now ?", he asked his sister settling beside her... Isha just ignored his question lying down and scrolling through her phone.
"When are we going to Rajput palace, there are not many days left for your wedding... Need to look after a lot of arrangements", Isha said
"I know, did you speak to your husband regarding it ?", Ranveer asked
"I did, he wouldn't answer me, and now I am tired", Isha said
"These days, you get tired easily, where is all the food going? If not into energy", Ranveer teased
"This is why he is brooding, he thinks you are casting an evil eye on my appetite, I told him, you tease me for fun yet he is upset, don't do it in front of Rana sa, he gets offended", Isha said
"Who said I am teasing you for fun ?", Ranveer said and there started the sibling rivalry.
"RANA SA...", Isha screamed for her husband, irritated with her brother's teasings, Abhyansh rushed to their chamber, panicfilling his face... He relaxed seeing Isha's face, which looked irritated, not of discomfort during pain.
"Sorry...", she muttered guiltily, looking at her husband's panic-filled face.
"No problem... Tell me, why did you scream ?", he asked softly, settling beside her, holding her palm... Ranveer looked at his brother-in-law in surprise...
"Bhai is irritating me... and I have no comebacks left... So I called you", Isha said and Abhyansh glared at Ranveer.
"If you are done with irritating MY WIFE, go and do some actual work, Is the deck for the investor's meeting, ready ?", Abhyansh asked slipping into his 'BEAST' form.
"It will be, the financial department will send it by evening, I'll review and forward it to you", Ranveer said, understanding his brother-in-law's tough mood.
"Not necessary, you will be handling the presentation anyway... I'll join online if required", Abhyansh said shocking Ranveer.
"That's a week away from now Ranawat... and I'm going on leave from next week... It's my fu**ing marriage", Ranveer said, frustrated with his brother-in-law.
Isha slapped his arm for using unparliamentary language near her.
"Your children aren't 'Abhimanyu' to pick the cuss words right from inside", Ranveer said and Abhyansh glared at his brother-in-law, only then Ranveer realized what he said...
"NEVER... I repeat... NEVER say that... I won't let my children become Abhimanyu...", Abhyansh said, his tone dangerous, his aura started scaring Isha as well. Ranveer knew Abhyansh is possessive of his children and their safety but that just slipped out his tongue which Ranveer regretted.
"I didn't mean it that way, Ranawat... Sorry", Ranveer quickly apologized, Isha who got why her husband was so upset, held his palm and rubbed it with her thumb...
"Doesn't matter Rajput... You would never say that again", Abhyansh stated coldly, Ranveer nodded.
"What about my marriage leaves?", Ranveer asked
"You can take 3 days, for all the functions, on the 4th day, I expect you in the office", Abhyansh said shocking both Isha and Ranveer.
"3 days ? It's my marriage, Ranawat...", Ranveer whined
"I know... Ragini is also joining her work, what would you do sitting at home alone ?", Abhyansh said
"She will be working ?", Ranveer asked and Abhyansh nodded and looked at Isha, and that's when she remembered about the upcoming winter collection launch.They are also launching a new collection specially for bridal wear, and wedding collection...
"Yes, bhai... I forgot about it, there is a launch... actually....", Isha started...
"I don't want to hear... You guys are so bad, and worse is my fiance...", Ranveer said, storming out...
"Get the deck ready...", Abhyansh yelled, Ranveer turned and glared at his brother-in-law before storming out... Isha looked at her brother's retreating figure with pity and her husband didn't like it at all.
"Don't look at him like that... he deserved it...", Abhyansh said
"He didn't... everyone deserved that little break, especially after the wedding", Isha said