“Some guys from Cooper’s Crew. They accused me of betraying Joey.” My eyes widen at his comment. “But I didn’t betray you. The hit was out there. All I did was seize an opportunity, no different from what any of you guys would do.”
I reach over Leo’s shoulder, grabbing Frankie’s shirt. “Not everyone took the opportunity. Did you see any other Cooper’s Crew guys aiming for my head?” My voice grows louder. “No, you didn’t, you fucking piece of shit, because they’re loyal.” Leo’s keeping me back as my hand loses its grip on his shirt. “You broke ties with the Crew, who are now part of Malone’s Disciples, for the sake of money. To commit cold-blooded murder, you motherfucker.”
By now, I’m seething, so Leo has his guys usher me back inside the house. They close the door on me, and I kick it. My hands pump into fists, and I’m breathing heavy. Behind me, I smell apple lavender, an indication Teagan is there. I close my eyes to control my anger.
She asks, “Who’s outside?”
I shake my head, scooping her up, carrying her into the kitchen, and sitting her on the kitchen island. “No one of significance.”
My lips hush her for the moment, caressing her soft face with the pad of my thumb. I inhale her scent, which grounds me. When I think of all she’s been through being married to me, my insides feel like someone took a cleaver to them. It’s time my gorgeous wife is able to live without fear. As soon as I sell the house, we’re out of there. I’ll set her up in a house of her choosing, and we’re going to fill it with children.
Chapter 17
Joey’s in the process of making something for me to eat when I hear Leo outside giving orders. There’s a scuffle and Frankie cries out, shouting apologies, and then they fade. Leo comes inside, slamming the door. His face is grim when he enters the room. Isabella hands him Maya, which immediately puts a smile on his face. He baby-talks while rocking her back and forth.
He asks me, “How are you doing, Monkey?”
“Fine. My stomach’s a bit sensitive, but overall, I’m good. I can’t wait to get the stitches out.”
Leo’s head shifts to Joey. “He won’t be a problem anymore.”
Joey crosses his arms over his chest. “Are you eliminating him?”
“Won’t have to.” Leo looks down, wiggling Maya’s nose. “There are enough people willing to do it for us. Or at least, run him out of town.”
The doorbell rings, and Isabella jumps up, but Leo stops her and hands the baby over. He waggles his finger at her before he heads to the door.
When he opens it, he says, “Hey, Erin. Come in.”
She thanks him, walks straight to Maya, and asks Isabella if she could hold her. Baby cuddled in her arms, Erin glances at me and smiles. I give her a side hug, and we sit at the kitchen table.
Erin mirrors Maya’s coos, rocking her in her lap, and says to me, “You seem to be feeling better.”
Folding my legs into my chest, I respond, “I am, thanks. I apologize for—”
She bats the comment away. “Don’t fret. That’s what friends are for. We handle the good and bad.”
Leo offers a goodbye, going into his office, and Isabella takes Maya to put her down for a nap. Joey works in the kitchen, preparing something amazing. The man can cook. And he’s a sweetheart for asking Erin to stay for lunch, which she agrees to.
My friend offers to make us coffee. I watch her prepare the coffee pot and retrieve the mugs. This jiggles a Christmas memory free. I recall her and Elijah talking a lot at our holiday party. He even offered to take her home, but she declined, having her car there.
She hands the mug of coffee to me and sits. I wait, tilting my head to the right. A smile breaks across my face, and I bite my lower lip.
Erin’s eyebrows dip down as she asks, “What?”
“I just remembered something.” I walk my fingers across the table and take her hand. “A certain someone at the Christmas party, spending a lot of time with you.”
A rush of color flares across her cheeks, and with a not-so-well-hidden smile, she says, “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
I cross my arms over my chest. “Sure, you don’t. Does the name Elijah refresh your memory?”
“Yes, I remember him.” My foot taps her thigh, and my eyes widen, making her laugh. “Okay, fine. Yes, I’ve talked to Elijah a few times.”
The music from Joey’s phone plays, and he’s busy preparing lunch.
Lifting my chair, and walking it closer to Erin’s, I plop down and ask, “Did you sleep with him?” Erin looks over her shoulder toward Joey and turns back with a nod.
I squeal, “Oh my God. I can’t believe you did!” I touch her arm. “He’s so good looking.”