“Believe – Faith is believing without proof. Bourbon is believing with 80+ proof.” Bourbonbanter.com
Cade - September 2019
Work is hectic and having Sky around is unnerving on so many levels. It’s been a week and a half, and it blows my mind how naïve she is after Patsy asked all those questions. Some of the reveals suck. It pisses me off her parents hurt her. Sky has experienced too much abuse in her twenty-one years, and being seven years older than her, I feel protective. And she’s so fucking sweet. The last thing I need to know is that she’s a virgin. Fuck me, that’s not good. Or as she says,I’m still pure.Never a truer statement when it comes to her heart.
Sky wanted her clothes from her boyfriend’s place. I could have brought a couple of brothers and gone over to his house, but I would have beaten the shit out of him for abusing and abandoning Sky. If that happened, cops would get involved and I couldn’t risk my company. The best thing was to buy her new clothes, which I can afford. Besides, it’s been nice eating a home-cooked meal, and Sky is a talent in the kitchen. Since she’s unfamiliar with the area, she stays home and takes care of Armstrong.
There’s a party at the clubhouse tonight and I’m debating on whether to invite her. She’s too good to be hanging around a club, plus I haven’t claimed her, which makes her fairgame to the other club members. Her naiveté and cuteness are worrisome. Sky trusts people without question, most likely because of her upbringing and her inherently good nature.
I’m heading home, unprepared to talk to her about tonight. Several times, I’ve caught Sky sitting by the pool or lake, staring at the water. A gentle tease upturning the corners of her mouth. I guess she likes the outdoors and water. Many people love both because of their calming effect in a stressful world. Sky is the opposite of stress. She’s wind chimes. She’s beautiful. When she speaks, the hush of it draws out charm and eroticism.
Then again, it’s been too long since I’ve had some pussy. I might need to fuck someone to get Sky out of my head, except Josie. She makes it too complicated, always wanting me to make her my Old Lady, and nothing I’ll ever consider. Josie might become a problem for Sky. If she gets wind Sky is living here, Josie will turn into a Tasmanian Devil. Several times, I’ve thought about kicking her out of my club, but some brothers have their sights on her.
I sigh, rolling my shoulders back before entering the house. From here, the sun hasn’t set yet, its sherbet hue streaking the sky, reflecting off Bear Lake. Sky sits by the pool with a book, a blanket swaddling her shoulders, and Armstrong sits at her side. That damn dog amazes me. I can’t believe he walked Sky into town, sat outside waiting for her, and then walked her back. It was love at first sight for both. The thought makes me laugh. He has excellent taste.
She turns when I slide the door open. My eyes spring to Bear Lake to avoid gawking at her small, perfect bare feet, jeans hugging her tiny legs, and a snug T-shirt smoothed over her small breasts. I can picture my hands cupping them, her glorious eyes worshipping me. And now my dick is trying to make an appearance.
Fruitcake. Mold. Snots. Public Toilets. Broken Nose.
I collapse in a chair. My hand repositioning myself.
“Hi, Cade. How was your day?”
Does she have to talk? Does she have to look at me like that?
I sayehwith a shrug, looking out at the lake.
Sky closes the book she is reading. “I hope you don’t mind, but I borrowed a book from your bookshelf.” She holds up the book and says, “I’m loving it so far.”
To fill the silence, she pets Armstrong, perusing the lake. “I apologize for not making dinner yet. I got caught up with reading. Did you eat?”
My hand swipes down my face as I breathe out the frustration of having to explain the party and club. “Sky.”
She gives me all her attention. Her mouth opens in the shape of an‘o’. Now I’m imagining it wrapped around my cock.Jesus! It makes me feel dirty. Sky’s vulnerability and innocence are going to kill me.
“There’s a party at the clubhouse tonight.”
Her earlier adorable expression collapses. “Oh. Then I’ll make something for myself. Armstrong and I can hang out.”
“You can come to the party.”
Sky shakes her head. “I don’t think it’s a good place for me to be.” Curious, I askwhy. “I went to a bar once. It’s where I met Christoff, my boyfriend. There were a lot of things going on, which made me uncomfortable.” She crosses her arms and hugs them tight against her stomach. “Plus, I don’t drink.”
I want to learn what makes this delicate thing tick. “What kinds of things were you uncomfortable with?”
She rubs her arms, focuses on the water, and says, “There’s a lot of drinking.”
“There’s that.”
“The words from Peter the Apostle come to mind. ‘For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans chooseto do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry.’”
I can’t keep from laughing, and I see the hurt on her face.
Sky twists something around her finger. “I know you must think I’m silly, but God is all I know. He’s what’s saved me in life.”
I release a smug laugh. “You mean, he hooked you up with asshole Christoff so he can beat on you.”
Her eyes meet mine when she responds, “And put you at the gas station to save me.”