Page 37 of Chasing Storm

Sean says, “My room’s the first door on the right from the stairs. Your suitcase is there, but you can use whatever.”

Without another word, I go upstairs to shower, letting the water hit me hard. When I glance down, there’s a tint of red at my feet, and I break down. Dropping to my ass, my head hangs between my folded legs, pressed to my chest, and I bawl my eyes out. The last time I cried like this was when my dad took my mom from me. I sit here until the water turns cold, then I finish washing on autopilot. Against the wall is my suitcase, so I stuff a couple of things into one of Teagan’s bags and add some items of hers to it.

Downstairs, my mom is holding Maya, talking to Isabella, so I search out Leo. I knock on his office door, and he tells me to come in.

He’s behind his desk, but I remain by the door and ask, “What’s going on with Jimar?”

“Take a seat.”

In a deflated way, I respond, “I can’t stay. Teagan’s waiting for me.”

“He’s been in hiding, but we know his whereabouts.”

“Then what are you waiting for?”

He leans on his desk, fingers steepled, and rests his chin on top. “All in good time, Joe. Even though we have a lot of cops on our payroll, doesn’t mean we should make it obvious it was us. Something happening to Jimar now would point them in our direction. We’re letting the fucker simmer for about a week or two. Enough for him to think the air is clear. When he pops his head up, we’ll be there to dismember him while he shits himself. For every finger, toe, and limb I extract from his body, I’ll let him know each one’s from us. As I saw at his neck to decapitate him, he’ll know it’s from Teagan.”

I nod, turn to leave, and he adds, “Joey, it wasn’t your fault.”

Turning to the door, I answer, “Yeah, it was. Tea is my responsibility to keep safe.” I glance at him over my shoulder. “That bullet was mine.” I pause before saying, “I gotta go.”

Sean is in the kitchen, making a sandwich, when I tell him I’m ready to get back to the hospital.

My mom must have heard because she comes in. “I made you a sandwich.”

“I’m not hungry.”

She takes my hand, leads me to a stool, and presses me down on it. “You’re not going back to the hospital until you eat something. You’ll be no good to Teagan.”

I sigh and take a bite of the sandwich. My mom smiles and sits next to me to make sure I finish eating while Sean lets out a laugh and shakes his head.

While we’re eating, my mom smooths back the hair behind my ear. “Joey, you look exhausted. Don’t you want to sleep here tonight?” I shake my head. “Then how about I pack some food, water bottles, sandwiches, and snacks, along with a pillow?”

“Mom. I doubt they want me bringing that kind of stuff there.”

“Humor me.”

Teagan’s bag hangs from my shoulder, and I cram the bag my mom packed under my arm. Sean drives me to the hospital, and in Teagan’s room, I find Podesta staring out the window. He turns when I enter. I stash the bags in the corner, offering him a water. Neither of us has anything to say. Teagan’s status hasn’t changed, and Rosie is still dead. Both of us sit in silence for hours until late afternoon when he decides to go home.

Once he leaves, I kiss my beautiful wife, whispering in her ear how much I love her. Her eyes roll behind her lids, but that’s about it so I get comfortable for the night.

Chapter 15

I’m wrapped in Joey’s embrace while he murmurs how much he loves me. It’s an explosion of emotion. There’s no other place I’d rather be than in his arms. His devotion leaves me breathless. We unwind our limbs, shower, and head out to the ocean. The air is the freshest I’ve ever breathed. In the sand, I look upwards, spinning with my arms open wide, laughing at how wonderful the sun and breeze feels on my skin. When I stop, I’m dizzy and stumble to the side. Before Joey can catch me, I run toward the ocean, giggling, glancing over my shoulder at the beautiful man I’m lucky to have as a husband. He’s chasing me, wearing a humongous smile, taunting that he’ll catch me.

I turn around to face him, and I’m jolted. My hands press against my stomach, and they’re coated in blood. My head raises to Joey, who’s running toward me, but the distance remains, as if he’s on a treadmill, going nowhere. His outstretched hand opens and closes while he screams for me to hang on. Even from this distance, I can see the glistening tears on his cheeks. So haunting. My prince falls in the process and jumps back up. Our actions are suspended, except our lips are the only things moving. He mouths, “Hang on. Don’t you fucking die on me!”

And a whispered, “I love you,” breaks me from the dream.

There’s a beeping noise and a hiss. The sound reminds me of when Joey was in the hospital. My eyes are heavy, but I force them open. The first thing I see is my warrior, smiling down, tears bubbling in his eyes.

Why is he crying?

He kisses my hand and whispers, “Hello, Love. It’s great to have you back.”

Have me back? Where have I been?

“Don’t try to talk. You have a tube down your throat.”