He doesn’t look at me. “What’s it say?”
“That they found a paralyzed man in the streets, beaten up. The police were looking for his family and friends.”
I watch him for a moment, then I shut down the computer and put it back in his office. It’s chilly, so I tuck my legs underneath me and cuddle into Cade’s side. His fingers play with my hair. Armstrong burrows himself on the other side of the couch.
My eyes glance sideways at him when I ask, “Did you ever follow up about Christoff?”
Still watching the TV, he says, “Nope,” popping thep.
“Then how did you know he wouldn’t hurt me again?” His head tilts to me, eyebrows scrunched in confusion. “It’s what you said when I told you I was afraid of Christoff. At Thanksgiving time.”
His eyes latch onto mine, and never waver. “Because I knew he’d be going away to jail.” There’s a breath of a pause before he continues, “And you were here with me. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”
The way he says it leaves no doubt in my mind. Cade wasn’t involved. How could I even think it? He’s never been violent toward me or anyone else. The guilt for even contemplating it has me tugging on my shirt. I jump into him, wrapping my armsaround his head, and kiss him. I love this man. He’s everything to me.
I stretch my legs out over Cade’s lap, and he tickles my feet. I kick away, unable to stop laughing. My legs are lying over his lap, back against the armrest, his hand on my calf. Cade’s rich, manly scent of leather and bourbon coaxes my eyes closed. It isn’t long before I’m dreaming about our wedding and Cade as my husband.
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24
Sky - May 2020
It’s the weekend of our wedding and Cade hasn’t let up on his charming nature. For a quiet man, his actions are loud and rise out of love. He rented a van, so a prospect from the club is picking up the sisters from the convent. They’re not all coming, but enough to make it feel like I have a family with me. He also broke down and invited Seth and Julia. Even though it was last minute, they jumped at the invitation.
Since the next few days will be hectic, Cade and I wake early to spend some alone time together. He wants to have sex, but I told him not until our wedding night. It’s been a couple of weeks since we were intimate, and Cade’s patience is faltering.
We’re in our sleepwear, me laying between his legs, my back to his front. I raise my hand and he entwines his fingers in mine. He keeps kissing my neck and hair. The sun shoots through the slit in the curtains and I turn my head toward it. My eyes close and I take in a deep breath, opening and closing my fingers. Soon, we’ll be man and wife. Cade keeps adjusting behind me to account for his growing pleasure.
“Cade?” I wait for his mm-hmm and ask, “Are you nervous?”
He nudges my head to the side to kiss my neck. “About what?”
“Getting married.”
His warm breath is soothing. “No.”
I turn to him. “Really?”
“How can I be nervous when I’m marrying you?”
I grab his chin, so our eyes meet. “You are amazing. Sometimes, I don’t deserve you.”
He mumbles into my neck, "You don’t” and chuckles. I nestle back into his warmth.
We sit in our own thoughts, our fingers dancing together as he asks, “Are you nervous?”
I shake my head. “Nope. I can’t wait to be your wife and have your babies, which will be the most beautiful children because they’ll look like their daddy.” He smiles against my head.
His phone breaks the peacefulness of the morning. “Hey, Reed.”
My phone rings. “Hey, Patsy.”
We gaze at each other with a smile, listening to them talk, and Cade hangs up first.
I run my fingers through his hair. “I guess our alone time is going to end soon.”