Page 43 of Chasing Storm

Joey’s angry voice slices between us. “I can hear you, Tea.”

Erin and I giggle at Joey’s glare.

I wait until he continues cooking and ask, “So, tell me everything about what happened after the Christmas party.”

Erin bats her eyes and she has a glow to her skin. “He asked for my number at the party, which I gave to him. I honestly didn’t think he’d call because there’s such a huge age gap. A twenty-four-year age gap, to be exact.” Her hands press against her cheeks. “He’s forty-seven.”

“So? If you get along, what’s the big deal?”

She sighs. “Anyway, he did call, and we went on a handful of dates. And not just your typical dates. For one, the man flew me to New York for dinner. Another time, we flew to Cape Cod because he wanted to treat me to a fresh lobster meal.”

“Damn, girl! You hit the jackpot.”

We laugh and she says, “Yeah, but I don’t know. I mean, he’s rich, gorgeous, funny, and we complement each other, but he’s still so much older.”

“What about the age bothers you?”

“I don’t know. Nothing specific, really.”

“Are you worried he’ll get bored?”

She gasps. “I wasn’t before, but now I am.”

“Shush. You’re a gorgeous, funny, and loving woman, Erin. All of your qualities are perfect. What’s not to love? I couldn’t ever have asked for a better friend.” She presses her lips together to stave off the tears. “Did he tell you he was engaged before?”

“Yes. He told me what he did wrong and has learned from it.”

“My guess is he’s learned and zeroed in on you.” I flip my hair over my shoulder when I add, “Who knows? Elijah might want you to become Mrs. Elijah Devane.” Her head flies back as she lets out a hearty laugh. “Now the most important question of all.”

“Yes! I’d say yes if he proposed.”

I hold up a finger. “Uh, excuse me, but that’s not the most important question.”

“Really? What is?”

“Does he have a big dick?”

Joey slams a pot on the counter. “What the fuck did you just ask her?”

Oops! I forgot about him.


He charges over to us, and asks Erin, “What did she just ask you?”

Her eyes widen, darting between us. “Um, I didn’t hear her.”

Joey places his hands on my armrests, leans over, and pins me with his eyes. “Why the hell would you ask her that about Elijah?”

My hands slide up his muscular forearms that have a vein popping out underneath from the wrist upward. I stare into his eyes, realizing how lucky I am to have this gorgeous man as a husband. Possessive and jealous? Yes. But I wouldn’t trade him for all the Elijah’s in this world.

I lift my body using my arms and press a soft kiss to his lips. “It’s just girl-talk. No biggie.”

His jaw flexes. “When my wife asks about another guy’s dick, itisa biggie.”

This makes me laugh, but not Joey, so I compose myself.

“Joey.” I plant kisses on each cheek. “Some women, like Erin and I, talk about our men. We discuss everything about them.”