Why do I have a tube down my throat?
My eyes widen, browsing the area, and I panic. This isn’t our bedroom.
“Shh, it’s okay, Tea. You’re in the hospital.” He kisses my forehead. “I’m going to ask you some questions. Blink once for no and twice for yes. Do you remember coming here?” I blink once. “Do you remember what happened?” I blink once again. He sighs and continues, “I’ll tell you, but you need to remain calm. Can you do that for me?” I blink twice. “That’s my, Tea.” He sits in the chair next to the bed still holding my hand. “We were at a gas station, and you were shot.” The machines get louder, but his hand slides up and down my arm, coaxing me to relax. “The bullet hit you in the stomach and exited your body, which is a good thing. They did surgery, and you’ve been in the ICU since.”
Joey stands, kisses my forehead, and has a massive grin. “I’m going to get the nurse, Love. I’ll be right back.”
He disappears. I try to control my anxiousness while he’s gone. My eyes dart to the side where there’s a chair piled with a blanket, pillow, and bag. Behind the chair is a window. The sun is as bright as in my dream.
A nurse approaches me while Joey stands on the side near the window.
Offering a soft smile, the nurse says, “It’s so nice to see you awake, Teagan.” She leans over so I can see her better. “I’m going to reduce the ventilator. We’ll see how your breathing is and then we’ll take out the tube, okay?” I blink twice.
Joey responds, “It’s okay with her.”
The nurse emits a light laugh, and I hear the click of the ventilator. There’s a reduction in airflow, but I’m able to breathe on my own.
She pats my arm. “Very good, Teagan. Now, I’m going to shut off the ventilator.” The whooshing sound stops while my chest moves up and down. In a perky tone, she adds, “You’re an exceptional patient.” My eyes find Joey’s and he’s pressing his lips together to prevent himself from laughing. “Okay, now I’m going to suction out the tube and your mouth before removing it. Are you ready?” I blink twice.
My sweet man answers, “She’s ready.”
He holds my hand during the process, and as she pulls out the tube, I cough while Joey rubs my back. Saliva hangs from my mouth, so I swipe it away, hoping neither one noticed.
The nurse adds, “Your throat will be sore, so if you can, limit your talking.” She rubs her hand over my arm. “I’m going to get the doctor.”
When she leaves, Joey kisses my gross mouth and I nudge him away, saying in a strained voice, “Ew! I have bad breath—”
He holds my face in his hands. “I don’t care about your bad breath, Tea.” Brushing his nose against mine. “You’re awake. Alive.”
I place my hands over his. “Remind me what happened.”
Joey tells me everything from while we were at the gas station until I opened my eyes. He’s emotional, remembering, and stops to halt his feelings. My husband blames himself for not protecting me, wishing he got the bullet instead.
I take his hand in mine and push out the words. “Not your fault.” With a deep breath, and a swallow, I continue, “It’s Jimar’s fault. And as much as it’s painful, I’d never want you to take a bullet for me.”
“I’d take my life for you, Tea.”
For the first time, I smile, and then my eyes drift closed. “Let’s not go that far.” And I fall asleep.
In and out of sleep, the doctor comes and goes, and Joey explains the extent of my injuries. How gunshot wounds to the abdomen carry so many potential threats, including death. Kara gives Joey breaks, but he rarely leaves my side. When he does, it’s quick and back to my room. I know this because Kara told me, and once when I woke, he had left to shower and was back not long after. As if a child, he feeds me, kissing me after each bite.
After several days, I’m moved to a regular floor. Erin comes by to see how I’m doing. Joey said she visited while I was sleeping, and he’s kept her updated. She talks about what’s going on in the neighborhood, the viper women, who is to marry next, while I fade into my own thoughts. The shooting seems to be an endless loop. While replaying it, I flinch when I recall my hands coated in blood. Erin notices my slight movement and dazed expression, and she stops talking. She takes my hand in hers, asking me questions. All I can provide are one-word responses. I never imagined I’d be so exhausted at twenty-three years old.
Today, I’m being discharged with follow-up instructions. I’m scheduled to return in a week for the possible removal of my stitches. Joey and Leo are arguing over what’s best for me, staying at Leo’s or heading back to Michigan. So far, no one has asked me what I want. Sean has tried to intervene, but their bickering overshadows his words. I hate seeing them at odds, even if it’s only regarding my care. My legs hang off the side of the hospital bed, bouncing and waiting for the doctor to come in. I’m counting the tiles on the floor.
Things escalate when Leo says, “Teagan’s coming home with me. She wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.”
My head shoots up, and I see the slow descent of Joey’s Adam’s apple. Since I woke, the guilt has been written all over his face. Everyone agrees it wasn’t Joey’s fault, including Leo, but he had to stick it to him to get his way.
Joey’s guilt morphs into anger and he steps toward Leo, growling out, “You don’t think it kills me she’s in here? Seeing her in pain, knowing damn well it should have been me?”
I slide off the bed, wincing from discomfort, step between them, and place a hand on both their chests. “Please don’t do this you guys. I love you both, and no one is to blame.” My head turns to Leo. “Don’t ever accuse Joey of being responsible for the shooting.” He gulps down his embarrassment. Then I look at the love of my life. “Joey, I think it might be best I stay at Leo’s. With all the bumps and potholes in the city and highway, I’m sure the ride will be painful. I need to come back for the stitches, anyway.”
He distracts himself by glaring out the window for a second, makes eye contact, and nods. “But I’m staying, too.”
“Of course, you are.”
I gesture for him to bend down so I can kiss his cheek and whisper, “I love you.” He saysI love you, too,on my lips.