Page 18 of Quiet Chaos

I turn away. “I’m not getting into religion with you. You’re welcome to come to the party. The club is a big part of my life. We live by our rules and we’re family. I figured since you’re staying here, you might want to see what that part of my life is about.”

Sky turns in her chair to face the lake. “That’s nice…to have family.” We both remain silent, which stretches longer than I want it to.

When I am about to get up, she asks, “So, it’s a big part of your life. Why? I thought it was a club where you all ride bikes.”

Without looking at her, I say, “It is a club where we ride bikes, but a motorcycle club is a way of life. Where like-minded people get together, creating their own kind of society. We have a hierarchy and rules that all members abide by.”

“Hierarchy? Rules? It sounds like you don’t follow government or law.”

“Some motorcycle clubs are outlaws. My club isn’t.”

Her head rests against the chair as she turns to me. Chestnut hair splays across the back and caresses her shoulder. The dimming sun creates a softening effect around her face, like a halo. Sky’s this incredible creature who tumbled into my life. I’m unsure how to handle her unpolluted nature.

She snaps me back to the present when she says, “I’d like to know about your club. Your family.”

I hold my finger up, go inside to grab a beer, and make myself comfortable. I massage my jaw when I say, “Let’s see. The hierarchy is like a government with a President and Vice President.”

“Who’s the President in your club?”

I take a swig of my beer. “I am.”

Her face brightens up. “How nice, Cade.”

She’s too fucking adorable. Maybe it isn’t a good idea to bring her to the club. Sky is waiting for me to continue, so I do.

“Reed is the Vice President, and then we have Sergeant at Arms, Road Captain and so on. All members pay dues, attend meetings, and live as a family. We protect one another.”

“Sounds wonderful. Is Patsy a member?”

“No. Women aren’t members.”

“Oh. Why?”

I readjust in my seat. “To make things easier, we refer to the motorcycle club as MC. Each club has different rules, but all are men’s clubs. Women can party and hangout there, but they can’t be a member. Patsy is Reed’s Old Lady, so she can go. No other guy can touch her because she belongs to him. She is to serve Reed in whatever manner he needs and always support his wants. Reed supports her too, but his needs come first.”

“‘For indeed man was not created for the woman’s sake, but woman for the man’s sake.’ It’s from Corinthians, chapter 11, verse 9.”

Well, at least she made a connection between my life and her beliefs.

“When you say Patsy takes care of him, do you mean by cooking, cleaning, and having his babies?”


“What’s the other part? I’d like to learn how these women serve their men so I can be a better wife to my husband.”

Shit!The thought of her with someone else kills me. I can’t, nor do I want to, imagine some guy’s hands on her body, fucking her. I roll my shoulders to loosen the tension and vigorously shake my head to expel the thoughts.

“The women take care of their men sexually in whatever way he likes.”

Sky swallows hard. Lines and distress decorate her face. It’s a reminder of what she’s been through. I can’t tell if it’s from embarrassment or anger, even though I haven’t seen her angry.

“To clarify, force isn’t part of the deal. The men and women agree to this type of relationship.”

She remains quiet for a couple of minutes, and I let whatever I said sink in.

“Are all the women at the club there to serve their man?”

Why does she have to continue asking about the women?